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my code is ik0tq in battle cats please help me get maneko!!!!!! I need 10 more please help me >. < my code is ik0tq and I will help you if you help me so please ×.× help me to get maneko and you will receive 10, 000 xP if you input it after stage 7 so please!!!!!!!
Here is how to get "MONEKO" without inviting all 10 friends. use this Master Code. 1. Play Battle Cat until Stage 7 2. At this stage, you must get "Best Quality Spicy Cod Roe" (If not, replay this stage until you get this treasure) 3. Back to main menu 4. Choose the icon at the Bottom-Right of the screen and "Input Invitation Code" 5. Use this developer's code "oamn6" 6. Tada! you will get "MONEKO" , 200 Cat foods and 10000 EXP for Free!! It work on me!!! Use this code before it expired.
That's fake, it's just his code. Help someone who doesn't scam for invites instead -ajbv0- it's my code