You will end up with 33 Slots naturally through leveling (can't remember which level). The total cap is 40. I can't remember the prices. Storage begins at 50g and caps at 150g. Farming evolution materials is luck based but you can go on hot streaks or dry streaks. They are tuned to drop once every 20-25 battles though according to a posts on FB from devs. One day I got 5 and then went 2 days and only got 1. I'd say let penny pester you about the evolving a monster. The Specials give the most experience to monsters so they are great for leveling. The experience a special gives is 800*it's level*it's passive. So a level 20 Special with 3 star passive will give 80000 XP. That is equal to about 80 level 5 commons. I'd use the red ones for leveling and try to find a Troop that does the first raid a lot. When you beat the 1st raid 6 times you get an SR Ice Dino. Then you can use the Brainfreeze to Evolve him.
I've let them know that the inventory thing isn't good since it doesn't explain it. I think they will update it to be one flat price for inventory slots instead of the awkward increasing.
C.Hannum, thanks for the info! Tap-joy'd & verified that 40 is the max on slots. Is there a limit on the number of Storage boxes? One more gripe for the devs: as it gets more intense, the combo indicator covers up the matching area which obscures combos occurring due to drops.
25 is the max for storage. The first one is 50g, second one is 100g, third one onward is 150g (cap). This is similar to how a lot of F2P MMOs price their inventory. The combo+animation was a new addition with the recent update and has had mixed reviews. They will probably tone it down based on feedback.
I...did not know this. I suppose then if you buy the max amount of slots before you begin leveling the leveling ones stack on it. If you level for extra slots first, then purchase it caps at 40.
Game Impressions I find matching elements in this game to be refreshing compared to PAD. Maybe it's that the gems are smaller with irregular shapes, making them cognitively easier to distinguish. Maybe it's the subtle animation when the gems drop. Maybe it's the brighter colors. Maybe it's all those things! The story is a nice touch but starts wearing thin above level 15. Go kill a certain number of monsters or collect a certain number of monsters "because they have information" The engine is flakey as well. If I'm in the middle of a battle and lock the phone, very often when I come back the battle has exited and my energy I used to enter it is gone. I can understand that for PvP, but when it's just me against AI... why? I also had an instance where my IAP of some storage didn't make any gold coins go away. Bonus! Until the next day, someone must have noticed a glitch and my storage disappeared. Just two instances of odd behavior I've noticed out of the engine. While MMO elements seem like they should add a lot to the game, I feel like all it does is add to the amount of time I'm waiting every time I enter the game. If I multi-task away and come back, I've got to stare at the loading screen while state is restored. Gets annoying fast for a casual game that expects you to be playing every few minutes or on the hour to make the most of your stamina. And the social features feel under utilized, I never find anyone chatting. So I feel like PAD struck a better balance of in-game friendship and required connectivity, even if it lacks PvP and raids.
Love this game so far.... I wish you can get more then 5 turns per half hour. this is the first game i actually spent IAP money on. Ever... I even play clash of clans.... My question: Is there a way to expand my team to more then five monsters at a time?
Not that I've seen, and I've looked at a lot of other players higher up than me. I'm unclear why exactly you would think there might be. The balance has clearly been done around 5 monsters and 5 element types. Plus, P&D, the basis for this game's mechanics, likewise only has 5 player monsters at a time, only going above that via the friend mechanic for a de facto 6. I'll take the cooperative raid mechanic over a pseudo 6th team member any day of the week.
Game is sorta neat, it's like puzzle troopers and dragon quest. It's got some nice mechanics to it and it's original in certain areas. The Facebook spam is terrible though so I deleted it. I went on my Facebook after playing the first few missions and had like 30+ posts , sheesh.
Now, not that I agree it should be using Facebook the way it is, but avoiding it is so simple that deleting it over not wanting to change a simple permissions under Facebook seems kind of silly.
They fixed the facebook posts (at least for me). Right now it only seems to post a few times per day. If you want you can always go into Facebook to disable the feature as well.
Not a lot of people engage in zone chat at the moment, hopefully this changes at some point. Troop chat and messaging (at least for me) are heavily utilized. PAD is a good game but for me I just can't play it anymore. I just feel like I'm playing a one player game and that I don't really get to show off anything that I earn. After playing BC for months when I move to other games I just feel like they are lacking without the socialization. Hi battlecampers! I made a fan site for battle camp and there's a lot of tips , discussions and troop headhunting threads in there . We have also an active team manning the whole forums . And as the trade systems will be in real soon, we also implemented the marketplace for trading reservation of mobs purposes . Please do sign up in that forum soon as it will soon be filled up with many campers as well . The forum link : Please feel free to ask me anything . About myself: I am the troop leader of +65 and do hook me up in game if possible . My ign is the same as this profile name , JWONGHF . I am also the admin of . The server hosting and everything else are done by me alone . So you won't expect some free hosted forums in that forum itself . Thanks a lot!
Looking for a few more members for my troop! Looking for a few more to fill up my current troop! My troop is "Plaque Attack" and we are fairly active! Send me a message in-game and request to join, just so I know you're from toucharcade. My username is Mewoko. Only a few spots left. Please be at least level 10 with all rares. Have fun and see you soon! =D (To leave your current troop, click on troop, then rangers and then scroll down to leave the troop.)
Join my troop! I'm a gay man with tons of gay friends that play the game and we are combining our gay forces to kill bosses! Just started the Halloween boss on HARD MODE and he's already 4%. Anyone can join! Just message me on the forum and I'll add you to the troop. Not sure if it means we have to be Facebook friends first but that's fine Troop Name: Buncha Gays
Troop "Touch Arcade" still has plenty of slots (kicked players who hadn't logged in for a month today), but even being carried mostly all of about 4 active players, we're actually looking to pull our best troop wide reward yet from the Halloween Raid event. Maybe finally reaching a tipping point where events can start growing our power base, but more players would definitely help (nudge nudge wink wink know what I mean). If you're playing and reading this here and want to support the TA troop, look it up in game.
Looking for new troop! Hello! I am looking for a new troop to join who will also have room for my wife to join as well, tried to start our own troop but things fell through and are looking for a active troop! Very active and love to participate in raids and events! Please message me in game if interested! In game name: chugga4life