Argh... Can't believe I did every single contest and didn't even get a fake certificate of pity... That's it! Imma gonna finda Oliver anda keela himm! Wait a sec... It isn't Olivers fault. Huh. Who's to blame?
Haha I take my previous statement back. I didn't compete in all of the contests. I tried to play the facebook game, but my computer couldn't handle it. Like no joke, it almost crashed trying to go to the Battle Bears page. My computer is crap. Thankfully I have my iPod touch and laptop now!
You only won because you name got spelled wrong Battle Bears -1 or Battle Bears: Zombies should do a crossover with Minigore... I know some people on the Minigore thread who would rather play as Oliver instead of Envirobear... including me
OMG. SkyVu has another branch in Singapore?!?!?!?! I am so proud of them! (Singapore's my home country )
Awww Im sad to see that all the contest are over, I have been with this thread since the begining, no other thread has brought me more lols, but alas, this may be the end of one thing but the start of something completle more awesome....Battle Bears -1, ps. battle bears forever
A little confused. I have been awaiting BB -1 but what excactly is NOPZ? Another new BB games (that's not -1 or GO for iPad)? It must not be that far into development then yet right? And what does it stand for? Also I hope that poster about adding final touches means putting it better graphics for the iPhone 4 to view! :O
BB -1 is NOPZ(negative one point 0 or for short -1.0) because it's a prequel GO is for the iPad well i read that they have already tested the games
i guess to tease everyone, everyone tried to figure out what NOPZ stood for it seems BB -1 has been submitted already, may come out in a week or two