Olololololol, you guys are weird. Iloveit. PerodicGames: Aww, Battle Bears <3s you tooo. c: To answer your question, I have been informed that the mechanics for in-game character movement are overtaxing our flux capacitors and straining our fluid catalytic cracking unit (it makes shoes for orphans). Really, it all depends on when we receive our next shipments of fish shaped ethyl benzene and fiberglass surface resins. THIS WEEK'S CONTEST (in case you forgot): Demonstrate your allegiance to the Great Lieutenant by posting an image of something ridiculous to cheer him up. THE CURRENT DRAWING: aznriceboi13 Rblacula GodSon Whosatm Illegal Danish Will090 deiden26 drelbs
Video missing Salamander Soup, the scene where the temple and black bear ressurect the zombies is missing from the "play all videos". Just bringing it to your attention if no one else has yet.
Mondae - Congratulations! You discovered the super secret bonus video surprise! Also, yeah, it's broken. :/ Thanks for letting us know - I shall relay this to whoever fixes stuff like that around here posthaste. aznriceboi13 - Yus. BUT you continue to provide a substantial amount of lulz for both the SkyVu staff and the thread in general, and in doing so have secured a top yet ultimately fruitless position at the top of the list. Never stop bringing the lulz. Don't stop. Belieeeeeevin'.<3<3 Rblacula - ! I AM part of a complete and healthy breakfast. In fact, 9 out of 9 people who claimed they were doctors* recommend that you should't even leave the house in the morning without first cramming your face full of ME. *(http://www.marriedtothesea.com/080408/here-and-there.gif) THIS WEEK'S CONTEST (in case you forgot): Demonstrate your allegiance to the Great Lieutenant by posting an image of something ridiculous to cheer him up. THE CURRENT DRAWING: aznriceboi13 Rblacula GodSon Whosatm Illegal Danish Will090 deiden26 drelbs
)@u@( I knew that I had been feeling a tingle in my nethers. Such a tingle could only have meant one of two or three things and I am thrilled to learn that I can cancel my trip to the doctor as the epicenter of my groin tinglin' has been identified. Your hearts <3 You all love me, you really love me <3 As if I needed anyone to say so outright to know. Even if it wasn't true, I know that it IS true. Seeing so many or you coming to "my aid" (You're all really saving yourselves- if you knew the true circumstances of the recent events I fear your brains would chemically reconstruct into small ducklings or otters out of sheer fear and bewilderment- no one likes skull otters) has naturally and fully heated my many cockles. I can feel my spirit rising. I can feel my tendency to put others down with unnecessary insults becoming more and more flagrant. I can feel my eyeballs swelling with the sweet spores of love you're all excreting. I know now where my true home is <3 If you'll all please purchase white Nike sneakers and follow me to the next room, I will be sure to bestow the reward of which you are all truly deserving. I hope you all like "Wild Ride Transcendental Vanilla Punch Fruit" Kool-Aid or "The Last Supper" as it is referred to in a certain few back alleys <3 <3 You're all my beautiful children <3
Aw! Thanks, guys! Hey. Does the entire Battle Bears game take place on Ursa Major? Because in that one picture it shows Huggables orbiting a planet.
Red dawn wikipedia page I updated the pop culture reference on the Red Dawn page! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Dawn#In_popular_culture
does anybody think this game's descripton sounds a lil too much like battle bears? don't even think most of the description fits the game http://appshopper.com/entertainment/angry-doodle random pic
Facepalm -quote and insert funPny facepalm/fail pic here- we cannot stand for this!!!! And this thread seems a little unactive layldy (Oh NoZe!) so I have given unto thee a little arts and crafts activities above, enjoy
I've been in the room for three days now. Say something, Lt. Action. I'm starving here. Bring me a Grand Slam from Denny's.