LT, I have enough trouble winning when I'm in the drawing. I don't need you arbitrarily taking me out....where's the love?
(>;n> "If there ever was a drawing that I promised to draw a single name from at a predesignated time in the future, it might look something like this:" evilhomer- An entire poem dedicated to Us <3 Doesn't matter where you stole it from, theft never dampens truth <3 Will090- It will suffice <3 Whosatm- Here's an idea; you can do better <3 Mondae- The potentials of your described scenario titillates Us <3 Rblacula- Elegance in simplicity <3 Dylan1696- When will you learn that life's priorities are-MY EYES ARE UP HERE <3 sinuyan- You must be the son that I accidentally had <3<3 Truer words have never been written. "The List of People Who Have Yet to Satisfy My Ego and Point Something Out That is Both Obvious and Beautiful About My Eyes" Osujxu- Incorrect Illegal Danish- "Thou shalt do as I say because I said it" Lt. Action 3:16
Lt. Action - what I like most about your eyes is how they glow red with vengeful bloodthirst when noone is looking... And I'd like to be entered into the drawing.
You have a well figured face and proper bone structure as well as enough chest hair to turn on Zeus himself.
Hey guys I'm back, glad I arrived before I missed the chance for my great prize . What's the competition now?
you have a pair....of eyes that is. Other than that I'm not sayin' so, put me in the !@#$%^& stinking drawing or I'll just go and not win. Take that. (who needs a flippin' yellow golden whatever color ticket anyway)...and NO I DON'T NEED A HUG!!!! please?
Oh you guys )@u@( I can really see the appeal in running, maintaining and heading up a bonafied cult. Your enthusiasm and consistent mindless devotion to me spurs me to ACTION each day. I wasn't born the Lieutenant, you know. You guys heard of "Mad Max" and the Thunderdome? That is a rendition of what they WISH I had done to earn my title. And "Escape from New York/ L.A"? Vane and unflattering portrayals of myself created by "The Unified Earth Coalition to Preserve Weak Semblances of Security and Peace" to appeal to me, acknowledge my own awesome and persuade me to "just stop". Unfortunately for them, and the Earth, I have you guys <3 Each day I rise and each day the end of times menaces Earth's citizens. I do it for you all <3 Like a toddler who will simply wipe his highchair tray clear of any full to the brim cereal bowls just because HE KNOWS it gets a reaction, I keep coming back, keep bringing the pain because you guys are here to spur me on <3 Alas, while it is true that sinuyan is a back-baby grease bud designed solely to whisper sweet nothings to me, do not lose hope that you may be an offspring, a chip of the ol SOLIDSTEEL block, a descendant of ACTION. 1992 was one of my darker years- darker in that I spent a lot of it with a blindfold on, indiscriminately dispensing my own brand of love in my immediate vicinity. Blanketing the amber waves of grain with a better, more potent type of grain, or seed, if you will. You are all my children; it's just safest to assume so. Also, daddy has favorites- better up your game. THE CURRENT DRAWING: evilhomer- An entire poem dedicated to Us <3 Doesn't matter where you stole it from, theft never dampens truth <3 Will090- It will suffice <3 Whosatm- Here's an idea; you can do better <3 Mondae- The potentials of your described scenario titillates Us <3 Rblacula- Elegance in simplicity <3 Dylan1696- When will you learn that life's priorities are-MY EYES ARE UP HERE <3 sinuyan- You must be the son that I accidentally had <3<3 Truer words have never been written. Negamaki- Eehhh.. I'll allow it <3 Drelbs- You should see me after I get a few in my system, ifyouknowwhatImean <3 Illegal Danish- THAT is more like it <3 pajo_ojap- Giddy giggle waves have rippled through many of what I have "in pairs". That'll do, pig <3 "The List of People Who Have Yet to Satisfy My Ego and Point Something Out That is Both Obvious and Beautiful About My Eyes" Osujxu- Incorrect REMINDER! I'm REALLY awesome. REMINDER PEE ESS To get into this weeks drawing you merely need to request to be put in while simultaneously regaling my ocular orbs with sufficient compliment. "GOOD LUCK"
HOW DARE YOU, SIR?! BESMIRCH my good name by insinuating that I might ever make a mistake?! CHECK YOSELF, HOMIE. Take another look at the "drawing". EVERYONE take another look. See how this man amended my words to exclude HIMSELF perhaps to inspire sympathy, perhaps to persuade compassionNOTTHISTIME. Also, please conveniently avoid noticing the "edited by" tag at the bottom of the post in question. It's a test. These forums lie to you. A weaker man, evilhomer, would have apologized**. Lets all thank our lucky, lucky stars that I do not possess weakness in any form, physical or psychological. My body, as well as my mind, are as dense as a majestic grizzly with shark skin instead of fur and multiple levels of Hell where the teeth should be. ** I'm so sorry (>*n*)> You're back in your rightful place at the TOP of the drawing and I'll never let go. Never let go <3
Oh your eyes! Your eyes! They are an endless well of knowledge and desire. Piercing through the night they see beyond the physical and into the ethereal. The stories they tell ripple through the ocean encompassing us into their snuggie like grasp. The eccentricities of a genius, the compassion of a mother, the air of one who cares, who's exterior houses a soul of interconnecting complexities of passion and sweet nectar. Ah, the stare. That stare. It says a pantheon, an epitome. Wheels of time they are. A history, a history that seems so little, but in fact is the structure of us all. What are eyes, but a gateway to another world, a world which bears open doors of opportunity for riches. Oh no, not gold nor diamonds, but enlightenment to an universe greater than all of us...
Okay, okay. I see how it is. Everyone is happy to sit around and suckle upon my teets as long as you're all being entertained but I turn my back for 6 DAYS and our beautiful topic falls to the 5th page. If I wasn't as disgusted as I could possibly be with you all I would be even more disgusted than I am now. Every bad thing you, yes you, have ever done in your life doesn't COMPARE to the insult you've collectively delivered to my very own ego. Every current, past and future transgressions of yours will be/is/are dwarfed by what has happened here today. The Battle Bears topic is not receiving 100% of the attention of the boards and THAT is just not right. I give and I give and I give and you reach up and snatch away my dangly bits and just LEAVE. It's a good thing for ALL OF YOU that I was irrevocably psychologically damaged in childhood and my need to be loved far outweighs my ability to see when I'm being used, taken advantage of- ABUSED. I will do the abusing around here, thank you. The abusing of myself by the continuance of cutting open my abdomen and spilling forth my honorable secrets. In all seriousness (whatever that means) I've been meaning to give you guys SOMETHING exclusive. Something that no other website has in any one of their dank, rotting nooks. This rotting nook is where I want to share my secrets with you. This nook is where things get intimate. I have NOT come empty handed. Today I have a wonderful thing to share with you all. Today I wish to show you Every single storyboard for BATTLE BEARS -1's cut-scenes. Every bit of planning that has gone into the cut-scenes that we have finished AND are currently working on. BEHOLD (Click that, stupid) Also, since I'm such a good guy and I need to hear it said and feel it acknowledged, here's an incomplete board that Salamandersoup and myself are working on- What is going on in this board, when it takes place and WHY are already conveniently known by me and it would be very redundant to myself to write it out so I think in the interest of not wasting my own time I won't <3 See you goons TOMORROW!* *For the drawing, remember? Oh, also, I'll have another exclusive to reveal for you tomorrow. A GOOD ONE this time- scout's honor.
You are so correct Lt. Action. Abuse us all with your love and hugs (>-_-)>. Also, May i ponder upon what that pink thing is?
Is it just me or is that pic supposed to be incredibly tiny? Is that your game Lt. Action? Give us info that is IMPOSSIBLE to see with the human eyes? Just because your superhero-like vision can see the tiniest details of my inner soul doesn't mean we all got it like that. What IS this, a storyboard collection for ANTS?! *dramatically knocks storyboard off easel at SkyVu headquarters*