imma sorry . The pink huggable was taking over so i had to go all berserk. I enjoyed the lulz and wanna be in. I want the second t-shiirt. Also, my name ain't pete Mr. Lt. sir mam sir.
Awesome! We get promo codes and a choice of t-shirts, music, or artwork? So glad I already got one of the golden tickets, and I'm liking how that 2nd shirt looks.
D: Oh my gawd. The blood flow to certain areas of my body has suddenly increased. You actually GOT the reference where I thought it would be lost on one and all... That settles it; YOU, sir, are going in the drawing TWICE. Pee Ess, I will compile everyone's names into a COMPREHENSIVE LIST later on and everyone may use their eyes to view it. DD
Awww, don't be sad, Pete, c'mere and rest your weary brow upon my heaving bosom. I understand what happens to one when the Huggable enters the blood stream. Your actions were not your own and for that I can hardly hold you accountable. I WILL hold you against my expansive chest, though, until all the worries are replaced by warm fuzzies <3 GET YOURSELF INTO THAT DRAWING <3
count me in...loving that t-shirty goodness...nothing better than seeing the blood of a pink bear spilled on the ground
Iwannaintoatheaawesomeadrawingathatayoureahavingahh!!!..... I want in. Like, as much as I wanna get chased down a dark tunnel by a huggable to turn around trapped... Then rip his nose off through his pooper. Then, I would eat the mystical boogers that would change me. How would it change me? Mostly an ego boost. However is would also change my innards. My innards would contract and expand at a slow rate until my heart stopped. After my heart stopped I would fight Satan himself, and after ripping off his tail through his nose, I would use it to clean my ears, which would somehowunrelatedly bring me back to life as SheHulk the ManBear where I would go onto the distruction of all Huggables except for one named Will, one named Jeffe, one named yamagutchi, and one named Bill. Why would I save them? Racial equality. As you can see, I want to win a gold ticket. If not, SheHulk the ManBear might destroy all of those pretty little dreams you're having lately Lt. You know the ones I'm talking about...
so i have more than just lulz...i lolz all over my pants when i saw those shirts.....enter me into that drawing....or ill be forced to join the huggables....and go on a hugging rampage!!!!
Does the Pope know smokin' hot ladies? Of course he does! This contest applies to ALL of my children, foreign or not I will accept you. Even if you're REALLY foreign, I make no judgments... to your face, anyway. Yes, your Golden Ticket is just as valid as anyone else's <3 The DRAWING POOL so far: Will090 (Psssssttt- You already have a ticket, dummy) Whosatm Rblacula kino4ya drelbs B34ST Negamaki evilhomer Dusk Pete Chronical (x2 for getting my really awesome and equally obscure joke) Devilishly Good Hitch vonmajica Fogfun Whoa dang! I had no idea how many of you like to be rewarded for doing absolutely nothing at all! Expect my newly acquired knowledge of this turn of events to be reflected in future events in which I turn. NOTES! * If you don't see your name and you think you should you've either A) Forgotten to actually ASK me to put you in B)I'm never wrong but I could have missed it- axe me again or C) you haven't entered yet, stoopid. *This list is BIG. If it gets EVEN BIGGER, say, 40 BIG, I'll do TWO drawings ;D TELL YOUR FRIENDS