Battle Bears NOPZ: Swag and Secrets (FINAL Door open) and A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT (pg 53)

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Lt. Action, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Negamaki

    Negamaki Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    lol, he said butt and farted 3 times

    PS: I'll be sending the picture over to ya Tony when I get my printer fixed so I can scan it!
  2. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Serial Bear Super Sleuth CSI (Details on page 1- Contest ends April 2nd).

    Fogfun (3rd): BABABOOM- 6 correct! Has anyone ever told you that you have a very nice process of elimination/trial and error? <3
    aznriceboi13 (5th try): FOUR correct. Couple moar and YOUGOTIT.
    deiden26 (6th try): It's okay, some of us develop a little later in life than others, but, the important thing is you've finally blossomed <3
    hollerbee: FOUR correct. HOTDAMN you almost had it! D:
    Will090 (3rd try): SIX CORRECT! OHMYGODMARRYME!
    Ace 97 (4th try): TWO correct AGAIN! Man, you put all of your attempts together and you've GOT to have a correct answer by now :D
    evilhomer (3rd try):SIX CORRECT! Woo to the oot! :D WELL DONE, SIR!
    minorpane (3rd try): What number starts with "correct" and ends in "victory"? That's right, YOU :D
    RaptorF35: ONE correct. Hey, it's a start :D
    Whosatm: FOUR correct. WHOANELLY.
    drelbs (3rd try): Third try IS a charm. The coyest, charmiest sonuvagunnumber there ever was <3
    ImNoSuperMan: THREE correct. Well played, madam.
    Bag Of Awesome: THREE correct. What a popular number, that 3. Get 3 MORE right and we'll talk ;D
    pajo_ojap(2nd try): THREE right- that's more like it ;D

    WINNERS CIRCLE... Er, POTENTIAL Winner's Circle:


    The "I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a need to please everyone in order to win momentary love and affection" Circle:***


    CONTEST ENDS THURSDAY at 5pm Central time.

    Give me a day and I'll be back here with a clue that I will remove from somewhere on my person and THURSDAY Imma drop the SUPER CLUE.

    A clue that hints to secrets locked away within your very own hearts. A clue that leads to knowledge that may save your life Wednesday night.

    A clue to rule them all.

    Keep it secret, keep it safe.

    Til Thursday.
  3. minorpane

    minorpane Well-Known Member

    Negative One Point Zero??? That's a step back. I'm dissapointed.
    How about one of these?

    Nuclear Orange Panda Zits

    Nose flute's Panty raids Zoo

    Nearby Obeliscolychny of 'Postom's Zingthing

    No Office holiday decoration safety guidelines Printed Zere

    Neer-do-well Pensando en la inmortalidad del cangrejo Omphalomancy Zalambdodont

    It's a pleasure to be in this group. Let it grow and multiply into a pleasingly large circle of dragons and paper people.

    Rejoice! It grew!
  4. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Needlessly Outrageous Pink Zebra!

  5. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    TIME FOR A NEW STORY! (Followed closely by a contest update) :D

    Up next is my main man Skittles, Bear #5.

    Skittles' story is a sad and confusing one... confusing for him, at least. He's a bear.

    Skittles spent his days as many photo realistic bears do, scraping has ass against tree bark, rolling balls of feces with his nose, immediately forgetting where the balls of waste came from and becoming immediately fascinated by said balls, pushing leaves around and generally enjoying no real responsibility whatsoever. Skittles was happily coasting his way through life heading straight for the grave, as bears do, particularly fond of taking momentary diversions to smack a couple of fish around, eat some berries, procreate, sleep for an inordinate amount of time and poop in camp sites.

    One day, as Skittles was harassing a turtle he had cornered in the nook of a tree's exposed roots, he caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye. What he saw was fate. Or, if he had known any better, a Burnt Orange four door sedan inexplicably careening through the forest and what appeared to be a sleep deprived bear behind the wheel. This doesn't make sense to any one of us and it made even less sense to Skittles so you can imagine his confusion as the fateful family car plowed into his great body and sent him skittering across the forest floor and into a vast nearby clearing.

    Two figures approached Skittles and loomed over him as they chattered back and forth to one another. Being a bear, Skittles assumed they were after something he was not ready to give up and attempted, in a daze, to maul one of the figures. The first figure promptly responded by popping a tranq square between Skittles' eyes. As Skittles drifted away into a land of forced and unwilling slumber, he felt himself being probed and eventually dragged through the soft grass and eventually onto a cold, smooth surface, the likes of which he had never had the pleasure of pooping on.

    An indeterminable time later (as time is a foreign concept to a bear- it is merely a system derived by humans to monitor their own decay) Skittles awoke in a nearly featureless, cold metal room. He shambled to the bars meant to serve as the barrier between his room and freedom and stuck his head through them, examining his surroundings. He noticed the presence or tire tracks, marring the pristine surface of the floor, as if a Burnt Orange sedan had recklessly sped through the complex and crashed through the partitions confining him to the ship. Skittles noticed this by pausing and suddenly vomiting onto the floor just outside of his cell. This could have been an expression of distaste for the yellow identification tag that had been driven into his ear or it could also have been an affirmation that he was indeed an average bear. An average bear that had spectacularly failed to notice that he was on board the rogue organization "Sentients For the Ethical Relocation of Other Sentients"'s (SEROS) ship, primarily used for the relocation of species perceived to be not entirely enjoying themselves in their present conditions. SEROS had set out on a relocation mission to a planet that they deemed uninhabitable by their own standards of comfort. This was all based on notion, visions brought on by illegal (in most systems) substances and lose internet research. The SEROS had actually landed on the very inhabitable New Earth (with two times the ecosystems of Earth Classic) and abducted a perfectly oblivious to luxury and comfort bear, among other things. Skittles was sitting quietly in his cage, plotting the pros and cons of pooping in all or just one of the corners and chewing on the bars when SEROS landed the ship on a resort planet (to reward themselves for a "job well done") and, as a disjointed, haphazardly formed organization would, left all the doors open and unlocked because no one in particular had been assigned to secure them.

    Skittles, recognizing this less as a prime opportunity for escape and more as an opportunity to rub his ass on something with TEXTURE, meandered out of the ship and down onto the resort planet.

    Skittles spent a good amount of his time on this planet shocking the patrons (whose bodies would most assuredly shock US), knocking over umbrellas and, by current galactic standards, being COMPLETELY nude. Before he was wrangled by the IPEF, Skittles had managed to consume a large quantity of food that previously did not belong to him, scoot across some previously unpoopified Persian Recreation Rugs and damage an untold amount of tents, awnings and gazebos.

    Skittles is currently being held on the IPEF's Orbiting Super Jail and awaiting legislation to pass that was specifically written and proposed to be able to allow the IPEF to incarcerate an organism of his species for crimes he will be found guilty for under Galactic Law.


    Serial Bear Super Sleuth CSI (Details on page 1- Contest ends April 2nd).

    Fogfun (3rd): BABABOOM- 6 correct! Has anyone ever told you that you have a very nice process of elimination/trial and error? <3
    aznriceboi13 (5th try): FOUR correct. Couple moar and YOUGOTIT.
    deiden26 (6th try): It's okay, some of us develop a little later in life than others, but, the important thing is you've finally blossomed <3
    hollerbee: FOUR correct. HOTDAMN you almost had it! D:
    Will090 (3rd try): SIX CORRECT! OHMYGODMARRYME!
    Ace 97 (4th try): TWO correct AGAIN! Man, you put all of your attempts together and you've GOT to have a correct answer by now :D
    evilhomer (3rd try):SIX CORRECT! Woo to the oot! :D WELL DONE, SIR!
    minorpane (3rd try): What number starts with "correct" and ends in "victory"? That's right, YOU :D
    RaptorF35: ONE correct. Hey, it's a start :D
    Whosatm: FOUR correct. WHOANELLY.
    drelbs (3rd try): Third try IS a charm. The coyest, charmiest sonuvagunnumber there ever was <3
    ImNoSuperMan: THREE correct. Well played, madam.
    Bag Of Awesome: THREE correct. What a popular number, that 3. Get 3 MORE right and we'll talk ;D
    pajo_ojap(3rd try): SIX correct! AWWWWWWYYEEAAAHHHH!

    WINNERS CIRCLE... Er, POTENTIAL Winner's Circle:[/U][/B]


    The "I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a need to please everyone in order to win momentary love and affection" Circle:***


    CONTEST ENDS THURSDAY at 5pm Central time.
  6. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    #5 - Best description ever. :)
  7. Ace_97

    Ace_97 Well-Known Member

    5 tries already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Once skittles is out, imma sick him on YOU!
  8. pajo_ojap

    pajo_ojap Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2009
    ya know I really need to read all of the posts. I did exactly what you said and profiled the bears myself. Figured I had bear 2,5,6 pegged and was pretty postive about bear #3, so first guess was 4 correct, I wasn't sure how to proceed from there so since I wasn't sure about 3 and 4 I decide to change them up, that got me closer with 3 correct (I know, how does that work). So I then went with 1 and 4 since they again were the ones most suspect (and in hind sight should have been my 2nd guess), that and given the previous selection got me to the correct answers. It was only then the I realized you had writes up on atleast bears 1, 4 and 5 which would have helped tremendously in figuring this out. oh well, I'm pretty happy with myself on only taking 3 guesses. Onward to victory or is it viceroy, vacation, vasectomy?...I hate it when I lose my train of thought.
  9. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    All I did was take 2 5 and 6, added them up to get 13 took away 1 and divided by 3 to get 4 and I was done! [​IMG]
  10. aznriceboi13

    aznriceboi13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    to die
    where rice paddies grow...
    looks like comp bout to end, leik less than half day left >.<
  11. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    THE CURRENT CONTEST! (Now with more picture AND list of scrambled charges ;D)


    A: Insurance fraud, tax evasion and multiple counts of homicide.
    B:Theft by unlawful taking, vandalism and property damage and public indecency.
    C:Arson, grand theft auto, resisting arrest, 16 counts of 1st degree murder, impersonating an officer, theft by unlawful taking, 146 accounts of assault.
    D:Impersonating an officer and public indecency.
    E:Theft by unlawful taking, double homicide and being effing crazy.
    F:Triple Homicide and resisting arrest.

    Don't forget! The last couple of pages contain sweet biographies on a certain few bears that will expound on their sordid pasts.


    Serial Bear Super Sleuth CSI (Details on page 1- Contest ends April 2nd).

    Fogfun (3rd): BABABOOM- 6 correct! Has anyone ever told you that you have a very nice process of elimination/trial and error? <3
    aznriceboi13 (5th try): FOUR correct. Couple moar and YOUGOTIT.
    deiden26 (6th try): It's okay, some of us develop a little later in life than others, but, the important thing is you've finally blossomed <3
    hollerbee: FOUR correct. HOTDAMN you almost had it! D:
    Will090 (3rd try): SIX CORRECT! OHMYGODMARRYME!
    Ace 97 (5th try): I told the school's counselor that I had my doubts about you, that you'd never amount to anything but BOY did you almost prove me wrong ;D Also, WELL DONE! :Devilhomer (3rd try):SIX CORRECT! Woo to the oot! :D WELL DONE, SIR!
    minorpane (3rd try): What number starts with "correct" and ends in "victory"? That's right, YOU :D
    RaptorF35: ONE correct. Hey, it's a start :D
    Whosatm: FOUR correct. WHOANELLY.
    drelbs (3rd try): Third try IS a charm. The coyest, charmiest sonuvagunnumber there ever was <3
    ImNoSuperMan: THREE correct. Well played, madam.
    Bag Of Awesome: THREE correct. What a popular number, that 3. Get 3 MORE right and we'll talk ;D
    pajo_ojap(3rd try): SIX correct! AWWWWWWYYEEAAAHHHH!

    WINNERS CIRCLE... Er, POTENTIAL Winner's Circle:

    The "I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a need to please everyone in order to win momentary love and affection" Circle:***


    CONTEST ENDS TODAY at 5pm Central time.

    Alright everyone, we're down to the WIRE on this contest. It's going to end soon and if it goes out with anything LESS than a bang, you're all going to be the ones that pay for it.

    .... by one of you receiving a Golden Ticket because that's the inevitable.

    Anyway, I've got soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work to do and I'm far too handsome to be bothered with these forums for now, that I've decided to POSTPONE today's new contest and just.. I dunno, just resume it next week?

    Yeah, that's what I think I'll do.

    That was NOT an April Fool's joke, by the way ;D
  12. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    THE CURRENT CONTEST! (Now with more picture AND list of scrambled charges ;D)


    A: Insurance fraud, tax evasion and multiple counts of homicide.
    B:Theft by unlawful taking, vandalism and property damage and public indecency.
    C:Arson, grand theft auto, resisting arrest, 16 counts of 1st degree murder, impersonating an officer, theft by unlawful taking, 146 accounts of assault.
    D:Impersonating an officer and public indecency.
    E:Theft by unlawful taking, double homicide and being effing crazy.
    F:Triple Homicide and resisting arrest.

    Don't forget! The last couple of pages contain sweet biographies on a certain few bears that will expound on their sordid pasts.


    Serial Bear Super Sleuth CSI (Details on page 1- Contest ends April 2nd).

    Fogfun (3rd): BABABOOM- 6 correct! Has anyone ever told you that you have a very nice process of elimination/trial and error? <3
    aznriceboi13 (5th try): FOUR correct. Couple moar and YOUGOTIT.
    deiden26 (6th try): It's okay, some of us develop a little later in life than others, but, the important thing is you've finally blossomed <3
    hollerbee: FOUR correct. HOTDAMN you almost had it! D:
    Will090 (3rd try): SIX CORRECT! OHMYGODMARRYME!
    Ace 97 (5th try): I told the school's counselor that I had my doubts about you, that you'd never amount to anything but BOY did you almost prove me wrong ;D Also, WELL DONE! :D
    evilhomer (3rd try):SIX CORRECT! Woo to the oot! :D WELL DONE, SIR!
    minorpane (3rd try): What number starts with "correct" and ends in "victory"? That's right, YOU :D
    RaptorF35: ONE correct. Hey, it's a start :D
    Whosatm: FOUR correct. WHOANELLY.
    drelbs (3rd try): Third try IS a charm. The coyest, charmiest sonuvagunnumber there ever was <3
    ImNoSuperMan: THREE correct. Well played, madam.
    Bag Of Awesome: THREE correct. What a popular number, that 3. Get 3 MORE right and we'll talk ;D
    pajo_ojap(3rd try): SIX correct! AWWWWWWYYEEAAAHHHH!

    WINNERS CIRCLE... Er, POTENTIAL Winner's Circle:[/U][/B]


    The "I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a need to please everyone in order to win momentary love and affection" Circle:***


    CONTEST ENDS TODAY at 5pm Central time.

    Alright everyone, we're down to the WIRE on this contest. It's going to end soon and if it goes out with anything LESS than a bang, you're all going to be the ones that pay for it.

    .... by one of you receiving a Golden Ticket because that's the inevitable.

    Anyway, I've got soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much work to do and I'm far too handsome to be bothered with these forums for now so I've decided to POSTPONE today's new contest and just.. I dunno, just resume it next week?

    Yeah, that's what I think I'll do.

    That was NOT an April Fool's joke, by the way ;D
  13. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    Everyone PLEASE, calm down, I can't hear myself think!

    So much inane chatter going on in here, so much being said yet little to be heard! I should just not do the drawing, THAT'LL SHOW YA.


    I'm sorry. Rememeber back when I said I wouldn't do the drawing? I was just mad.

    Mad with love.

    In about a half hour Imma bust out my virtual Ten Side and roll for initiative.

    THEN I am going to postpone the new contest for a week ;D *winkwinknotanaprilfool'sjokewinkwink*
  14. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009


    *receives shot*

    Sorry, we'll try to keep it down. :)
  15. Mondae

    Mondae Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2010
    Perv, why do you care?
    Lt action, why did you try and confuse us. you should have mad it eastern time. Now, i have until six.
  16. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    HAHAHAHA! GOT YA! My big April Fool's joke! When I said you guys had a HALF HOUR until the drawing, I mean a FULL hour :D

    You cannot BEAT that kind of comedy if it came into your home and robbed you in the middle of dinner- you're just too full of beans to even UNDERSTAND that analogy.

    Here are the standings:

    Serial Bear Super Sleuth CSI (Details on page 1- Contest ends April 2nd).

    Fogfun (3rd): BABABOOM- 6 correct! Has anyone ever told you that you have a very nice process of elimination/trial and error? <3
    aznriceboi13 (5th try): FOUR correct. Couple moar and YOUGOTIT.
    deiden26 (6th try): It's okay, some of us develop a little later in life than others, but, the important thing is you've finally blossomed <3
    hollerbee: FOUR correct. HOTDAMN you almost had it! D:
    Will090 (3rd try): SIX CORRECT! OHMYGODMARRYME!
    Ace 97 (5th try): I told the school's counselor that I had my doubts about you, that you'd never amount to anything but BOY did you almost prove me wrong ;D Also, WELL DONE! :Devilhomer (3rd try):SIX CORRECT! Woo to the oot! :D WELL DONE, SIR!
    minorpane (3rd try): What number starts with "correct" and ends in "victory"? That's right, YOU :D
    RaptorF35: ONE correct. Hey, it's a start :D
    Whosatm: FOUR correct. WHOANELLY.
    drelbs (3rd try): Third try IS a charm. The coyest, charmiest sonuvagunnumber there ever was <3
    ImNoSuperMan: THREE correct. Well played, madam.
    Bag Of Awesome: THREE correct. What a popular number, that 3. Get 3 MORE right and we'll talk ;D
    pajo_ojap(3rd try): SIX correct! AWWWWWWYYEEAAAHHHH!
    Mondae: THREE correct! You're cutting it close, there, ol big bear. :I

    WINNERS CIRCLE... Er, POTENTIAL Winner's Circle:

    The "I have no idea what you're talking about but I have a need to please everyone in order to win momentary love and affection" Circle:***


    CONTEST ENDS in 25 minutes!
  17. Lt. Action

    Lt. Action Well-Known Member

    In the true spirit of randomnness and irationality, I roll'd my Lady Magnet 10d a totaly of EIGHT TIMES and awarded to the 8th roll the golden ticket.

    deiden26, please stand up- and immediately bow down and forsake all others before me for I, with the POWER vested in me, award you a Golden Ticket :D



    Also, the answers ARE:




    #A: There's something important about bear #3 that I need to tell you... later.
    #2: Today's big April Fool's Joke is that I didn't have one :D NO CONTEST this week, so you lumpy cheese babies next week! :DDDDD
  18. aznriceboi13

    aznriceboi13 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    to die
    where rice paddies grow...
    congratz deid, bah must wait longer for next random contest :)
  19. henrylkr

    henrylkr Well-Known Member

    Jan 30, 2010
    Thread needs to stay alive. WHERE MAI BOIZ?
  20. drelbs

    drelbs Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2009
    Dead, apparently.

    Either that or everyone's gone in protest of Lt. Action not awarding the ticket to MEEEEEE! :mad:


    (-1) + 0

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