Pretty geeked out about this. The Arkham games are GOTY on console IMO. Warner Bros has put out some good stuff on iOS. I have a good feeling about this one.
is it the same team making the iOS game? because if it is then it's guaranteed to be good. the console games are some of the best ever made.
I just had a stegosaurus. In my pants. Holy crap, this looks good. At least one game to get excited about this week!
I doubt the same team making Arkham City on consoles is making this one, but one can hope. At least they can use the same assets with lower poly or texture for this game, which would be great. Gameplay video and performance report on iPhone 4 will be very much appreciated
I also hope they keep the same noir look & feel and not dumb it down to colourful cartoon ala gameloft just to attract kids under 5.
It is rare for console teams to work on handheld or mobile releases -- they don't have the right expertise with low-powered devices. What I hope is that they used the same assets (as you mentioned) and that they kept the same super-dynamic combat (even if a bit simplified). That said, the boss fights were my least favorite part of Arkham Asylum; I much preferred the stealth sequences that requires you to make clever use of the environment. Heck, even taking out a large group of random goons was exhilarating. By comparison, the boss fights were thoroughly ordinary pattern-recognition affairs. Looking forward to hearing more from our NZ friends .
Please don't be like Infinity Blade, please don't be like Infinity Blade... here's to it being a third person adventure game. The world of Batman deserve amgame better than a knockoff of a cheap gimmick...
Insta Buy! looks like this weeks best game (Six Guns is free,free games are usually iffy but Bullet Time is a good free game so we'll see).