I've played this game for many hours now and my record is 29 home runs with 10 outs... I think I am rubbish... it's a really good game and addictive, but I can't get good at it!!
ur talkin in classic? Yeah thats not too horrible just keep playing. Stop playing classic tho and get wifi and play matchups!!!!!! Thats what this game was made for tho seriously matchup is da bomb, as long as ur winning : ). Thats no problem for me tho hehehehehehheeee
Actually, I lose 75% of my matches and I still prefer online to classic or arcade mode (by the way, if you're going to play single player, arcade is much better than classic mode). It's really kind of ironic, because I don't normally even consider playing games online, but there's something about this one that really sucks me in.
I like arcade and classic equally, but thats probably just me cuz i could hit 125 long shots in classic mode in one ten out game : )
Leadersboard Due to high demand, I'll add a post mid-week with a leadersboard so that all you dedicated gamers can get a feel of where you are ^^ And a hint for people who have high Win Points, it is ideal to play players who also have high Win Points. Check your World Rank and play against people who are higher then yourself. This will maximize Win Points earned per game. And for people who said that they were getting spam filtered when you registered via e-mails, I actually received your e-mails. I just get them a day late but you are still registered and you can see your progress in the mid-week leadersboard. Have fun with the contest!
Thanks!!!! ur the best. Im happy youve made so mugh $ with this game. U deserve it. And also don't you think its wrong that some decreased there winpoints by close to a THOUSAND by losing on purpose before this contest started just so they have a HUGE unfair advantage in winning. Just a thought.
I put mine down by only 200 points. As far as I see it it's just a smart tactic, not cheating as evetine could have done it I just got a challenge from that J2raphelis who started with 506 points (just above me at the start) and they had 1165 points
well someone said u had 700 points and now u have like 1300? How did u not have pretty good winpoints b4? Well whatever man i dont really care. I just hope not 10,000 ppl in this contest did things like that lol
I won a heap of gold balls through arcade and classic mode while I wasn't winning and now have a blue lightning outfit bar the bat edit: I'm sorry if people don't agree with my method but it's a bit late to fix now and I thought it was my best chance at the time
its ok man i understand n thought about it n its not really cheating at all. You didnt know u would get a lot of winpoints.....Watever
Unfortunately, this is in Arcade mode... smh. I always get done when the curve balls come in and I must have put at least 12 hours into this game... Also I struggle with the straight fast balls that go straight to the top. I'm getting there though.... this along with Bobble Surfer are my favourite sports apps... this game is too good. I have a question though, I have 933 Gold balls, how do I spend them to upgrade my man? I've been on the customisation but all the clothing is locked.
You just tap on the item you want. There will be a pop up telling you the price of it. The lock just means you didn't buy it yet
I just beat Lukeszboy twice in 2 games He was #1 a few days ago...and i just pushed him down to #7 from #4. I'm so happy