It's pointless for me to continue working hard in this competition. I have around 1600 win points and it's just damn hard to get win points since every win I get is no more than +2 points but every lose is -24 or more...ppl who has less than 1000 win points at beginig of the contest really got good advantage since they can fight players who has more win points than them and get 20+ win points per win easily. Yet there are very few who has more points than me and I'm stuck with pity 2 points...
I must really be really junk, i've lost like 70 points in 2 hrs. Now i have to gain them back in order to even have a chance at winning.
But i didn't What stage were you on in the starting? EDIT : I just saw your name in list. Did you by any chance intentionally lose your points before competition started ?
You said this in an above post "From Rookie to 2 days" So I assumed that meant you did that in the competition. Before the comp was announced I was on about 700 points but yeah I will admit that I did lose a few on purpose to get my ranking down lower for a better chance of victory. I am on 800 points now but now struggling to beat people better than me I think I need more practice
Yup. I was a rookie with 1090 points when the competition started and now i'm on 1300+ as a Champion!
Oh come on, thats a weak statement. Edit it and take out the word baseball. Then it will be true for 95% of the ppl who have commented in this thread
It would be awesome to see a mid-contest leaderboard for the leaders so far in this contest. And by the way I have gained a mere 400 winpoints so far : (
Does anyone know if our final results are the difference in WP between the start and end times, or the best difference during that duration? In other words, what if I have increased by 400 WP today, but lose a bunch of matches right before the end of the contest and drop back down to only a 200 WP difference? If it's the former, (strictly start to end), then I guess it makes sense to stop playing when you get your total as high as you think you can.
If the former is true, then those who has, like Sainter(476 WP) who's the only one has less than 500 Win Points at start has really good advantage. He can get 700 WP increase easily. Yet those of us like me who has 1500+ WP really struggles trying to get even 100 or 200 WP...