Barren Roads: Multiplayer Apocalypse Fallout/DayZ Survival Game iOS

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by voncarp, Jul 26, 2014.

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  1. jdawg101

    jdawg101 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    I think that's a good idea and for the cross bow you could use more wood,metal and string.I think the cross bow should just shoot straighter and a little faster maybe,but I think the regular bow should have a bit of a arc so that they are both special in their own way and some people may choose the bow other people may like the crossbow better.So I would recommend not to make the crossbow a direct upgrade to the bow but more of a expansion or other choice to the bow.

    P.S I am a little sleepy so sorry for any mistakes in grammar
  2. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    Please a Chainsaw is welcome,for some Zombie Massacre..I love this weapon in some games..
  3. QuertzPerLiter

    Mar 19, 2015
    Just saw this game for the first time an si have to say, it looks extremely unique for iOS! Hopefully you'll be going with the premium pay model or a variation of it! Everything else is perfect Also any beta testing ?
  4. Killerluffy246

    Killerluffy246 Well-Known Member

    Feb 23, 2014
  5. Bad_Trip

    Bad_Trip Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Production Director
    The Bay to Nashville
    #345 Bad_Trip, Apr 1, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
    Yes the game will be premium. I'm excited too... This is the most promising game that is under development IMO. I can't wait to try out cross-platform multiplayer as well. Hopefully we can get a good version 1 released, and maybe some of the ideas planned for way down the road (like, simply more customization options for decorating houses, building materials, extra weapons or character personalization items like clothing) can just be added in update 1.1 maybe? I think Barren Roads could make quite a lot of money while there is no competition in the AppStore :) we wouldn't want another zombie game to come out eventually and steal Barren Road's idea and release first.

    Also, the Raiders (non zombie AI enemies) are an awesome idea! The variety will be great. I honestly don't need that many guns, vehicles or whatever. As long as there are detailed maps and smooth gameplay, I would love to play it haha.

    i think it would be cool if you are hosting a game to be able to tune the amount of enemies, I love in coop zombie multiplayer games to do a "survival" mode. Where you and your team mates board up a house and defend it from wave after wage of zombies, which would be a ton of fun.

    I just hope it gets released this year, I'm dying to play it lol. I'm amazed at how much work VonCarp is doing all by himself. When this game comes out I'll be surprised if a game developer doesn't try to hire him away lol
  6. Tylerdarden

    Tylerdarden Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
  7. Primoz

    Primoz Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    Thanks for posting that!

    This game looks like its packed with features, which is good, but on the other hand that also concerns me. We will have to wait and see though, I hope it gets released soon.
  8. Tylerdarden

    Tylerdarden Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    #348 Tylerdarden, Apr 5, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2015
    Indeed with so many features cost time, game in itself is already great. But it looks like it needs polishing. I hope he is a stubborn man and never giving up, that type of game requires much time, patient and updates
  9. Primoz

    Primoz Well-Known Member

    Aug 14, 2012
    #349 Primoz, Apr 5, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2015
    Exactly. Polish. Polish. Polish.


    But the developer promised a 2016 release, so there is still time - hopefully enough.

    Edit: Oh wow, only now I realized that this is the developer who also made the game Lonely Bunny. I had a lot of fun with that game, it had a ton of features but wasn't polished nearly enough. Let's hope the developer devotes more of his time to that this time around.
  10. Tylerdarden

    Tylerdarden Active Member

    Jan 23, 2015
    Man he should have released a simple working, polished version then later on add more contents with the updates.
    But who am i to advice him, he probably knows what he is doing, the problem is: we want to play it right now :)
  11. jdawg101

    jdawg101 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2015
    #351 jdawg101, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
    For me I would like to see this released around spring or summer.But If the dev needs a little bit more time to perfect it or stomp out some last/game-breaking bugs then I would give him those last few days to finish it.But I think the question should be when will he release the public beta.

    Also I took a look at the video that tylerdaren posted and I like how voncarp added the first person cam,more stats(you needed gas and health stats for the vehicle[That is the only one I could think about]in these types of games),and the building destruction from when I last saw him post about the buildings and car upgrades.I would like to suggest a optional idea where after you destroy the walls(or in this case run them over)enough and after putting the walls back up and seeing it get destroyed again then I think it would make sense for the walls to just crumble and be gone after a animation of it crumbling.Also one last thing,I also think it would be cool if you could make metal walls or reinforce walls normally or Tom clancy's rainbow six seige style(look at the alpha gameplay to know what I mean).Those are just some ideas give me your thoughts about this.
  12. Bad_Trip

    Bad_Trip Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2014
    Production Director
    The Bay to Nashville
    #352 Bad_Trip, Apr 6, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 6, 2015
    Honestly, for everyone asking for him to include this or that, you need to realize we need the game working in the first place. We cannot have a PC/console quality game that is pack full of details and features unless we start out with a playable game with good gameplay.

    IMO, he needs to polish off what he has now and I would say continue working on the gameplay and smoothness of the detail. We really shouldn't ask him to add much more... I'd rather have a game that is a ton of fun to play, and is working (not glitchy or unpolished). From a working, polished game, he can add details and new features in updates.

    I'm just worried some of you are expecting VonCarp to add some of these ridiculous features you're asking for without realizing that NO other developer has released a game even close to the multiplayer experience Barren Roads is offering for IOS.

    I say we keep it simple and have a game with GREAT gameplay and smooth, polished and working multiplayer. Not only with the game be more fun if it is polished, but if a smooth multiplayer zombie game hits the AppStore with functioning multiplayer, it will sell so well the developer of this game VonCarp should make enough profit to have the resources to be able to add many, many more features in future updates. So guys, be realistic please. Let's get this game's gameplay perfect before we start asking for ridiculous things like planes or jet packs or mega detailed house customization.....
  13. ironheart

    ironheart New Member

    Apr 6, 2015
    I prefer playing this game on my PS4, lol~
  14. Juquavex

    Juquavex Member

    Apr 6, 2015
    San Diego, California
    WOW. I play H1Z1 and Dayz quite regularly and am usually very picky about playing games related to those. But Barren Roads i am very excited for. This looks like it will be a very good game for ios. It will be one of the best, if not the best app for a long time im sure. It makes me sad to see it should be done by 2016, because i am dying to see how this turns out. Keep up the good work! Cant wait until it comes out!
  15. Five players online and onscreen:


    Latest video of building forts, running over a few zombies, and hunting. There are a handful of errors in the video. But you should get the idea.

    Quite a bit of requests for a fort building system. It took a little bit to get that working and synced across the network, but I think I have a good starting point. At the moment you can only build wooden cabins, but I'll expand this to other structures later. Also, if you play on a dedicated hosting server, the structure will stay in game. That means, any one can tear it down or loot it while your not there. Knowing that, I'm likely going to have to add some type of defensive structures like barricades, mines, or traps to slow down the looting of you forts. It is very possible for you to build a structure and come back and its been completely leveled and looted. So, I'll have to figure out how to balance that.

    Multiplayer has been much improved. I've reworked a number of different things to constantly clean out wasted objects that were slowing down the game and using up more memory the longer you played. Multiplayer has a basic setup as of now. Very easy and friendly way to play how you want.

    You can play on LAN. Or you can host your own game to play that others can find. Hosting your own game will start the game up on your device, and others can find it and join. This is a very easy way to get a game started, however its also the most taxing on the host CPU. So, if your device is weak, it could lead to problems. Ideally, I'm guessing 5-10 players should be sufficient depending on your device.

    You can play on a dedicated server in a persistent world. Thats the way many online persistent games has it setup. It can be one of the more complicated ways, but it also the best way to get the most players online. Because all of the AI and logic is run on the server, there will be less stress on the devices. There are several different ways a dedicated server can work and you can host your own games. I'll explain more later if anyone is interested.

    Stay tuned, been making good progress. Thanks!
  16. #356 voncarp, Apr 8, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    I'm not charging for beta tests. I've still got to migrate over to the new Testflight on Apple. So, I'll probably ask for a few more testers soon. Not many of my testers go online to play for some reason. So more testers make sense, so I can iron out any issues with multiplayer.

    I made Lonely Bunny quite a few years ago. I let it sit on my hard drive for awhile and decided to throw it on the Appstore untested. And it definitely showed its flaws because of that. Instead of updating it, I just made it free. At one point, I may go back and fix quite a bit of issues with it. First thing comes to mind, is that it manages memory and CPU very poorly. That needs fixed.

    Thanks for the confidence! Thanks for the pressure! ;) My goal is to release it this year. The basis of Barren Roads is not new, so there are likely not stealing from me. I also have quite a bit of other features that I haven't mentioned that I'll save for release.
  17. oldsnake

    oldsnake Well-Known Member

    Aug 19, 2012
    Bologna italy
    #357 oldsnake, Apr 8, 2015
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2015
    INot many of my testers go online to play for some reason.

    Hey,it's good to see the progress you're made,and yes,my current Build I play from myself..I had to find someone to test the online,on Omline it's more fun test with other players,but it's empty,it's a shame..

    MRBISCUTS96 Member

    Mar 17, 2015
    @voncarp, I'd give an arm and a leg to try out the online in test flight, this game seems like a dream come true, keep us posted when you want more testers and I'll come running, and give people people an honest review too, keep up the good work :D
  19. Elsa

    Elsa Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2015
    I'm pretty sure you'll need two thumbs to play the game though.
  20. Juquavex

    Juquavex Member

    Apr 6, 2015
    San Diego, California
    Beta testing

    Im here if you need another tester. Im experienced in dayz, h1z1, rust, been playin radiation island recently.. I'll be very thorough in how i run through the game.. So yeah.

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