Frame rate was fine No problems. The how involved some memory hacking. The game will allow you to keep summoning units as long as the current value is less than the maximum value, regardless of whether or not that current value matches the number of units you currently have.
Cool. Then you're not one of the ones having that problem. Congrats and stuff. Unfortunately many people DO have this issue. Just because you don't doesn't mean the problem doesn't exist for others.
It may have been posted but I'm asking anyway!! Any news on the new update devs??! I'm holding off playing with the log out of game centre fix as I'm an achievement hound!
I believe the update will be out very soon but couldn't tell you for sure but I'm sure someone will let us know when they know. Nice hack there, so do the turrets get better as you upgrade the engineer? I have him unlocked but didn't use him much as all the turrets seemed to fire once then die. Been playing around with warlock and the dwarf lately but need to throw some higher damage in with it.
Having great fun playing the game but I'm having an annoying issue: when I tap 'visit store' after the game is over, it freezes on the screen with the skull/yellow ring. Using ipad air. When I tap 'try again' nothing happens...
If you're able to sign out of Game Center it fixes that. The devs are working on a patch and hope to have it to us as soon as possible.
Since i signed out of GC, i had no probs with freezes anymore. Well, since ten minutes ago. I just was beating the final big boss and it looked like i did ! I wanted to put the picture in to a spoiler but i'm not sure if this works, and i didn't want to spoil the last boss surprise. (Does it work ?) Though it's absolutely playable right now, i'm eagerly awaiting the update.
Good news guys, the new build has been submitted to Apple, hopefully they will approve it quickly! Huge Thanks to the community for all your help debugging, had over half a dozen members of the TA crew testing builds this weekend, and couldn't have done it without ya! Also, if anyone has a few spare moments, we could really use some Metacritic user reviews, honest opinions of course
Gaaaaah! Starting to get the glitches now after completing Noon! Great game regardless and I hope they patch it up very soon!
Congrats on the 5 star review!! This game totally deserves it! It is so awesome! It absolutely deserves all of the praise it's getting! Great job devs and keep it up!
Ok if I do play this do I have to sign out of Game Center or is not everyone getting the bug? Also could I leave Game Center on tell I get the bug then turn it off? Or will it affect the save game ?
Not everyone got that bug, me for example, maybe you will be safe too. Get this Markku, is as good as Castle Doombad.
Not sure if this has been mentioned before (probably has) but waves stop appearing no matter what level I start at before I complete it???? Hope this is fixed with the upcoming update.
Great game, the 'drag' controls in this are a major step forward and make me wonder if the new Battleheart game is going to be able to live up to this incredible level of precision control. It reminds me of the displaced touch-drag controls in 'Toon Shooters', but much better yet. Of course, controls alone do not make a game, the comparison to 'Nimble Quest' does not do this game justice as they boldly run your minions in their positions appropriate to their offensive design. Think shmup drones and you would be close.