Not far, (4624 Meters), compared to a lot of people in here, but look at the amount of bananas in this run... 1392 Bananas in one run!
Cannot pass thru ride on bird Ride on bird: everytime I drop into lake(water), how do you get thru it? Thanks
I'm so pissed off right now! A few minutes ago I tried to buy an IAP for 0.89€ and this is what I got: All my upgrades are gone!! I had thousands of bananas, all gone. The 0.89€ are gone, for nothing! All the statistics went back to zero. And finally I have to start all the missions from the beginning.
Go for it. Once you reach the treetops and use the swipe down to jump higher you can get loads of bananas. It's a good idea to upgrade the "Glide" and "Giraf" pretty early, you can travel quite far up there.
That's ironic because I was just about to play the game a second ago and I lost all my save data too... On a Grindy game such as this losing save data is the WORST thing that could happen. The devs know what they can do with any new releases now... The sun is NOT shining let me tell you.
made it to 15352m now! 37th on the leaderboard!! Wish I made it longer but made a stupid mistake I did a dash just before I was onto a vine, thought I had grabbed it already
Yep, it's happened to me numerous times now and I've just stopped playing it until a fix is out (why I keep checking his thread).
Thankfully, I haven't had any issues with the game. I've joined the top 10 of all-time, and No. 3 for the day.
Well I just lost all of my data now, I'm not too happy I spent a ton of time on this game. I had almost everything fully unlocked is there a way to get this resolved?
Uh I really hope this doesn't turn into a saga that requires refund for the game purchase because it's got game reset bugs everywhere. I don't like asking for refunds but.... Il give it an update and see yet idk, it's not nice when your hours of gameplay just go poof pie in the sky like this. Really will have to be so cautious about this company.
If that happens to me, I'll be incredibly upset. I've put a lot of time into the game, upgrading, etc.
Random data loss is a huge red flag for me and the exact reason I stopped playing Jetpack Joyride To spend hours grinding in a game only to have that work flushed down the toilet for no reason is incredibly aggravating Game cartridges hold their data indefinitely (or for years before the cartridge battery finally runs out in the case of games like Pokemon on Gameboy) so why is my smart phone unable to save an extra copy of the data somewhere on its 16GB+ HD, absolutely ridic. And before anyone chimes in with the obligatory, "oh why dont you just use a file explorer app to save the data file to your computer and just load it up when you need it?" Why? Bc syncing my data after EVERY game session is very stupid and very time consuming. The whole purpose of casual gaming is to just pick up and play not worry about using a data cable and getting out my Macbook just so i can insure a proper save. Until this issue gets fixed (which in the case of Jetpack Joyride STILL hasnt been fixed so im not holding my breath) I will be staying away from Banana Kong, shame bc it does look fun
Well I got 69p gameplay out of this as far as I'm concerned but I don't think I can be bothered with it any more. Il probably give it the one star rating on the app store and delete. I was enjoying it and having a good laugh shouting banannnaaaaa IRL. Could have been a top class runner and stayer on my iPad for a long time but that just simpy puts it to bed preemptively. Got other games that can be played in the same genre so why should I keep playing this one?
Glad I'm not the only one losing all there stuff. I'm to the point of deleting it. It's frustrating as hell.