I take no offense, I' m also a 25 + years gamer and usually don't read any manuals except when I find some interesting art in them. Still some developers make it easier to get into the game. My mistake was maybe to jump to BG2 without playing BG1, maybe they have some sort of introduction there. I' m not inclined to pay more and get BG1 right now though Thanks Bytebrain for the tips and links, I' ll have a quick look there.
I apologize in advance if this is a question that has already been discussed. If I purchased all of the new characters (Neela, etc.) in Baldur's Gate I, do I have to repurchase for BG II, or will they import (new quests and all) from the first game? Thanks in advance for clearing this up.
You still have to buy them "again". Well don't think you are repurchasing them, which feels unfair. They are different parts in different games, I think the IAPs just a strategy to make the original $25 price tag on PC less formidable on IOS.
There is a MAJOR BUG in the game that will keep you from moving forward. Its the same as this one: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/26021/circus-tent-illusions-deal-real-damage, making me thing they didn't really QA the iPad build. Basically, the werewolves in the circus tent aren't supposed to deal damage- They're illusions. But these werewolves do deal damage. They 1-shot my entire party. And there is no way out of the quest. And they aggro as soon as I walk in. So, my options are to start a new game AGAIN (uggghhhhhhh.) or wait for a fix that may never come. I'd advise holding off on purchase- You can't get a major character without entering and the circus. EDIT: Confirmed issue: http://forum.baldursgate.com/discussion/29183/getting-insta-killed-in-circus-tent So, wait to buy or just avoid the circus and miss getting a party member until patch. Bummer.
My game crashes every time right at the beginning when Imoen comes to free you. Tried 3 or 4 times now. Reinstalled, restarted iPad...same problem. 16gb iPad mini.
I ve also reached the "killer werewolfes" in circus tent stage... Seem imposible to beat. Major character dies after nanosecond... Any ideas?
re: the "killer werewolves" - WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILER ... Supposedly those werewolves are an illusion, and will only do damage if you attack them. They reportedly can be routed by casting "Dispel Magic" and then running up the stairs.
Dispel Magic also works, but "easily dispatched" not so much. This isnt how the quest is supposed to be solved, its an issue for the majority of users and seems to indicate a complete lack of QA on Beamdog's end. This is literally the first quest you walk into and it has a huge, glaring bug in it. For $15, stuff like this shouldn't be there. Especially because it was a known issue in the PC build!
Agree on the bug being glaring. Just noting that true sight will help work around the issue before a patch hits.
After several atempts and using "dispel magic" i managed to run "safely" (and bravely!) to upper floor but there the bug is the same.... Werewofes kill you with just one stroke... And we have to kill the magician... I am going to try one thousand times more and then will give up....
Sorry for the double post but has anyone found some good bows or ammo to help Archer scaling at higher levels?
I also encountered the werewolf bug Glad that I saved right before entering the circus tent, though, I started a new game anyways due to a miss in choosing a good class which suits me. The QA process is indeed rly questionable considering this bug happens quite early in the game. I will try if true sight or dispel will help. Thanks
I passed the warewalves in circus with Potion of Agility. I just walked fast the stairs and avoided the battle, after lots and lots of frustration. :/
I used Dispel Magic too and lots of other magic potions. Animate Dead helped me to stay out of their fury.
How'd you manage to cast without being killed? I can't even get a spell off before I'm shredded. Truly insane that they didn't catch this bug. I refuse to believe that they didn't know about it.
so is this in the beginning with the illusion tent? can't i come back and do it later? what does dispel do and how do i get it?
Have you guys turned off your AI for that werewolf encounter? If one of your guys attacks because of their script they become real.
I had all the fighters run to the stairs and the elf mage do dispel. It sort of works for stage one. As soon as u start talking it is ok. But when you climb to the next floor u have more werewolves... And u die.. At the moment just gave up and i have gone visiting the rest of the city and will be back when we find a way... Ah, also I tried ordering the team into passive mode but it does not work as weres get agro at once