Thanks for this. I definitely fall on the side of not much free time. Will probably jump straight to 2.
It wasn't beamdogs fault it took so long to come out. They put it in Dec to be approved and was ready on the 23d of dec but for some reason apple didn't put it out then
Clearly I lost track of how much I actually played... Sorry for bad info. The point I was trying to make was: BG2 has much more content than BG1.
I'm undecided on this. I love RPGs, my all time favourites being Ultima V, Morrowind, The Bards Tale 3:Thief of Fate. I bought baldur's gate 1 for my ipad but really struggled to get into it, I played the tutorial and got as far as getting to the inn then getting to the first town, only to be killed over and over by spiders in an house. That was about 3 hours in if that and I've never played it since or felt like I wanted to. I keep hearing BG2 is so much better but I don't want to drop £10 on a game I play for 2-3 hours and then never again. Do I buy or not?
Alright, so this is quite a bit of money to spend for me. Should I just take the plunge or wait for a price drop?
To me, BG2 is the better of the two games for those very complaints you levy on the first. BG2 kicks off and is not a slow cook like the first game. It is also better paced and more balanced in the early parts so that you don't feel like you meet such harsh encounters like "giant Spider house" so early on. That coupled with what I feel is deeper characters and very, very fun and interesting NPC interaction of which happens often and acts as part of a meta game of balancing your parties alignments, your NPC's individual goals and their oft times conflicting philosophies.... The short: I think BG2 is a better entry game than the first, though both are essential to appreciate the whole!
Also just a tip, or rather a mantra I have also recited over my many years of gaming: "Save often, save a lot!" Seriously, you will "save" yourself a lot of headache if you follow that edict. Save as soon as your enter and area (and are sure it's safe to) and save right be fore you exit an area on a separate save. Also have several separate saves while in an area too, just to test things, to go back, to rescue yourself, etc.
Bytebrain already answered (it does) but I will say that you shouldn't rely on it alone. Much like more recents games like Oblivion and Skyrim and the revamped Fallouts, you should make good habit of having multiple saves... It's just a safe practice with the nature of these games. You will eventually tempt the fates and probably go to an area you are not ready tackle yet on occasion, which is where having multiple saves can be your bets friend!
Honestly I would say no. I was waiting and anticipating for the longest time, but I think nostalgia can really cloud you when it comes to things like this. I had forgotten that I had a similar experience to you with BGEE on the iPad. After buying BG2 last night, I enjoyed creating my character and the excitement to decide what I wanted to play, but when it got to the real game, it just felt kind of awkward and clunky. I ended up getting Imoen killed within the first couple minutes lol. I'll probably try it out again on a full size iPad, but the interface felt awkward and tiny on my Mini, and the character graphics just weren't what I remembered. I'm not sure what I was expecting but I suspect this would require more of a time commitment than I'm personally ready to give.
Im at a crossroads with this series. I love Rpgs but I never played it originally, played a friends BG1 ipad version awhile ago and really couldnt get into it. Too confusing, endless menus and UI, clunky frustrating gameplay. Im aware that this is a beloved series and is highly regarded, but I also think its an aquired taste that people either love or dont like very much. I feel like I WANT to like it and get into it but i just dont think its for me. Its a shame when things like that happen and you are forced to miss classics. Its almost like people with strange taste buds who dont like delicious things and miss out on something incredible to eat or drink.
Is the graphic in BGII similar or better than BGI for ipad versions? I bought BGI ipad version because of fond memories playing it on PC originally. But when I started playing on IPAD I couldn't help but feel that the graphic are outdated and the UI are clumsy and didn't get very far. Here I am thinking should I buy this game and if I will find myself facing the issues with BGII.