Good 3 airport, but there Sheremetyevo - 1 and Sheremetyevo - 2, so the answer of exalep is also adopted Codes for Indiania, pharmx, Fletch
No one is talking about the gameplay in this thread? Is it just me or is this game super hard? By the time I can look down at new incoming bags the red ones are already past the red station. Hard to keep up. I tried playing sideways, and did a little better but still
This is crazy hard!! My first couple runs I got 2! I think it needs to start a bit slower or with fewer bags.
Well, I got a promo code, it's just that I don't have my iPod with me to get the game and try it out... I'll be talking about it tomorrow though.
That is pretty good, looks like the online high score is 117. My best is 25 so far. Really well done game though. Need to get my fingers to work together now.