Do you mean where I found the three palm leaves and the key? 1) When you fall down the waterfall and land on the first little floating island. To the top left there is a path with vase. 2) From that same path you can get to another path a little bit to the top right. That's where the key is for how to get to 4). You will first need to destroy the wall that covers it by falling down the waterfall, then tapping the 'fist' icon while still falling and being in front of that wall. 3) If you flicked the switch on top of the map (next to the farmer(?)) you can go through a sliding door at the bottom right (at the very end of the waterfall). There's another vase. 4) If you have the key you got in 2) go through the teleport gate, then walk and jump to the right, there is a guard that will only let you through if you have the key. Once in you will need to go to the top left to get the third palm leave. For all you need both characters. I just can't find the forth palm leave in "The Holy Gardens - The Water Source"...
Thanks, good to hear such words and would love to see them on iTunes too. To answer your question, yes, we are planning for updates, I have couple of levels in the pipeline, just trying to figure out the best way to publish them.
Is there anywhere a videowalkthrough to find. Some levels are very strong and it is hard to discribe the situation, because my english is very
I know for sure that there are no official videos (not to ruin the fun for many). There is a tutorial video on the game's website. You can find hints on this thread and on the Facebook page.
Thats clear that there is no official walkthrough-video, but there ist also not a user vieeowalkthrough aon youtube. Only for the amiga-version ist the the solution to find.
Anyone?? Has anyone an idea where to find the fourth palm tree/leave in level "The Holy Gardens - The Water Source"? I feel like I've search ev'rywhere Maybe it's obvious, but where is it?
This weekend, Babylonian Twins HD is only $1.99 This weekend, Babylonian Twins HD for iPad is only $1.99
Retina version is coming soon, and it looks awesome on the iPhone 4. We will follow that with some more challenging content. Stay tuned.
Oh wow, didn't see that post when it first came! Just came to the thread looking to confirm that this was the game I remembered mikeg123 from - now it looks like we might end up helping each other again, with Beyond Ynth . Definitely looking forward to Babylonian Retina Twins and more content! Just make sure the icon is retina as well .
Flower Wall I'm stuck on this level. I've found the 1st, 3rd, and 4th palm plus the key after the long fire that's used to get past the guard. I can't find the 2nd palm or the key needed to get into the room to the right of the guard. I see other places to go on the level and look, but don't know how to get there. Please help. Thanks!
Babylonian Twins for iPhone is on sale Babylonian Twins for iPhone is on sale through this weekend. Get it now and receive an unbelievable Retina update soon:
In preparation for the next big Retina update, Babylonian Twins is on Sale till the end of this weekend, that's Oct 17th. I am also giving away free promo codes. WRKWANJXKL4R - iPhone LJ3JN7TNLLJJ - iPhone F6LJWXNLNKRP - iPhone RT9LHWW7T9FP - iPhone Post the promo code you use in this forum to avoid confusion by others: More will follow, stay tuned.