B-GRADE RENEGADE: Race to the Rocket -> Blaxploitation Roguelike

Discussion in 'Android Games' started by MUZBOZ, Oct 18, 2017.


    MUZBOZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2012
    Game Designer, King, and Lord of the Realm
    Melbourne, Australia
    #1 MUZBOZ, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017

    MUZBOZ Well-Known Member

    Mar 31, 2012
    Game Designer, King, and Lord of the Realm
    Melbourne, Australia
    #2 MUZBOZ, Oct 18, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 18, 2017
    B-Grade Renegade - the inspiration behind the game

    "B-Grade Renegade" was inspired by games like Interstate '76 and the original GTA top-down games!

    When I first got an iPad, I really wanted to find games that were more like complete, proper games!

    And so I decided to make one! And here (6 years later...) is B-Grade Renegade: Race to the Rocket!

    I love dynamic games, with lots of player choices, such as choosing which route to take, which perk you need to survive, and also simulation elements, like the fires that start burning from tree to tree, leaping in and out of vehicles, switching to the right weapon for the job as the situations twists and changes!

    I also love that this game has procedurally generated levels, so every time I play it myself, I have fun! I have to deal with unknown situations, surprises and improvisation. I feel that is at the heart of some of my favorite games of all time, and speaks to what computers are best able to provide compared to other media!

    I really hope that people get a rich experience out of B-Grade Renegade, when it sometimes seems that the mobiles games market is so full of light-weight, naggy, play-themselves, clicky clicky junk!

    Try to reach the rocket in time, and make the choices that keep you alive!

    See you on the leaderboards. :)

    Murray Lorden
    MUZBOZ Games

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