Wow. So far I'm very very impressed. We have a proper 4x here with the fantastic combat engine from the original. This has special written all over it. Gotta put more time in.
I see two people rating it 5 stars and the app says the average is 3.5. Who rated it one star and why? If your opinion is the game is that poor I'd like to hear why... Looks great to me. Does it work well on phones? It looks sufficiently complex that it might need the screen space of an iPad.
I'm playing on an 4 inch iPhone and it's surprisingly well designed. I know what you mean with some games needing more screen space to fully appreciate, however this isn't the case with Warlords. It's very well designed in the respect.
Multiplayer Seems really great game, I will buy it asap. My only concern is; will they add grand multiplayer? If they do the game will be best game.
I think the developer is spot on in their choice to focus on single player. I think multiplayer would be a nightmare in this game, I can't imagine how long it would take to finish an async game. I also can't see a live game working either, waiting for your turn, and the length of time required to finish it to the end. I just don't see either being any fun, but that's just me.
Man I can't remember a game keeping me up this late before. Never an iOS game, that's for sure. Anyway, a question for the developer, kirua. I see that it's possible to opt out of commanding your army in RTS fashion for an auto-battle alternative. I'd like to know how this works and how the outcome is decided? Does victory depend on the level of your troops or how many you've assigned to that battle? Or is it a random element? As a follow up question, is it always better to manually control your units or does it not matter either way?
I think you are right, that will take long turns... Hmm maybe 2V2 4V4 online battles? You just buil base and attack (RTS) and when you win you can gain XP, money to buy new army and new buildings etc... I dont know but there can be some other options for multiplayer, it can be different than single player's large and long conquest system. I love multiplayer and nowadays I am used to see multiplayer in all other games
We really did consider multiplayer and we had worked out some solutions (which I haven't seen others do yet before), but it'll take just too much out of a single player experience to implement that. We'll have to see how we can move futher on multiplayer. Auto-combat takes in account everything (except player skill of course). For all intent and purposes, you can consider it to be letting two AI of the same level duke it out with all the units, decrees and officers selected, levels and all. However we did balance the game such that auto-resolve is probably equal to a just-slightly below average player. If you're good at RTS, you can normally beat very high odds. Then again I use auto-resolve myself when I'm lazy or when I am overpowering my opponent.
One more thing I'll like to add here that we haven't really explained that would be reaslly useful for combat (I'm writing up the Wiki now, thought I had one more day). Intel on an enemy province can also give you information like what units (number and type) a defender will send against you in the mission brief. The higher your Intel (and the lower their Alertness), the more accurate the information. I use this to determine if I want to auto-resolve too.
Thank you for your answers and thank you for that game, now I am playing and I must say I am enjoying the diplomacy and other stuff, I will personally suggest that game to my friends...
Game Impressions So far the game seems to be one of the most streamlined 4x games I've ever played. If you're completely new to the genre, this is a great 4x to jump on - successfully avoiding the intimidation of most others by solid design for mobile and an unobtrusive tutorial. That said, it still feels deep with elements such as balancing your income, expenses, population, defenses/troops, espionage and diplomacy. It certainly has that 4x foundation: eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate. It's pretty neat how the battles are broken up in smaller bits - giving you different options on how you approach the enemy base. That seems genius on mobile, taking away long lasting battles. I wasn't sure at first, but I think I really like the smaller battles. Much smaller and quicker than the first AD. And all of this feels great on a 5s screen. That was my biggest concern. I'm still not ready to rate it, but so far it seems promising.
Ok, so it's more of a convenience thing, like I'm dominating my enemy so I'd auto-resolve. That sounds useful. Thanks!
Yeah, it's probably just you. Or at least, not all of us For me, the prospect of really, really long async games sounds ideal, precisely how I like my asynchronous multiplayer. The most intense Starbase Orion games can go on for weeks or even months, and these are some of the best async experiences I've had. Live games would probably work beatifully if async mechanics pick up whenever someones tires of waiting for turns and leaves the game (basically, a seamless integration of realtime and async, sometimes all async games should, and nearly all do, offer). But yeah, such a mode would probably definitively not be for the majority of async gamers for iOS (though possibly for a large part of Warlord's player base), and might therefore not be worth the effort. I still believe it would have been possible to carry over the whole, complete Warlords experience to online multiplayer, though. And that it would have been the most sophisticated, varied online experience for the platform (next to Starbase Orion).
This is flat out the most well rounded, easy to play, streamlined 4x strategy game I've ever played. Well worth the wait and just any day enough good. Tutorial tips if needed, clear concise mission objectives, and premium to boot. Replay ability due to having to complete certain objectives to unlock more warlords, this is how iOS gaming should be. /rant on For all the freemium lovers out there, just think if clash of clans was premium and not total garbage of a money can train troops, build up your city, engage in diplomacy or espionage, all without a timer??? The only thing you have to wait on is the hour glass to change your turn over, and it can't be sped up with gems... That is all /rant off
OMG!!! I picked this up last night at 11... but didn't have a chance to play it until this morning, and I am... BLOWN AWAY! I really didn't expect the game to be THIS depthy (judging from the first), but it is definitely a 4X title... real war game... with what looks to be like TONS of gameplay. I'm so excited to get further into it! =oD
Confirmed released in Canada (Toronto). Will post early impressions as I get my studio work finished. I'm SUPER excited about this one and loved the first one.
Thanks again to the Touch Dimensions team.....outstanding job as usual! I'm you guys have any plans for adding a "skirmish" or conquest type mode against the AI with the same gameplay from the campaign but obviously without the story? Or anything similar to this which would change each playthrough?