Yes! This is a known bug seen on devices whose storage is nearing capacity. Try deleting some apps or other data. That usually fixes it. We're addressing that soon as we can get to it. Sorry for your trouble, but we hope you enjoy the game! 1.30 is live on iOS! Come read about the changes in the patch notes! Also, lots of new, exciting things happening for Auro. Stay tuned.
Yep, the same here. Sorry, but i'm disappointed. I can't play since i've bought it. It's probably hard to solve that, but it's a bit too long now. This is the only game i can't play because i don't feel comfortable with visuals. I know it's not very important, gameplay and strategy are more important, but in this case, i can't, it looks like i was playing with a VGA resolution, 320x240, on a big screen. I'm still waiting, but i thought it would be solved earlier. I don't know anything about coding, so it's probably a big and hard technical problem.
No problems. 64GB 6+ iOS8.3 Interesting thing is the load screen starts with a slightly squished Dinofarm logo on the right, which quickly centers. Game still looks blurred at points and animations such as the dialogue at the beginning of the level now look worse IMHO with jaggy edges as if graphics are being scaled. EDIT: By "jaggy edges" I don't mean pixelated (as it's supposed to be) but as flickering-sometimes-not-square-ish-I-don't-know-how-to-describe-it-looks-wrong-to-me-while-in-motion...
I'd have to see a screenshot, because it may be that it's not scaling properly and the pixel art isn't scaling right. But if it is, I mean, the "320/568 blown up" is part of what pixel art is all about. Pixel art is a style that I chose deliberately from the outset. That said, it's not your responsibility to know that pixel art is a thing, and I'm actually writing an article about this very phenomenon. Sorry you're not crazy about the look. Rest assured tons and tons and tons of work went into making it look professional, despite the disconnect between pixel art and the modern eye.
I don't want to blow up TouchArcade with HUGE screenshots, so here is an imgur album with title/in-game shots from the App Store/iPhone 6/iPhone 6+ for comparison.
Ahh yeah! That's definitely stretching incorrectly! The game should, and usually does, look the way it does on the screenshots. I'll cc the coder this album and we'll get right on it. Before, it was anti-aliasing and blurring. The coder may have tried to address this and caused this issue instead. So sorry about that. Does it look this way to anyone else in the thread with a 6 or 6+? If this is effecting every device, it's a significant graphical glitch. So sorry. I'm just the artist. I have no control over this stuff. I'll get right on it.
I sadly have to agree, like an early HD TV trying to scale a normal resolution broadcast. It just doesn't appear to be scaling quite right even given the intentional pixel art look. Still a great game with decent art, just an odd resolution issue. It looks incredibly sharp on my iPhone 6+, so no issues to report there.
yeah, i suppose it looks like that on my 6 Plus too... seemed different from before, but still not correct.
Well, rest assured we work on auro every day. We'll fix it. It's a shame that the turnaround for apple is like 5-10 days. I'll ask the coder to work on a hotfix if he can.
I love the look of the game and the style of its artwork. I think it's just a issue of optimizing it for the different iOS platforms.
You can do it, Champagne! Hey, we're the 10th best reviewed game of 2015 so far! Not too shabby.
I dunno. It looks as if it was done in a 320 size environment and then you hope the hardware will magically make it fit a hi-res setup. Back in the Atari 800 and Amiga days you DID do every frame of animation in this resolution and it looked fine on a low res tube TV. This looks really bad on the iPad...smeared with grey antialiasing artifacts and its a shame as the art and animations are so charming. I'm not sure why you didn't start out in a 1920 res environment and simply quadruple every pixel. Then you would have had the scaling and proportion you want and the final result would be razor sharp. If the art you're giving your coder is contained in a super low res setup to begin with it's always going to look least on the iPad. And this is the only game I've ever seen after five years or more on iOS that shows antialiasing like this.. I've pretty much given up on it ever looking sharp on the iPad. It seems like it was "rendered" in far too low res to scale up into a hi res environment. Sorry Blake...your nice art and animations got toasted on the iPad. Have you even SEEN it on an iPad 2? Thanks, -M