10 matches in... I am really enjoying this game. There is just. so. much. strategy going on; then you win, then its another map, totally different enemy set up.... different spells... its what everyone said it would be Still trying to figure out why that mouse is kissing me... battery died, though, so had to put'er down for a little while. The graphics are standard awesome by you guys. Love it. Wonderful game, didn't expect anything less!
I'm a Brute, too! Anyone wanna help us out by writing some Metacritic reviews? So far only one guy posted a nice 0/10 review. http://www.metacritic.com/game/ios/auro-a-monster-bumping-adventure
Bah, I seem to be stuck in a rut. I get to level 9, then loose 5 straight back to level 8, where i can then win 5 straight to go back to level 9. Apparently I need to do some practice rounds at a higher difficulty.
Agree the jump when you hit level 9 is a big one. Got straight to level 9, then knocked to 8, then back to 9. Am winning a few more level-9 games now though. It's definitely the first big wall. Has anyone else noticed their kills sometimes not being taken off the brashness bar? I've mentioned this before and am not sure if it's a bug or just something I'm missing (a null kill or something)...? Battle on!
It may be that you're killing licorice bats/rats. If a red "x" comes up instead of a point float, the monster doesn't yield points. If you're aware of this rule and still experiencing points that don't register, try to come up with repro steps and head on over to the dinofarm forum!
I honestly don't know if anyone reads those. They're either 10's that praise it, or 0's that don't like/hate it. No one seems to give games anything between 1-9 <.<
Welp, we had a good run. Unfortunately, tonight, Dinofarm Games was taken over and has now become an OPENLY EVIL GAME DEVELOPMENT COMPANY called DRAGONBARN GAMES. Beware! http://www.dinofarmgames.com/dinofarm-games-has-gone-evil-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha/
Thanks, I think that might be it. Wow, that makes hard *much* harder than I'd thought! Almost level 10 On a side note, playing this has really got me back into Outwitters. Both the only games on my front screen. Apple should feature this game! Maybe TA can lobby!?
Hm, perhaps I'll give this a shot too and see if I can get to level 10 by tonight. Long live Dragonbarn! #
Not to pound on this nail yet again but... any idea when your upgrade will be available with the screen sharpness fix? You know the anti anti-alias version #
Actually if one of you has an iPhone6+ model phone, email me at [email protected] - you can help us track down that blurry screen bug. I agree, Apple should feature us! Not sure how we can make that happen.
It's blurry on the iPad Air 2 also. I remember you posting that the issue was fixed and would be in an update... It was after a poster told you about the way to set ios8 to scale properly. I guess this wasn't it? It does seem to be more of a scaling issue as in five years I've never seen iOS have an antialiasing issue or have seen any other dev's even mention it. In fact the last time I heard of a problem with it was with the Playstation 2 seemingly NOT being able to do it # So maybe there is a simple fix. If this was a typical disposable ios experience I wouldn't care but for a game with such long-term playability it would be nice if it was as sharp as all the lesser titles released daily.
Just another couple of things I noticed, for the devs: - candies don't appear frozen on frozen tiles, making it look like you can pick them up when (it seems) you can't. - is the Trickster rule 'Trickster always goes last'? If so, this seems to trump the 'closest monster always moves first' rule. Thinking the latter would overrule I moved towards a Trickster only to get zapped by a Lich (further away) first. Cheers!
We will fix the iPad "not filling the screen" issue for 1.30. The issue we already fixed was a different one . Candies aren't frozen on frozen tiles - you can in fact pick them up. If you failed to pick one up it was probably because both of your candy slots were full. For the trickster, it sorts by order, but yes the trickster goes last AFTER sorting by order. If that didn't happen, it's a bug that I'll look into.
Right, I forgot to check the other slots. Probably that's what it was! Yeah the Trickster was def. last so that sounds right. Thanks!