Universal Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure (by Dinofarm Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Glad to see someone else as enthusiastic about this as me. How many games have you logged in?
  2. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    #342 armilla, Mar 27, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2015
    TAers: as you may have noticed, I quite adore this game. I am 100% confident that this will be my GOTY, as it’s one of my favorite games of all time. That may seem like high praise, but considering I’ve logged 630+ games since day one and play every day with zero sign of stopping, I’m quite certain. Blake, the artist of the game, has compared this to chess or tennis in that you don’t need achievements, a leveling system, hundreds of enemies, loot, etc. when it comes to Auro: its expertly crafted design ensures that the gameplay stands strong on its own two legs. When Dinofarm claims that you could play this for years to come, rest assured that I believe that to be true, and some other forum members probably do too. Mobile gaming has become synonymous with disposable entertainment, which is certainly fine if you can wring even just a little bit of enjoyment out of a buck or two, but Auro’s price is not indicative of its quality: it should probably be twice as much, and quite honestly I’ve gotten more out of this than many $60 console games, so take that for what it’s worth.

    So to indicate this game’s longevity and value, I’ve decided to gift a copy of this game for every 100 matches I’ve logged in. I’m currently at 630 games since launch (currently at level 9 and will probably be stuck here for a while), and have already gifted a few copies, so I’d like to gift Auro to the next THREE MEMBERS THAT PM ME THAT ARE US RESIDENTS. If you like it, do one or more of the following: write a review on the app store, gift a copy, be active on this forum, promote it on social media, check out keithburgun.net, or do whatever you think would help the devs out. Keith and Blake Who are two guys are contributing majorly to game design, so if you like high-quality hardcore games support them!

    TL;DR: I’m gifting 3 copies to the next US residents that PM me their email address. If you like it, gift or promote the game everywhere you can. Support high-quality premium games on mobile!
  3. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Holy crap! Armilla, I can't say enough how much your efforts mean to us. I am so, so happy that the game has connected with you like this. We feel the same way about it and so it's really relieving to know that others do too.

    I've posted about your efforts on the Dinofarm Twitter - if anyone has Twitter maybe give it a re-tweet!

  4. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    You're welcome Keith - I'm just so grateful that Auro even exists in our gaming climate; it suits me perfectly.

    Thanks for the Twitter blast! Haven't had any takers just yet, so hopefully it will funnel in some interest. I mean, who doesn't want a free game, especially when it's this AWESOME!!?
  5. Champagne01

    Champagne01 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    #345 Champagne01, Mar 28, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2015
    Wow, just hit a wall at Level 9. Feels like a big jump up from 8!

    Quick question regarding the resolution of monster actions - do all actions basically resolve at once (after you've made your move), or is there an order? E.g. when you're about to take damage but there's also a Jelly or a Trickster there, ready to bump or teleport you. I've seen Auro take damage and then be bumped/teleported, so am guessing it's all simultaneous?

    Did wonder if perhaps, say, teleports might resolve first to save you in some situations etc. Have looked through the manual, but didn't notice anything explaining this.

    Back to battling with Level 9!

    Edit - Also just noticed scoring is out of date in the manual :)

    Edit - Also noticing a (potential) bug when I'm about to clear a stage and the last kill isn't registered. eg just dunked a Jelly with an abomination, with 2 on the brash bar and 3 combo, but the brash bar stayed at 2 until the *next* kill. Anyone else seeing this?
  6. klink

    klink 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 22, 2013
    No thank you
    That's amazing fan dedication and worth a re-tweet! ��
  7. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Thanks Klink #. There are two more codes remaining, so come grab them!
  8. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    So far I personally gave 4 copy's of this game away, it's just so amazing and you want to enjoy it with other people and have others feel the greatness put into this game.
    I was stuck at rank 9 for like 3 days and yesterday I shot up to rank 11 on a win streak train. Now I find my self leveling out here. I'll take it! Way better then 9! Hopefully masters 1 soon! Talk to you guys soon
  9. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Right now, it's mostly random, but I believe tricksters should act last and I also think jellies will act first. So if you're next to a jelly and two rats, and you bump one rat, I believe the jelly will bump you and the remaining adjacent rat won't hit you.

    Also, closer monsters always act before those that are further away.

    What we want to do later on is put numbers over adjacent monsters that show which order they will act in, when we can get to it.
  10. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Alright, got one more copy left, come grab it!
  11. Champagne01

    Champagne01 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    Thanks for the clarification, Keith.

    I can see how it might be distracting for new players to have numbers over the monsters; it might be an idea to just flesh out the order in the user manual, then players who are at that stage can reference the manual, while new players can spend time figuring out the spell/move mechanics and so on.

    I think I'm still seeing the bug where kills aren't always registered, and I noticed it's not always the last kill. I'm playing Level 9 on an iPhone 6+, if that helps.

  12. cadaei

    cadaei Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    I've played 155 games with 65 wins. Made it to level 9, but then got hammered back to 8. The games I usually can't win are when I have mostly freezing type spells.

    It would be really cool in practice mode to have an undo so that you could try a couple different things with the same set up.

    Totally agree that the game needs no rewards. Going on a winning streak is almost intoxicating, and losing a few in a row is super frustrating especially when you level down. But then it's a little easier so you know you will shortly have another win coming along.
  13. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    I'm now at 698 with 275 wins. Yeah, the air spells are my favorite group because the added mobility bails me out of hairy situations, and are pretty good for liches and heavies. But I welcome the variety and am trying to rely on ice more.

    Good point with the win streak: it's quite tense when you're on at least 3-5 wins and rapidly jump into the next level (wherever the player is at), knowing you could steamroll right into the next if you play smartly.

    Got two more copies if anyone wants them. Fans of the game: if you know anyone who might enjoy auro, let them know it's available here!
  14. As a huge fan of 100 Rogues, I can't believe I missed this one. The name just didn't suck me in! After reading through the pages of nots here, it looks like a winner... Just need to save up for it ;)

    What's next for you guys? This looks like a successful launch, hope it is doing well financially for ya'll!
  15. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    I would love to have some stats about game play:

    - for each spell, how often do I use it? How much damage did I inflict overall with it?
    - for each monster, how often did it damage Auro?

    Because I do have my favourite spells and would like to have my weak points pointed out to be able to improve!
  16. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    ...and another minor bug: when I resume an ongoing game and the app was killed, the HUD display doesn't show new text messages.

    Otherwise great game and terrific update! Thanks!
  17. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Next for Dinofarm Games is:

    - Support the hell out of Auro and make it way better!
    - PC Version

    Also in the background we are working on a prototype for the next Dinofarm game, but that won't be public for awhile.

    Well, actually one of the interesting things about the game is that things aren't so black and white like that. The Air spells, Jump and Dash almost never cause "damage" or allow you to get kills and when they do it's very indirect (like you used an Air vortex). So it'd be really hard for the game to measure this - which I actually think is a sign of how deep the game is.
  18. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Got one more copy to gift upon reaching game 700: come get it!
  19. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    Having favourite spells is, in this game, a weak spot of its own. Hence also the decision to never let you pick spells, but assign them randomly, so you don't miss out on depth due to always choosing the same spells. Years of design work were invested into making all the spells and combinations as balanced as possible. You can basically make them all work equally well. So if you like a spell less than others, chances are you're not yet using it to its fullest potential. ;)
  20. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY

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