Universal Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure (by Dinofarm Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Marco1

    Marco1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Thanks for the reply.
    I would like an option to stretch the screen although I love the graphics and art and can understand why you went with it.
    Great game.
  2. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    Not sure if a minority here but I'd take black bars over stretched any day!
  3. runliketurtles

    runliketurtles Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2012
    I finally picked this up...

    Seems neat, but eh, I can't really get into it. The core mechanics have a lot to them, but I have little motivation to learn them. No level/adventure/story mode, and no multiplayer or game center. Glad I tried this, but don't see myself playing much more.
  4. armilla

    armilla Well-Known Member

    Dec 13, 2012
    Me too!
  5. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    The basic idea is that the motivation is in the actual gameplay. You're not leveling up some extrinsic bar or counter, but yourself as you climb the mountain of mastery (which is by the way huge in this case since it's an extremely deep game). I know that that's, sadly, a really rare feature in modern day video games. Mostly you're lured into playing (whether you find the act itself enjoyable or not) by all kinds of extrinsic rewards, like incremental levels, experiences points, achievements and whatnot. Auro doesn't have those, but it also doesn't need to. It's a completely trick-free gaming experience that wants you to play for the sake of it, for fun instead of carrots on sticks, for a chance of witnessing your own creative thought processes becoming more and more elaborate over time.

    If that's not your thing, that's of course not a problem. But personally (after a few thousand matches since the beta and playing this game for well over 2 years), I'd encourage you to stick with it for a while. Don't be too quick to drop your motivation just because there's not much to unlock, "beat" or level up. We're used to that kind of stuff these days, but a really good game that's enjoyable in and of itself will reward you intrinsically while playing. Playing on the later ranks of Auro, you'll feel much more like superhero than in any 3rd-person action spectacle you've ever touched. :D
  6. Champagne01

    Champagne01 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    #326 Champagne01, Mar 23, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2015
    Wonderfully Idiosyncratic

    Have been watching this for a while, following the developer's streams, listening to the podcast (great insight into the design process) etc. Downloaded after the 1.29 patch.

    And...the game is as wonderful as I'd hoped. Great, great work. Wonderfully idiosyncratic, deviously tactical, relentlessly addictive. The ranking and scoring systems are genius; they really do drive you to become a better player. It's not just hype.

    A few notes:

    - The art is indeed a little blurry on the 6+. But it's still beautiful, it's *not* a reason to hold off buying. If anything it's endearingly classical, evocative of a 3DS or something. Sharper would be great, but IMHO it's no deal breaker.

    - I saw parts of the manual aren't updated for 1.29 yet; e.g. snowball, which is confusing when you read about the old version then play and it's the nerfed version.

    - Jumping onto a monster on a teleporter seems to end the stage; thought it might be more intuitive if you were given the option to bounce off as usual, as logically you hit the monster and not the teleporter.

    Really great work. Looking forward to future updates and developments.

    Developers this good deserve to succeed and succeed big.
  7. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Yep! We're fixing this for 1.30, which should ship out tomorrow-ish!

    Fixed! Thanks for the heads up. Also fixed some cooldowns and the Abomination description was wrong too. If you see any other issues let me know and I'll get 'em right away.

    Hmm... I could see this sorta going either way, but I guess maybe you're right. I could probably slip this into 1.30.

    Anyway - how's that for service?!

    Thanks. We really have like NO resources for advertising or anything like that, so we are totally reliant on fans being really, really loud about us. Posts about Auro on other forums, social media will really go a long way.
  8. esty8nine

    esty8nine Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Very nicely said Natch! And Keith I don't know if this is intended, prob is, but if you bounce a guy in the water, then a squid steps over that spot, I bounce a heavy onto that squid, the squid just stays there, I'm assuming because one died and another "poped out" even tho it doesn't show it I'm assuming that's what happened, jus making sure it's correct!
  9. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    So... I am REALLY enjoying this one post-update. Having the spells right away and having them preselected is great.

    I still kinda suck at the game, but it's clicked for me. Everything in the game just works with everything else in the game in such great ways... The way you can mix spells and edges and posts all to get the perfect 'killing machine' ready to take out 2, 3, 4 or even more guys in a row, or all together... Just great mechanics and implementation. Can't praise it enough. =oD

    But I'm enjoying the flow of the game a lot more now. Being able to jump right in is a huge turn on for my gaming neurons. =oP

    Thank you!
  10. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Here's a guaranteed dumb question: is there a way to kill the squids? Maybe I've never hurled a monster into them... Would that work?
  11. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    You need to throw a heavy monster onto them. Like Vargas, a Brute, or a Troggle.
  12. LordGek

    LordGek Well-Known Member
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    Feb 19, 2009
    Software QA Engineer
    Saratoga, CA, USA
    I initially missed but really appreciate the "Placement Test" option, was that a new thing added in 1.29?
  13. Blake.Reynolds

    Blake.Reynolds Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    Yup. We think this is important. Along with adding score goals to the practice mode, both changes remove any potential anxiety a player might have to start their "permanent record." I thought about how many people play Lol or CS and just fight bots because of competition anxiety. Any Auro player who might have that anxiety might have only played the "scoreless" practice mode. That would mean players have had the game for months not even knowing what it is!
  14. Hpmor

    Hpmor Well-Known Member

    Jan 7, 2014
    I think I found two bugs:

    1) rank 4 is easy/35 und thus even easier than rank 3 with easy/50. Probably rank 4 should be normal/35 as rank 5 is normal/50

    2) the power counter drops from 3 to 2, but 2 is not a valid counter anymore. Not sure if only the display in the HUD is wrong, though.
  15. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    #335 keithburgun, Mar 24, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2015
    @Hpmor - wow, I can't believe I overlooked that bug! You're right, very good find. For some reason in one part of the code I had the distributions like 3,4,4 when it's actually 4,4,3. Silly me!

    Will be fixed for 1.30!
  16. spader623

    spader623 Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2014
    Not sure if this has been brought up or not but the games music and sound plays even if the sound on my iPhone is turned off (the mute switch, near the sound buttons).
  17. Champagne01

    Champagne01 Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2009
    That's great, looking forward to 1.30. I've bounced onto so many monsters on teleports only to then be thrown to the next level. Think I'd learn :)

    Will definitely be spreading the word to everyone I know.
  18. countBasil

    countBasil Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Aug 30, 2012
    Argh, I unlocked tutorials 11-20 but since it won't let me pass 10, I can't play them. Killing me at the end of tutorial 10 appears to be a bug so hope gets fixed!
  19. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    To play Tutorials 11-20, you have to reach Rank 5 on Play Mode.
  20. cadaei

    cadaei Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Before updating, I was playing the safe way by being careful. I got to rank 8 or so I think. After updating i had my butt handed to me all the way back to level 4.

    The game is so well balanced that I feel I am getting better and have now worked my way back to level 8.

    Each win gets more intense as you don't want to loose points and get bumped down. But if that happens it just means you get a bit more practice.

    I am just having a great time with this!!

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