Universal Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure (by Dinofarm Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    Just wanted to pop in and say thank you for the update! It seems so rare to get good post-release support these days... Nice seeing this one still getting tweaked. =oD
  2. blue rocket

    blue rocket Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2013
    If this true, i'll be a happy bumper for sure!
  3. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    You and me both... that is, if this is the same issue that affects the iPad Air 2.
  4. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Speaking of happiness:

    This weekend, starting *RIGHT NOW*, Auro is on sale for $1.99. Now's the time to tell your friends, or even gift-buy them a copy! It's only going to last for this weekend, and we won't be doing sales often, so definitely take advantage of this while you can.

    We really think 1.29 is *significantly* better than the launch version, so we're hoping by doing a sale we can have a "second launch" of sorts. So yeah - posting on forums about it, twitter, facebook, that all helps.

    Thanks guys!
  5. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Well I'm heading there now to get a copy for myself (and buy one for my son). Least I can do after making you read all my comments about the GFX #.

    Thanks for the sale and all your TA input... you guys are a class act.
  6. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    Man this is a great game... There goes a huge chunk of my free time. Thanks (I think?)
  7. forsakenxe

    forsakenxe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014
    Already did the same #
  8. countBasil

    countBasil Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Aug 30, 2012
    #308 countBasil, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    I don't get it: I keep being killed when there is one monster left and I only have one "life" left. I shove the monster into the water but I get hit as well. It seems to be the green "Jell-O" monster that does this, and it only seems to happen on the last move…? This is the last tutorial stage.

    PS: I can verify it just happened with a mouse. I was standing immediately adjacent to it, pushed it in the water, and we both died! Again, it may have been the last monster of this round. What am I missing?

    PSS: okay, it just happened again on a last move, but I noticed that I had 4 "life" left but I still died! Is this a bug or am I missing something really big?

    PSSS: AHH, I get it: I wasn't making enough points by the end of the level. This was confusing: appears that I am dying when I just have not gotten enough points! How much do I get more points?
  9. Nachtfischer

    Nachtfischer Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2013
    Game Designer
    @countBasil: It might be a bug, but if you're already at the last tutorial, I'd suggest just diving into Play Mode and enjoying the hell out of the game anyways. :D
  10. countBasil

    countBasil Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Aug 30, 2012
    Thx but as in my last added "PS", it appears that I was not dying, but instead was not making enough points to complete the level successfully! If it is a bug, it is that the required number of points on that level is too high for the number of monsters. But I am assuming there is something I need to do besides kill the monsters to make points…?
  11. Blake.Reynolds

    Blake.Reynolds Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    #311 Blake.Reynolds, Mar 21, 2015
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2015
    You definitely shouldn't be dying if you haven't gotten "enough points" at the end of a level. The only time you should die is when your barrier depletes to zero.

    Keep in mind, some monsters can attack you from a range, like the Foxy and the Lich. You may be taking damage from sources of which you are not aware.

    If you do understand the rules, however, and are still spontaneously dying or losing barrier, try to send repro steps to our forums over at dinofarmgames.com.

    Oh, and as to "score goals being too high," I mean, you just gotta learn to keep the combo meter(number on the top left) as high as possible. Sacrifice health for an extra 4 pointer. Burn a jump spell to cover more ground. Start thinking outside the box and push your advantage. That's all part of the skill building of Auro!

    Thanks for playing, and sorry for your trouble!
  12. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    I added a thread for the sale in the 'Price Drops, Must-Have Freebies and Deals' section. Hopefully that will help out even more.

    I'm not a huge fan of strategy games, but from all the acclaim this is getting I'm going to download it and give it a whirl.
  13. Blake.Reynolds

    Blake.Reynolds Well-Known Member

    May 5, 2010
    We're so glad! Also, try and remember there's a bit of a learning curve. I strongly recommend that you watch the tutorial video linked from the title screen. It's 15 minutes, and slightly out of date but it'll ensure you "get" the game as quickly as possible.

    Let us know what you think!
  14. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Awesome, thanks for the tip! I'm gonna need all the help I can get! :)

    It's downloaded and on my iPad, but I may not have the time to get to it right away. I'll definitely be back here after I spend some time with it though.
  15. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    Yeah. It really depends on what kind of learner you are actually. Some people will learn better from watching the tutorial, some people might learn better from just diving in and playing a few of the tutorial missions, and some people might want to just read the online manual a bit and just dive in. All of these ways are viable.

    With 1.29, we wanted to make it easier for players to feel comfortable with just diving in and figuring some stuff out.

    And yeah, to the person reporting his inability to beat the Tutorial level:

    You have to keep your multiplier high by killing monsters in quick succession. Don't let a lot of turns go by between kills. This is actually what the game is all about, so mastering it on that tutorial level is important.

    With that said, don't feel like you have to beat that level to go on. Feel free to dive into Play Mode!
  16. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    As I can recall there are just ten tutorials in the new version and they breeze right by... But I do remember maybe something odd happening on the last one where it didn't seem to end like the others. I may have tapped the screen too quickly and missed something but all of a sudden I was back to the title page.

    So I said...ok and just hit "play" and went to the ranked levels. I did learn to kill off all you can on each patch of land as when you get to four and beyond it beefs up the attackers. Gets crowded as hell with all the baddies... Looks like a Macy's the day before Xmas.
  17. MasonHurst

    MasonHurst Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2013
    For the devs on the next update: there is a typo when it describes Firebomb in the upper left screen. Instead of "and" it says "sand". At least on the new iPad.
  18. Marco1

    Marco1 Well-Known Member

    Jun 13, 2012
    Love this game but it doesn't fill the screen on my iPad air 2. There are black borders.
    Is it meant to have them?
  19. forsakenxe

    forsakenxe Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2014

    Yeah i am really sorry to say this but after all this wait for the devs to fix gfx on ipad air 2 i bought it yesterday and it just looks shitty... lalmost ike iphone scaled up. I am so sorry to say sth like this about such a quality game but i am so dissappointed. As I got in on sale i won't demand a refund in hope it gets fixed, but i certainly won't play it if it looks so washed. :(
  20. keithburgun

    keithburgun Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2010
    Game Design, Author
    Westchester, NY
    For 1.30, which we're working on now, we intend to fix this bug. Sorry about that!

    We used to "stretch" the screen and people really hated that. Due to the necessary shape of our game, and the shape of the iPad, here's the situation: basically those black bars on the right side are either going to be black, or we can put some pretty texture there if you prefer. To me it seems better if they're just black. We could maybe provide an option for people to stretch the game if they prefer it that way though.

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