I thought I heard that audiosurf was going to be coming out in the app store soon. Was that just a rumor or does anyone know anything about it?
A while back the creator said (elsewhere) he would be interested in making an iPhone version if apple ever allowed iPod access to apps. But a recent thread commented that the 3.0 api may not give the type of access needed. I have no clue .
The devs opted out because 3.0 doesn't provide access to the mp3 files, rather just the songs themselves. (I'm pretty sure... I don't understand technical jargon too well )
OS 3.0 only allows games to play music through the app rather than read the music files. That makes Audiosurf impossible except through a loophole similar to BeatRider.
Don't really care of AudioSurf gets released unless they fix the poor note generation. After playing BeatRider I can see just how much more accurate this new app is at generating notes that go with the rhythm than AudioSurf was. Yes, AudioSurf is much older but if it just got ported to the iPhone and nothing else was changed then I would be glad that 3.0 is not helping them.