There is some nasty rendering bug where the position of two atoms get superposed and that is really awkward when the board gets full. Two times now it happened that my + ended up in the wrong place because of it in the same game. That killed the game and I had a good one going (11k) [edit] image added (from the early stages, where placement of the + was not yet an issue).
Yes unfortunately this happens sometimes after using the minus, I know this bug is really annoying, but I only noticed it after the release I've sent the fixed update to apple 2 days ago , hopefully they approve it soon. In the meanwhile this might help if it happens again: Go to the menu and then back to the game Additional tip if you have a lot of atoms: If you tap and hold your finger on the game field a thin line will show you where the middle atom will go.
Ok, good to know. Thanks. Just tried it, but when I come back, I lose the possibility to convert the middle atom to a plus, so I have to remember to convert it before stepping out to the menu. Well, all-in-all it is a good workaround and it will be temporary, so I'm not going to complain [edit] erhm, no, when I convert the middle atom to a +, go to the menu, and come back, The + is gone! So the workaround is no good [edit2] ok, so what will work is the additional tip! I'm happy again Be prepared to see that you need to position your finger at the "wrong" side of an atom, though. It is surprising how far off the line will show, but it seems reliable enough to trust it.
Unfortunately, it seems that this is another bug that needs to be fixed. Thank you very much for informing me!
Here is an idea: when you go out to the menu and then bring up Game Center, the game submits your current game high-score (if it is a high-score of course). I'm at Aluminum now and don't plan to die any time soon yet Or maybe on the screen with the scores, have a separate button, "submit to GC". Oh, and also, I cannot submit "SAOSIJS", it becomes "SAOSIJ" on that score screen. Maybe I should try SAOSIJSS?
That's a pretty good idea, I will implement this I tried "SAOSIJS" and it work for me, maybe you have to tap return key before starting a new game or going to the menu.
One more: during a game, when going out to the menu and then to the charm screen, no charm is selected: there is no charm with a ring and all the charms show "equip" so it is not clear if any charm really is active (which would be very bad, of course). Actually, can you change your charm during a game? Also, the lucky charm selection is reset when starting a new game, so if you have a preference, not equal to the first charm oxygen (which always would be the case), you have to remember to select it for every game.
Cool! Yes, I got it now. The need for the return key is not intuitive, after all, this is just one word (or one line)
One more: suddenly a 4 appeared out of a combination of higher elements. I don't recall which exactly the higher elements were, only that they definitely were higher. Seeing the board, I'd say in the 40's. Next game you can hire me as a professional beta-tester
Just tried it on my 4s and you're right, I don't understand why it works perfectly on my iPhone 6 but not on the 4s, but i will find the issue and fix it! It could be that this error is only visually, so the lucky charm is still equipped although it doesn't show up. You can change lucky charms during game, but it will only affect a new game. Not quite sure, why this happens, but I'll take a look at it. Yes I definitely should!!! Cause you've helped me so much. I'm really thankful for that.
You can change it without having effect? That is confusing. In that case, when changing a charm, it would be better if the game responded with a warning that it is not allowed during game play. And possibly give the player the option to break off the game and start a new one. The selection of the lucky charm should be clearer in the game flow. Now, when you finish a game, the only thing you see is "new game". But at that point you should be forced to select, or at least reminded of what is, the active lucky charm.
There should a precise indication appear when you are getting close to full, like how many atoms you still can place. Now it is a bit of a guess (it's a lot to count) The game doesn't really follow the periodic table anymore at some point
would be great if it did follow chemical bonding principles and the periodic table! great puzzle game, lots of hours spent on it the other night
Hey saosijs, sorry for the late response, I was really busy with making the updates. I added following things to my to do list for the upcoming update: - Warning alert that lucky charms only changes after new game - Indicator when near to game over - Background music support - Optimized tutorial - Random Neutrinos (Atoms which can fuse with everything) About the incompleteness of the periodic table: First I wanted to add only the most "famous" elements that most users might know, it also should be easy to get Gold. I'm currently thinking of completing the periodic system, but I'm still not sure if I should, because it would be way harder to reach gold. Another question: did someone experienced really impossible scores, like up t o 14 Mio? I've seen about hundreds of them in game center and also on twitter. I wonder if this a hack or a glitch don't know about. : /
I saw that yesterday too for the first time! All scores were "earned 1 hour ago". Today I looked again, and all these scores were still earned 1 or 2 hours ago. Moreover, depending on choosing "Today", "This Week" or "All Time" I see these scores appear and disappear what you wouldn't expect with recent scores Really weird, it is like scores from other game(s) are showing up. I would contact Apple and/or check the Apple developer forum to see if there are similar reports. [edit] just saw that you mentioned Twitter posts ... hmmm that sounds more like a hack, because it would really come from the game, right? Can you match the scores posted on Twitter with GC scores? Still, GC acts weird independent of this
I fixed that bug today, update will be available next week. About the extrem highscores: I know now that it's a bug, but I'm still not sure what situation causes it. For now I add a function which checks for those impossible Elements / Scrores and removes them. For the next update: I will add a new Atom type called Neutrino. I've made up to abilities for it: (a) : copy one atom from the game field (b) : ability to be combined with every atom Which one would you prefer?
Neutrino: I like (a), it has a more strategic use than (b), which feels too powerful Extreme highs cores: maybe it has to do with one of the charms not working as expected? I played quite a lot, and haven't encountered a high score bug (unfortunately LOL ), but I have always been playing with the same charm. Or did it start only after an update? Then trace back what has changed in the code with that update. So how are you planning to clean the leaderboard? I'm around #600 now and my score is "clean" and probably top 10 (~65000), but how will you know where the "bugged" scores start? To make it worse, how to distinguish a "lower end" bugged score from a high valid score? I see scores grouped together for example around 74000, 134000, which is not a natural distribution so that are most likely bugged scores, but these groups could hide valid scores. Periodic table: I think you overvalue "reaching gold". I think players will recognize the value of truthfully following the periodic table much more. Put in another screen after Settings with some science-y explanation! And I suggest to add an extra science layer and rename the charms to famous scientist like Cury, Bohr, Schrödinger, Geiger, .. I think that should resonate well with the game audience. Unlocking an Einstein charm! Noticed one more tiny bug: the pulsating circle that indicates which lucky charm is active did not show; it had appeared on the Settings screen. It looked kind of lost there I knew my active charm and it still correctly said "discard" and the others said "equip" so that was ok. And I could get back to a normal situation by activating another charm and then my original again.
Thanks that bug with the lucky charm is fixed. About the leaderboard: You're right it's hard to decide which scores are real and which invalid. I came to the conclusion that the best solution it is to make a fresh new leaderboard and leave the old one as it is. I think that is the fairest solution to all players.
Ok, so how can I compete on the Old one? What is the secret to the high scores? I'm currently no. 1906 with my measly 65131 points. Still took me a couple of hours of precious gaming time And still sinking rank fast hahaha! I figured as long as there is no New leaderboard yet (update), I could try to improve my ranking on the Old one