Universal Astro Attack (By Blocky Pixel)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. Hmm... that's a pretty interesting behaviour. I'm wondering if it has to do with the new ad system. Even though you haven't watched any ads there, I am making a request to the ad framework to check if anything is available. Potentially something is going wrong there. That does give me something else to test :) And it is the kind of crazy behaviour that might happen when an ad provider breaks...

    Luckily I have a few weeks until 1.2 is submitted, so still time to track it down, and it sounds like it's pretty rare anyway. I just don't like have a bug that I can't find :p

    And thanks about Italy! I think the holiday will do me some good :)
  2. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #162 LordShad0wz, May 21, 2016
    Last edited: May 21, 2016
    Guess what. I'm onto the crash!

    Ok it crashed again just now. I had just switched to my third ship while playing and watching ads and doing missions. I'm at 17000 coins muhahaha. Lol

    So. I said let me try again. I started with the coin ship and suicided at the top of the screen. Everything ok. I switched the the inception. Suicided at the top of the screen. Crash. It crashes again at the big explosion.

    I restart. I use the Galaxic. I suicide at the top of the screen. No problem. I switch to the time ship. Suicide at the top of the screen. Again no problem. I switch the baby Astro. I suicided at the top of the screen. Crash. It crashed again at the big explosion.

    Go for it. It works. Just ram something at the top of the screen. Switch ships. You'll crash.


  3. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    It's reproducible. This time though it crashed on the fourth ship. I just randomly switched ships and immediately pushed to the top and killed myself.

  4. Woo! Bug squashed! Thanks so much Billy!

    Ok, so this was a good one. It's actually a bug that is in Update 1.1, but it didn't show up because I had a special check to prevent it from happening. It was only introduced when I added secrets, and was caused whenever the game offered a preview ship, and you had everything unlocked.

    It's kind of connected to the bug with the misreported unlock count.

    Once I could reproduce the problem, I could get this crash dump


    There were two bugs working together with this one, the first was checking if there were any ships left to unlock. I do this by checking the total number of ships in the game equals the total number of unlocked ships. Problem here is that when I added secret ships, I broke it, and this was the code causing the problem


    Because there are ships you can never win or buy (secret ships), even when you have all the ships unlocked, these two numbers won't match up. Basically, the code is broken. I changed it to something better.

    The second problem was the extra guard on making sure I never tried to show a preview ship when there wasn't on available


    This bug was a straight up typo. I wasn't checking the right thing to make sure I had a preview ship or not.

    So that was it! Luckily it won't be a problem in 1.1, even though some bad code is technically in there. There are some extra checks that stop it from happening.

    Thanks so much Billy, that was an amazing help. This is why the repo case is so important, because as soon as I have that, I can track down the problem :) It means I can go from a crash dump, to a fix!
  5. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Nice! See teamwork! It was literally driving me nuts. I hate when I can't figure something out. It finally clicked today hehe.

    Plus I'm good at breaking games.


  6. MrGreed

    MrGreed Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Great game and i dont usually play shoot em ups like this

    Some suggestions for future updates:
    - Control sensitivity - give the option to move faster to save our thumbs and hands from carpel tunnel. Just like in COD you can increase the sensitivity to avoid moving the control stick (in this case your thumb) more

    - More powerups - we need MORE POWERUPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please give us a few power ups in each update

    very polished cant wait to get the doubler how much will it be?
  7. Hey MrGreed! Thanks for the feedback :D

    There are a few Quality of Life features I'd like to play around with, and sensitivity is one of them. I've tried to keep the controls pretty simple, but that it something I may play around with in the future. You're not the first person to request it.

    New powerups are on the cards too, but not two each update! Too many! The thing with the powerups, is they need to combine with other powerups, and if I'm adding two each update, and you do the maths on the number of possible powerup combinations, it gets out of hand very quickly :p Don't worry though, I have some ideas, and I'll find ways to expand the gameplay in the future!

    The Coin Double will be US$3.99, and double coins from everything - not just the drops in the games. Double gifts, double mission rewards and even double ad rewards!
  8. I much prefer for you to break it now, than after release :D Please, continue to break!
  9. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #169 LordShad0wz, May 22, 2016
    Last edited: May 22, 2016
    Also with the purchase you get this awesome ship called the Coinship Astroprize. It actually is an awesome ship with a signature attack. It has become one of my favorites that I regularly play along with the Galaxic, Dragicorn, and the Doc ships.

    It's well worth the price.

    I still can't believe we are getting the voltron ships. I'm dying for those. I watched Voltron everyday as a kid. I can't wait.

    And I'm still demanding the last Starfighter. I won't rest until I'm killing some Kodan armada fighters.

    Can you tell I love this damn game lol. It's ridiculous.


  10. Just the heads up that beta update 1.2.2 has just gone live!

    - Replaced all of the placeholder ships with new ships.
    - New Invaders! New bullets! New shield!
    - 5 new Astron ships - Green Bear, Red Wolf and the terrifying YELLOW HORNET! (Seriously, we based it on a real thing. It will mess you up)
    - 3 secret ships to unlock (this time they're super secret and actually hard to find!)
    - Added a new lined background for the Astron theme (still a work in progress)
    - UI updates for localization to make sure words fit (I'm looking at you, German)
    - Added guest ship "Sparrow" and appropriate links to go download it!
    - Fancy new tutorial tips to help people learn about unlocking ships
    - Post game tweaks to offer ship previews more often
    - Added localised share messages
    - Various UI bug fixes

    Things to know for this build:
    - Share images haven't been generated for the new ships
    - Localization still is placeholder. It won't make much sense.
    - Title image has not been localised for all languages
    - Astron and Thumb Space art isn't final, we're still working on it!
    - There is a known crash bug on the game after the big explosion. If you get this, please let me know any details you remember!
    - There are some performance issues that give a few jitters at the start of the game

    Things to Test:
    - What do you think about the new Astron theme? Do you like the art? Do you not like the art?
    - Did you find any of the harder secrets? And no, I won't give any hints!
    - Did you try any of the other languages? Did the layout look sensible?
    - Did you try the Sparrow? Give it a go? Download Thumb Space?
    - Did you purchase any Astron ships?
  11. MichaelThompson

    Feb 23, 2016
    3D Artist
    New ship (ssshhhhhh!)

    Hey Billy, this one is for you ;)


    I heard this ship was one you wanted to see there, so I thought I'd upload a WIP! If theres anything you think feels off let me know!

  12. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #172 LordShad0wz, May 23, 2016
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    YES! Hahahhahahhaa! I'm all smiles. It's perfect! Thank you so much for this!


  13. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    The sparrow needs a little work. It has no trail which is its signature feature. Since you guys are perfectionists I just thought you should know. I love it though. I'm happy to see you cross promote thumb space it's a damn good game with a good dev. Plus I get to use the sparrow in my favorite game. You can't go wrong here.

    The Astron ships. Since I had 20,000 coins I unlocked them via the astropuff prize machine. It wasn't bad at all. The machine actually gave them all out very quickly. Maybe too quickly. I still have 18000 coins. I absolutely love the art of the Astron ships and their new enemies. The background is a little bland though. But I get what you are going for from the show and it's good. But the artwork is amazing. You guys have always really shined in the artwork department and that's part of what draws me to the game. Every model is in full 3D in the game. It's not some sloppy 2d crap. When you move the Astron you see the sides and even underside. It's fantastic.

    As to the secrets. One of them I think I can figure out. The other I haven't a clue. I'll have to think on it.

    So far it's an amazing update. It's really amazing to see the thumb space cross promotion. The ship needs some flames though as trails!


  14. Thanks for the awesome feedback :)

    You're right about the particles - definitely need to get on to that. We're missing a lot of particles at the moment, and should get that extra polish in for the next build. Good spot with the Sparrow - we can make sure it looks right :) We're also going to give that background some more love too.

    The coin one is tricky, and one of the problems with doubling coins from all the things :p It sort of breaks the economy. But, my thinking was if someone buys the doubler, they should reap the benefits of that. Down side is the coins start to lose value when they're stock piled. I think that's something I'll need to address in the future.

    Glad you're liking the update :) Needs some more polish, and there are more ships coming, but shaping up well.

    Nice and stable, too ;)
  15. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #175 LordShad0wz, May 23, 2016
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    Yep, I've not had a single crash and believe me I've tried. The first thing I did was randomly crash my ship, switching ships each time, and no crashes. I tested the sparrow get button and it opened the AppStore properly. Is there a way for the game to check if thumb space is already installed though so you don't get that everytime? I don't know how that works or if it's possible that's why I'm asking. As to the coins it's not a matter of stockpiling. It only took 1800 coins to unlock everything. I'm saying the astropuff prize machine might be giving new stuff out a bit too quickly that's all. You don't want to give it all away too too easily. I know it's not an easy thing to balance.

    What I'd love to see is upgrades for the power ups. Maybe make them last a tad longer with every upgrade. Just a tad. It would be an excellent coin sink and definitely would emphasize the purchase of the doubler as well. I know you've already got a lot on your plate I'm just throwing thoughts out there for you to think on.

    The problem is the game is already so damn awesome but there's still so much more that can be done too lol. I'm glad you have a great dev team and your artists are effing amazing. I'm not saying this to kiss ass I actually mean it. The game actually makes me want to keep playing it. I knew from that first day I played in the beta that this game was going to kick ass and I was right.

    I'll be honest I feel really guilty when I unlocked the ships today. I really want to give you more money. I've only spent $6 on your game. If you have a paypal I'd like to send you some money. I don't feel right getting this all for free. I couldn't help myself when I unlocked the ships. I love voltron. Of course I got the black tiger last lol. I'm also very grateful you guys are making the last Starfighter for me. No other game has ever done it. Your game will be unique with this. A one of a kind. I'm truly grateful.

    I can't wait for everyone to get this update. It's effing epic!


  16. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #176 LordShad0wz, May 23, 2016
    Last edited: May 23, 2016
    I can't figure out the secrets. I've been trying all morning. The hints suck lol

    I hate you. Just saying.

    Also in addition to the fiery trail to the Thumbspace ship can you change the attack to a dot/circle? That's the attack it uses in Thumbspace. Just to make it accurate.

  17. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I finally figured out one of the secrets.

    Astron- Defender of the universe!


    I still haven't figured out the others.

  18. Hah! Some of them are pretty hard ;) Maybe too hard! We'll see :p I wanted to add some that would need a bit of time for people to figure out, and some that were a bit easier.

    And I can definitely do circles ;) Should get some time to polish up the Sparrow this weekend.

    I think you're right with the Astro Puffs, I should tweak it a bit. There are still more ships coming for this update, so we can see how the prize machine feels with a few changes when we get those in. It's a tricky balance, because if I make the prize machine too stingy, people will lose interest in it because they're not getting anything new. Make it too generous and people will get everything too quickly and the coins lose value! We've been throwing around ideas for other coin sinks, so there is that possibility too. I think short term, I can tune the payout rate of the Astro Puffs, and see how that goes in the next build.

    And don't feel bad about the cash! Honestly, the feedback and help you've given is super valuable. We all really appreciate it.
  19. MrGreed

    MrGreed Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    any chance to see upgrades (RPG style via purchasing) to the power ups?
  20. I wouldn't totally rule it out, but it's not planned at the moment. Something might do eventually, but I'd need to put a fair bit of thought into it, and do a bunch of play testing!

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