Noooo leave it! It's perfect as is! It's awesome! I'm actually still playing it lol I'm serious! I was actually cracking up laughing! Billy
Not really bosses, this is closer to Space Invaders than a bullet hell. You can download it and check it out
In a way it does and in a way it doesn't. This game is more like space invaders or Galaga/Galaxian. As you play huge enemies will show up that are pretty tough to kill. Sometimes two at a time and then two more show up right away. Those really are bosses but not in the sense you are talking about. I absolutely suggest you get the game and play. It's a phenomenal game. Once you start unlocking ships and the themes change you will love it. The game gets really hard. Billy
I tried it and it's really fun! Just two suggestions but overall it's a great game and I'm glad I downloaded it! 1. iCloud/Game Center data save. Currently the game doesn't have any option to save data and sync it over multiple devices. Most iOS users have multiple devices so it's a shame the game doesn't have it. 2. Starts off way too easy. I really like the game, but when I die you need to start from the beginning. In my opinion there should be different game modes. Easy - normal - hard. Would be great but this isn't really needed. Just a suggestion
Yeah, iCloud is definitely on my list, and it will get there eventually. I've build the data in such a way that icloud support shouldn't be too tricky (though I'll need to think about how I handle merging the coins). The early game can be a bit jarring when you go back to the beginning, and it feels a bit slow. It's something I'll be mindful of in future updates
With merging coins, are you talking about the first sync from each device? Otherwise shouldn't any device already have the same information? Just curious. I remember during beta it used to start off kicking you in the balls. It was crazy but I liked it. It would be cool if you could start at different points that you had already reached. Not so much check points since your score would still start at zero. More like Tetris where you can start from any leave you have beaten. As a work around to this I usually park my ship in the bottom corner until the invaders get close to the bottom. This is also useful for getting multiple power ups at once.
With the coins - sort of. In unity, I use something called PlayerPrefs to store the data. It stores data using a keyword, and a value. So, unlocking the ship would store "doubler_unlocked" = true. Coins are stored as "coins" = 100. Those values are saved on the device and persisted between plays. When you have multiple devices, you need to deal with conflicts. What if once device has a value for one keyword, and another device has a different value? For ship unlocks, that's easy. You just always go with true - if one device says a ship is unlocked, and the other says it isn't, then go with unlocked/ Coins are a bit more complicated, because you need to deal with people playing the game offline, and potentially getting out of sync. Now one device says you have 1000, the other 1200, and which one do you choose? The solution I'm thinking is I store the number of coins earned on each device separately, then add them up. So, a bit like this Device 1: 150 Device 2: 100 Display total coins: 250 The player then spends 200 coins on device 2, so now it's Device 1: 150 Device 2: -100 Display total coin: 50 I might not end up doing that, but that's what I'm thinking at the moment. I'll definitely look into ways I can expand the game out a bit later, too. You'll notice when you open the leaderboards there is one leaderboard called 'Classic', I did it that way because I expect to add more leaderboards for other modes later. Don't really have any details on exactly what, mostly because I haven't really thought about it much yet When I do get to that, I'll be sure to let everyone know!
Thanks for the answer. That all sounds like something I'm glad I don't have to deal with. On a different note, I think there's a problem with the iap in this test build. To purchase anything it will not accept my finger print verification so I have to enter my password and I have to do that about 4-5 times before it tells me there was a problem, try again later. After several rounds of this it will finally go through. I have purchased iap in other games today without any problems so I don't think it's my device or anything on my end.
You're discovering the joys of sandbox IAP When I was test purchasing before release, it took me ages simply because it keeps failing. It's actually not that bad, because it tests when the connection is a bit crappy, and can make sure it's failing gracefully. The final version should be ok, but I'll give it another good test before release!
Thanks for the test flight invite. Just been giving the coin doubler a go using my ipad as I already have the full version on both of my iphones! Seems to be working fine so far but I've only played 2 games since buying it. I'll report back if I find any bugs Great game by the way and I'm loving playing it, looking forward to being able to reward your efforts by buying the coin doubler.
Hey everyone! I've just pushed out another update This has all the content for release, and all of the new ships! Changes: - We've retired the (placeholder) coinship, and replace it with the much fancier COINSHIP ASTROPRIZE! - Improved the priority of the game over actions to better give access to ship previews - Fixed some bugs with ads not giving rewards - Lowered the difficulty on the 3 day collide mission - 7 new ships to win in delicious Astro Puffs! GameBuddy! Dragicorns! Flying shields! SO MANY THINGS! - Cleaned up some of the user interface - Improved playback of unlock and reward particles - Fixed some broken share images! The Die Fighter is no longer backwards. - Added a totally naggy (well, not too naggy) review request! I'm really just looking for stability in this version, if you could give it a good test, that would be awesome I'll be submitting this update very soon, and it will go live in a few weeks. One of the ships in this build isn't purchasable, and that's because it's been replaced by another ship for release. Don't be too worried if you can't get the Cosmis, it's not in the final build. I'm trying to get one more update approved before submit, so there may be another update in a couple of days, with some very minor UI fixes. James
Wow! Awesome job with the Coinship, it looks totally cool! I've got a couple of screenshot previews this time - the animation looks great and it actually called my attention to the nice screenshot I attached below.. I didn't get any ship previews this time (played maybe 5 or 6 games) and no naggy screen either - so it probably isn't that bad And not sure if I haven't played in a while or if you added new background gradients in this build, but I'm loving the colorful backgrounds!
Glad you like the coinship The ship previews will show up every 7 or 8 games, it can change a bit depending on if you've finished any missions, or get some share attract animations. You should get one soon though, let me know if you don't, because then I have a bug! I might play with the frequency in future updates.
Hey everyone - just pushed out a fairly minor update to the build, but it is (hopefully) the final build before submit. Nothing too crazy changed in this one - Replaced the Cosmis with GB-Type - Fixed a bunch of UI ordering issues The update will go live in three weeks, so enjoy having early access to it! Expect more builds soon though, because I need to get started on 1.2
Ah ok, cool. I'll see how it goes in 1.1, but I expect you're right, I'll need to tweak it. I've made a note to tweak it in 1.2
thanks for the update! really pleased to see such a meaningful update! Great job! Going to check its stability as you requested and reply back here. P.S. Any news on the soundtrack?))))