I really like this game. It hits all of my sweet spots. But man, I suck at it. What kind of high scores are people getting?
I'm excited to see the update to this game -- it was always a fun favorite. I did notice a minor issue though: when the UFO comes in from the left side, if I shoot it too soon and the coins drop on the far left side of the screen, my ship doesn't move close enough to the edge to pick them up. This is on an iPhone 6S running iOS 11.4.1.
It's been really awesome to see people jump back into Astro Without any updates the last year or so, I thought people would have just forgotten about it. If anyone is curious why development has started again, it's basically because I've started doing the indie thing again! So while working on our new game (Sky Squadron), I've been putting some love back into good ol' Astro. Thanks for the bug reports too! I'll make sure to note them in my task tracking.
Hey everyone! Sorry to bump the ol' zombie thread, but I've got a little Astro Attack news I wanted to share! I've been working on a premium steam version, and it's currently pretty close to release. My hope is to get the steam version out, then look at Switch. I had such good support for the original mobile version here, I'd love to share some steam keys for anyone who is interested. Here are a few for anyone keen to give it a go 4YPT2-7AXAD-WQMFL YX694-H97DY-M4L5E XE7YV-8BN6N-2WDTD https://store.steampowered.com/app/2939460/Astro_Attack/
I'm thinking of downloading this game (on iOS) after seeing this thread but was wondering what the privacy policy is. No details have been provided for the App Store page and when I visit the blockypixel support link all I see is a blank page with a message at the top that reads "Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress." I'd like to know what data is collected, if any, before I download.
ah! Thanks for reminding me I need to go fix the website. It’s about 10 years old so not surprised it’s a bit broken. I collect some data I send to Unity analytics, but it’s all anonymous. It’s just tracking things like retention, ship usage, and scores.
Hey @Mr_Snuffle — welcome back to TA, and thanks for the Steam codes! Any chance you could update Tail Drift for modern phones ?
Heya! Tail Drift? Maybe! I'm actually planning on getting the steam version finally finished up and released for free once I've got Astro Attack steam done. I managed to get the source code for Tail Drift again, but the problem is the code base is so old it's hard to get running on a modern version of Unity. Once I get it going, I'll keep the mobile version in mind, see if I can get that updated too. Hard to put an ETA on it though, I'm starting a new job soon (and have two young children now), but it's definitely on my to-do list!
Hey again everyone! Quick update - Astro Attack is now out on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2939460/Astro_Attack/ There may be a couple of keys available if you scroll up a bit. Next step might be to try for a Switch release!