Universal Astro Attack (By Blocky Pixel)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Boardumb, Apr 14, 2016.

  1. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #201 LordShad0wz, May 25, 2016
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
    I can't recommend enough getting the coin doubler. It is without a doubt worth the cost. It doubles the coins from everything, not just coins from playing. It doubles mission coins and ad reward coins. You also get the Star Trek themed ship Coinship Astroprize with its own unique attack. It's actually one of my favorite ship designs and I use it a lot.

    I'm so happy to see the update go live. Wait until the next update! I'm already testing it and it's even more kick ass. Check out my Twitter for some pics of the new Astron ships coming up. Look up @wgreklek that's me :)

    Just an amazing game with an amazing dev team. These are the people we need to support.

    Lastly they are adding the last Starfighter. You can't tell me that isn't kick ass. If you haven't seen the movie what's wrong with you lol.

  2. Cool :) Thanks for letting me know - need to make sure that works in 1.2
  3. MichaelThompson

    Feb 23, 2016
    3D Artist
    Some more stuff to see

    Ahoy hoy!

    I thought i'd post how the Astron theme is coming along!

    I've started cleaning up the ships a lot more, and adding the particle systems:


    I've also redone the Astron pose so it feels more like a superhero flying through the sky! Here's a quick turnaround of the model to show you what I mean:


    Still needs a shading pass but it's starting to get there!

    I hope you guys are enjoying update 1.1, because update 1.2 is going to be HUGE!

  4. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    Oh yea that Astron pose is sooooo much better!

    Nice work my friend. It looks so much better.


  5. MrGreed

    MrGreed Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2012
    Really wish that we could spend our coins on something else besides new ships

    It would be fun to upgrade each ship a few times to extend the power up timers

    There should be some kind of progression system that rewards players that play more
  6. Yeah, I definitely want to address the end game. Really focused on update 1.2 at the moment though! A new test flight build will be available soon :D Just waiting for the apple approval.
  7. #207 Mr_Snuffle, Jun 1, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2016
    Hey everyone!

    Beta update 1.2.3 is available now!

    - Finished up the Astron theme. Unlock the final form!
    - Added placeholder ships for the second set of ships. Can you unlock Placeholder 5?
    - Added the Billy-suggested Last Fighter, because he's awesome and found a really annoying crash bug, and just generally helps make the game sweet.
    - Fixed a really annoying crash bug that Billy found!
    - Touched up Sparrow - now with more sweet thrusters!
    - Fixed a pretty bad bug that was not blocking out Astro Puffs when all the ships were unlocked
    - Changed the icon on the lock button in the shop to an actual lock
    - Added new background support. We'll be able to really mix it up in future updates
    - Generated new share images for Astron ships, and secret ships
    - Renamed Brazilian to Portuguese in the language screen

    Things that are still broken
    - The localization is still google translated - it's not going to be very good
    - The localized title is still using a placeholder font
    - Placeholder ships don't have share images yet
    - Placeholder images are placeholder, and will change for release

    Things to test
    - Try out the astron ships! Let me know what you think about their finished form
    - Can you unlock Placeholder 5? (Easier hint - get 500 points with the blade fish)
    - Do you use a language other than English? If you can try deleting and reinstalling the game, it should default to the device language (if the language is supported)
    - Can you share scores and ships with your local language?
    - If you unlock everything, does the game stop you from purchasing any more Astro Puffs?
    - Any other general stability issues?
    - What do you think about the Sparrow being in 2D while the other ships are 3D?
  8. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    I've played everyone of the new ships at length. I still can't figure out the secrets. I've given up at this point it would be pure luck. So here are my thoughts for update 1.2

    What I like?

    With the Astron ships the moving background is fantastic. I love it. It's awesome! I love the new Astron pose. It's right now and feels right while playing. I like the attack although I kinda liked previous sword attack more for some reason. But all of the Astron ships looks great! I love the Last Fighter. The design is amazing. Really nice job. I love the background and everything.

    What I didn't like?

    Ok with the hornet You gotta lose that middle yellow trailing effect it looks like it's pissing. Lol. Play and look and you will see. I was laughing. With Astron the purple trail needs to be changed to fiery red or white. It looks weird with the green feet. The Thumbspace ship needs to be done in 3D. It's the only 2d ship and to be honest when playing it's a little weird. You see all this other amazing 3D artwork and see the sides and undersides of the ships but then you get the the Thumbspace ship and nothing. I know this isn't an easy task but you ask me to be honest so I'm being honest.

    I'd love to know what all those place holders are for? Hehe

    I've not had any crashes or seen any bug type of behavior.

  9. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    Ooh, I just realized it's the spaceship from "Cowboy Bebop"!! I used to love that series back then, totally awesome soundtrack!

    Btw, I just died at exactly 500 points and didn't unlock anything. Will try it again.

    Edit: it did unlock the first time, I just didn't receive any message.
  10. Hey everyone! Just a quick update on the build!

    I'm putting together a new test flight build as we speak (takes a couple of days to be approved), but I've made a few changes based on your feedback. Tweaked the Astron ships a little (no more hornet piss), and added the new Space Cowboy ships :) I also changed the way secret unlocks work, so they'll always notify when unlocked, not just silently unlock in the background.

    The Sparrow has been voxel'd too :)
  11. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    I'll be completely honest I have no idea what space cowboy is but when I'm done with this I'm going to go see what it's about.

    Everything sounds awesome!


  12. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #212 LordShad0wz, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016
    Wait do you mean *cough*Cowboy Bebop*cough* ?

    That was one of my favorite cartoon.
    That would be freaken awesome!

  13. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #213 LordShad0wz, Jun 5, 2016
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2016

    I had another idea to throw at you and the team. Another way to increase the value of the coin doubler. What if you had special unlockable ships with their own themes, say in the Coinship Astroprize line if you know what I mean, but have them cost 100,000 or 200,000 coins to unlock. They would not be available except through the coin purchase.

    It would keep people playing, provide additional value to the doubler and mission ad views, and be an excellent reward for the player.

    Plus it would stick with the coin theme.

  14. I like the idea of coin-only ships. I definitely want to find another use for coins, because right now there isn't anything to do with them once everything has been unlocked!

    I've been pushing pretty hard on the next build, it should be available pretty soon :) Still waiting for the test flight approval. It won't be the final build, I've already fixed a number of bugs since I submitted the test build, but it's going to be close.
  15. New beta update is live!

    - 5 new Space Cowboy ships to unlock! BANG BANG BANG!
    - 1 new secret ship!
    - Added new share images for the Space Cowboy ships
    - Changed secret unlock to always show unlock screen
    - Tweaked Astron theme
    - Voxelised Thumb Space's Sparrow
    - Add an unlocksplosion when rushing missions
    - Removed localised title placeholders, and just always show the English title

    Things broken in this version
    - There are still a couple of poorly translated lines, "Random", and "Secret Unlocked!". They'll be updated before release
    - Share button isn't working on secret unlocks
    - Some hashtags are broken for localised share messages
    - Random ship isn't localised

    Things to test
    - Check out the new Space Cowboy ships! Let us know what you think
    - General stability testing. Is anything broken? Any crashes?
    - Can you unlock the Cowboy secret? (Score 400 with Blade Fish)
    - Speak a language other than english? How is the translation? Does it automatically set your device language on first run?
    - Can you purchase the new ships?
    - If you unlock all of the purchasable ships, does the game stop you from buying Astro Puffs?
  16. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014

    First of all check out Twitter everyone. I posted all of the new ships! @wgreklek is me.

    Now to the beta update,

    First of all I love the color changes to Astrons flame trail! It's awesome now!

    I love the 3D sparrow! It looks great and also I love the attack it fits perfectly.

    I had no problem unlocking the secret ship, which is posted to Twitter, by getting 500 points with the Bladefish.

    The Astro puff machine isn't giving out ships as fast and it seems good. It also isn't allowing me to purchase anymore turns once I got the last one. So it's working fine.

    I have not experienced any crashes, slowdowns, quirks, or issues of any kind. I played every ship. The build seems solid besides the bugs you outlined that are known.

    I love the new effect when rushing missions. Nicely done. It works perfectly.

    I like the new notification when unlocking a secret. It's much much better and it works.

    Now let's get to the meat and potatoes! The Cowboy line of ships.

    I really like all of the designs themselves but not some of the color choices. But that's just my color choices. Others might love it. For instance that green ship should be tan! The big issue with the entire line is the big attack power up is WAY WAY WAY too oversized. The bullets are massive. If you get the three shot power up with it the entire screen is just big fat bullets. They seems too big compared to every other ship in the entire game. Heck even Astron has tiny big shots compared to these. I have to say I love the entire theme. It's pretty fun. Nice job on the whole line. It's a very fun experience!

    That's it for now.


  17. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    Agree on that. On the other hand, ships like the Galaxic, Sunscreen and Sparrow (to name a few) have super thin bullets when compared to the standard Astro theme, so we basically have three sizes of bullets. This could potentially make the game easier or harder (to achieve high scores) depending on the ship. I haven't tested it scientifically :) but I had already noticed that it *seems* harder to get a hit with the thin bullet ships.

    I was thinking a way to compensate that would be making the ships with fat bullets slower (less agile) and those with thin bullets faster.
  18. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    You know what's funny is I actually thought the same about Astron. His large power up attacks are super thin and it does make it harder to get hits. Have you unlocked Astron?


  19. hvianna

    hvianna Well-Known Member

    Jun 14, 2012
    IT Analyst / Webmaster
    I just unlocked it and yep, it's another one with thin bullets. Looks great though!

    Also unlocked the Last Fighter and it's one of my new favorites! Really cool looking ship and shots!
  20. Woah! That's some great feedback :D Thanks everybody.

    I'm planning on submitting tonight, though I won't be releasing until I'm back from holiday. Everyone in the beta will have access to the latest stuff though ;)

    With the Cowboy bullet, I'll double check the size, make sure it's not too far off the other bullets. Don't want people to think it's too powerful and only use those ships! There are so many other ships to play!

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