Assassin's Creed Identity Off Topic Discourse

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by !nsomn!ac, Feb 25, 2016.

  1. metalcasket

    metalcasket Moderator
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    May 24, 2010
    Deepest Circle, Hel
    They replaced the energy system with a 5 buck entrance fee and allow you to play the game to your heart's content? That seems fine to me.
  2. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    I do not recall the soft launch version having any sort of energy system for playing except when upgrading a skill so I don't know what you are talking about.
  3. Mikiesque

    Mikiesque Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Sorry but if you played the soft launch version then you get the game for FREE!!! I actually wanted to pay AUD7.99 for it and when I clicked 'buy' I got message that I owned previous version and therefore download is free.

    So if you played soft launch - you are getting it for free - what refund are you talking about?
  4. Freeway82

    Freeway82 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2008
    #24 Freeway82, Feb 26, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    @ Mikiesque. I played the soft launch from New Zealand while my store is actually the German store and I was asked to pay while purchasing it which I did expecting a completely overhauled game that is premium.

    Do not feel like you are Sherlock Holmes who has busted a liar.
  5. JudasKain

    JudasKain Active Member

    Nov 11, 2015
    Was so exited when this game came out. I usually instabuy something after reading 1 or 2 rave reviews. Sadly, comments on this game are very very mixed. Many concentrate on the online only component problem with it being premium, others and specifically like the one above tilted the scales for me.

    While I'm a fan of AC, I can't support such blatant lies. It's not even about the price tag. If others enjoy the game, good. Just can't bring myself to jump for joy when I know I'm being lied to.
  6. JudasKain

    JudasKain Active Member

    Nov 11, 2015
    Oh and thanks to freeway for taking the time to inform your fellow gamers.

    Your comments are greatly appreciated.
  7. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    We are to blame. That's the awful truth.

    If there aren't big scope games on mobile anymore is because those games don't sell and big publishers just don't want to take the risk on flopping. Why would they risk losing money?

    I'd love to have big, cutting-edge graphics and immersive experiences built for mobile and would pay hard cash for that, not $4.99 "premium" value, which people already complain. However, I am the minority here.
  8. MacEleven

    MacEleven Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2015
    If you don't like the game then don't post about it. It's not going to make you feel any better. It's just a game. It's a mobile game. This is not a Xbox,ps4, or a computer. People on this forum are acting entitled. Play the game or don't play the game.
  9. Tuzzo

    Tuzzo Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2009
    Tech assistance
    Exactly my point (in a post that must have been moderated since I can't find it anywhere).
    These are games DESIGNED for a mobile platform. It's not right to have on such a platform the very same games that run on home consoles, independently from mobile device hardware capabilities.
    A mobile game must be tailored for a mobile experience, a mobile audience and a mobile market.
    Ubisoft ditched the timer mechanics and gave the game a premium entry price. It's obvious the game is basically the same as the soft launched one. Otherwise the soft launch would have been useless if, after a year of testing the game, they'd come out with a totally different game.
    I can't understand why all the rage and the refund requests; how it it different from a game that comes out at full premium price and then goes free or on sale after just 1-2 weeks for a promotional purpose?
    It happened to me a few times. Did it make me feel sad? Just a bit. Did I feel screwed upon? Not at all.
    Another think we have to think about is (still related to this being a mobile market) that these mobile games, as far as complex, deep and long lasting as they can be, are not meant to be played for hundreds and hundreds of hours (well, some may be, but generally speaking here). The developers want gamers either to commit to the game for a few weeks or maybe months and then move on to the next game (thus the small price compared to the home console counterparts) or to keep on playing the game by paying for it (thus the IAP model).
    We don't live in an idyllic world where we can just play for free forever to the game that fulfills all our wildest dreams of gaming. Games are work of men and work has to be payed.
    $5 to play this game is really nothing. I don't expect it to be a PS4 AC title. I expected to get some fun from the core mechanics of an AC game on my mobile device for a reasonable price, and I think this game nails both aspects.
    I still have to try this with my C.T.R.L.i which should be even more fun.
  10. Mikiesque

    Mikiesque Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2013
    Not at all. I just want to make sure you are not mis-informing others on this forum.
  11. Der-Kleine

    Der-Kleine Well-Known Member

    The way you describe it makes it seem like there's only one specific way to experience things on a mobile device and one specific audience for these games.
  12. LordShad0wz

    LordShad0wz Well-Known Member

    Nov 19, 2014
    #32 LordShad0wz, Feb 26, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    They replaced the energy system and tacked on a $5 entrance fee. To me that's well worth it. The game isn't anything like you are even saying. The IAP is there if you want to progress faster. You don't need it. It's a great Assassins creed experience with awesome graphics and art as well as decent on screen controls. I think it's well worth the money I paid.

    But since you've requested a refund I'll be purchasing the $5 IAP to make up for it. Maybe I'll buy that sword :)

    Also what you said about dissenting and being banned from the forums is simply not true. I am the most vocal person against energy timer mechanics. I go toe to toe with people and developers. I piss people off. I have never been banned. I dissent all the time. I've never been banned. Ive gone at it with moderators. I've never been banned. I've gone at it with Eli and other writers. I've never been banned. This site is THE best site I've ever taken part in. It's not some BS. It's simply not true what you are saying. This is a good place. I'm thankful for its existence and for all of the people who make it run.


  13. Tuzzo

    Tuzzo Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2009
    Tech assistance
    I'm just saying don't expect to experience gaming on mobile in the exact same way you experience gaming on a home console.
    Expecting this would be just stupid.
  14. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    #34 Dankrio, Feb 26, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    When Forgotten Memories started developing, reality on mobile was probably very different. As Josh from Crescent Moon stated here premium games don't make as much money as they did before. That's why they are not doing realistic polished graphics for the next Ravensword. I am not assuming that, he stated the situation on the fórum.

    Dead Effect 2 is free to play. I hope they made some money on that, because people say it is a cool game. I am not sure if the model worked for them.

    Brothers is a port, not a new game like Assassin's Creed Identity made for mobile from scratch.

    If there was a middle ground probably we would have a lot more engrossing games on App Store, which we don't have. Do you think devs don't want to make games? The problem is most of them are simply not making enough money as it is, which is sad.

    We have great games from time to time like Crashlands, which also took a long time, but they are the exception rather than the rule.

    I'd love if things we're different, but they are not. And we are to blame, because people simply won't buy "high" priced games. Expectations are ludicrous on this stance. The "niche" consummers can't pay for the costs of games.

    Edit: just to clarify, I love "smaller" scope games. But people are expecting Assassin's Creed with production value around console, something that is not doable at the moment, because of the Market.
  15. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    I'm not getting this because my backlog is huge and I have consoles to play the "full" experience.

    But agree with others that a game like this will never be exactly like a console game. There are certain types of games, like platformers and JRPGs, where mobile can easily match consoles on many levels. This type of game just isn't one that can cross that threshold. That certainly doesn't mean it can't still be good on its own merits.
  16. sivad

    sivad Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2013
    If I have to pay 4.99 for a mobile game, it better have lifetime updates for compatibility issues and feel like I'm playing on my big screen, I didn't buy a $700 phone to get silly graphics and won't break the bank for a bite size game for FIVE dollars....

    /end sarcasm
  17. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    #37 Dankrio, Feb 26, 2016
    Last edited: Feb 26, 2016
    Big publishers are mostly into it for money. They answer to shareholders and have a responsability to look for profit. That is the truth, no matter how we'd like to deny it. Why would they risk high budget games at "premium price" (which is already ridiculous, because people somehow think $5.00 is much for the work put into games)and risk a loss and being held responsible for that? From a economic point of view, it make much more sense to dive into f2p model, unfortunately. They are in some sense restrained. If the Market changes, their practices will adapt, rest assured. However this situation is not likely at the moment. Some might really be "lazy", but, again, we are also to blame.

    Smaller devs, however, are an entirely different game. They have more freedom to try new things and models and can success or pay higly for that. Many smaller studios are closing up shop. Are you not aware of that? I don't know how well Implosion has sold. However, again, you are pointing the exception rather than the rule.

    About ports, why I am going to bother porting bigger games when the cost of constant updating might not be worth it? Not all games sell as much as Final Fantasy or GTA. For smaller Publishers, it might be Worth the risk, for the bigger ones, probably not. Why? Because "premium" don't sell as much as they did, like Josh has said. For instance, we have a good port of KOTOR (one of the highest rated and regarded RPGs). If it sold very well and made a good profit, why we have not KOTOR 2 yet?

    If it really was that easy, if people wanted to make money, all they needed to do was borrow money and pay for license to port somo high profile game for mobile. Doing that, the investiment would have paid off, right? Not so simple.
  18. Dankrio

    Dankrio Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jun 3, 2014
    That is way too sad. :(

    And too truthful.
  19. Hambo12

    Hambo12 Well-Known Member

    Jul 23, 2012
    on the internet
    makes me sad that such a good game (not perfect but good) is getting so much hate :( people hesitant to buy or getting refund is the reason it's going to go free and add IAP
  20. Bucktroo

    Bucktroo Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 29, 2011
    Natural State
    I completely agree with you.

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