Ahh crap! ...I just upgraded to 6S 128... Hey Gameloft! Be a good dev and bring back the best mobile AC game ever released on iOS! Update Assassin's Creed NDS port please and thank you! Now that game at least had a decent little bit of story going too.
While I can see what you're getting at here, iOS AppStore is a walled garden with nowhere near the same amount of piracy concerns.. Would really like to see different treatment for the iOS version... Thanks for the explanation at least. I just wish Ubisoft would take Mobile a little more seriously as a platform and give it more of the scope and direction that has made their open world console iterations so successful.. A shame really, as playing it too safe has not been very lucrative for them in the past and with mobile hardware where it is today they could really make a splash with a full scale entry on iOS.
I should add a quick correction to my initial review, you -can- run and jump, I was just being inept at it, apparently. Makes flying across rooftops much more satisfying, obviously.
I just found something odd. You are awarded armor and a sword during the 3rd mission. The game brings you to the inventory screen and forces you to equip only the sword and forces you to go back to start the next mission. It doesn't let you, nor does it even tell you about, the armor. When I got back to the mission menu I now tapped the inventory button again and was able to equip the new armor. It did not change my characters look at all sadly but atleast it has better stats. I don't get why they would only show you and force you to only equip the weapon. If I hadn't noticed the two armor pieces in the inventory screen I wouldn't have even known to add them. This is definitely an omission. Billy
Thanks for the warning Yeah I wish too that what you equipped was reflected with your character always a plus when that happens
piracy also exists on iOS,don't forget d whole modern combat 5 piracy issue on iOS devices b4 its launch saga that basically started the "this is why we can't have good things issue" plus this game doesn't even have a launch date for android yet and as of now is iOS only
For those that may have played the soft launch (even if you deleted it) you will get the game for free. I've attached a photo to show what I mean. Got this message when I went to download it from US store.
That's just the tutorial explaining how you equip items in general, using the sword as an example. It is a shame that new items are not reflected in your character's appearance. You can get different costumes to change your appearance though.
My point is as a new player if I didn't notice I even had the armor I would have started the next mission without equipping it. I've unlocked the shop now. To get good set of armor, the good sword, and the signit, I will need to spend $15 It might be worth it. But I would not spend another dime. This would be it. I have a $20 spending limit in games I really like so this actually fits. What I also like is you can give your character a secondary set of skills. I'll be playing to unlock this set of features. Billy
I'm getting horrible frame dips and freezes on my iPhone 6 Plus. Granted I am on iOS 9.3 beta. Anyone else having problems?
This application's online only requirement just cost Ubisoft another customer; I'll pass until this issue is addressed (if ever).
I'm only a couple of missions in. No freezing, no 'lagging', nothing to complain about thus far. I spent a good 10 mins jumping around on rooftops early trying to see if it would start freezing or not. So far, so good. I'm playing on an iPhone 6 running 9.2.1 (wifi connection).
I'm not having ANY frame dips or freezes of any kind. It's completely smooth as butter. I'm currently on the level Unbroken Chains and I have completed two assassination contracts as well. iPhone 6 running iOS 9.2.1 Billy
That is 100% untrue, piracy is rampant on iOS as well. Hilariously enough, the more your game targets the gamer demographic, the more they just steal it. It's pretty depressing.
The reason It hits home for me Eli is I've seen it hit people really hard. There was a developer in Poland I became friends with. He was let go from his position and had been working on a game for 2 years as a side project. Well he had three kids and his 11 year old was very sick so he released the game hoping it would help him get through the tough time until he could find new work. His game was cracked and uploaded to a site and it crushed him. He made nothing. He lost everything. It was an excellent game too. It was a WWII strategic game and it was really amazing how he tailored the AI. People don't understand that these things can actually have real impacts on people's lives. This really happened. I haven't heard from him in years now.
Man, this is sickening. I remember a post on TA a while back that discussed the hard impact piracy truly has. These aren't multi-million dollar studios (at least not most of them) and the more I listen to the Butterscotch podcast the more I realize what piracy can really do. And Butterscotch is a proven/successful studio and they still weren't sure what would happen if Crashlands didn't succeed. I can't imagine what it's like for the devs that put out their first game and just hope it takes off/doesn't get pirated.
Don't listen to the hate on this game!!! I don't understand the backlash so far? I just finished 2 missions and I must say, I'm impressed! It's a smooth 60 fps with very responsive controls . It has some cool areas so far and for a mobile game this looks very highly detailed . Especially for running on the unity engine. It is not "FULLY" open world as there is a campaign menu with missions on it but they do give you a sizable playground for you to take down your targets and/or finish your objectives in multiple ways . There are a few ways to move your assassin without needing to change any settings so you can mix your play style up completly . This game is solid so far and is a great game for mobile devices. I understand iap and internet issues but cmon. Gameplay wise it's pretty great!