I did spend a fair bit of time playing today when I should really have been working. But hey, I'm my own boss, so I can do what I like. Its really worth unlocking the higher ranks in the Heroic Shop. (just using in-game currency) You get much better rewards and gear that way. Ive also unlocked various new abilities such as pickpocketing and the ability to throw sand in enemies eyes etc.
Sword Combat? Blocking/Parrying systems? Cancels? I'm more into the combat side with 3D action RPG games. Dark Souls, and avid Soul Calibur player. I don't really like the always requires connection for the many valid reason Many here are aware of. However, willing to overlook if this game has a good combat system in place where there is actual back and forth in the battle with yourself and the opponent in regards to blocking/parrying and such. Think Soul Calibur or Dark Souls fights (of course not at that level) but how far does it go - if such battle systems are in place?
Nice! I'm really enjoying the game (even with all the hate). I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game since I had an Xbox back in like 2009, so it's a nice reminder to how fun those games were.
Well, in my honest opinion, you might not like it then. The combat (aside from actual assassinations) is very lackluster to me. Doesn't feel really fluid, which is part of being a full 3D game on mobile, I suppose. It's still rewarding, but the combat isn't anything over the top or special.
I was looking for them but all I see are regular outfits in the shop. Would those be it? Or am I not looking in the right spot?
I also earned an outfit for levelling up to 15 (I think it was) so there may be more available through playing the game.
Thanks! Is it possible to change your class? If so, how? Wishing I would have selected berserker myself..
Looks like an unlock to start a new guy. There is a secondary class, but just gives bonus stats. So, other than starting a new character I don't think so.
Second Class I have two assassins now of different classes. Tap on Assassins then the + to the right of the bar by your assassin. And the campaign missions change when using a different assassin type, unless I'm navigating the game wrong. I'm using the Trickster and the game is very different.
How difficult are the game controls? I'm not that great at heavy action titles, so I don't want to waste my money if my lowly skills are going to prevent me from getting deeply into the game.