Wha?! Seriously? They said their aim was to stop making after Revelations, to give it a break so players didn't get bored of the franchise. Less than a year after came 3, and now already the announcement of the next. Edit: but here's hoping for a decent iOS tie-in/stand-alone. Not that Utopia crap that they've delayed beyond interest.
I'm not really surprised in all honesty, ASCIII sold a rediculous amount of copies so it's only natural that they'll want to capitalise on it. Also, it looks like it'll focus a big more on the naval aspects which were the best parts of ASCIII in my opinion.
Crap. Ubisoft completely killed this game. The first one was really original, creative and something refreshing. All the later titles are just money making games based on the same template. AC sucks.
I have a feeling that this is being made because of the complaints about ships in AC III (they weren't as cool as Ubisoft said they'd be, Sly Cooper 3 had better ship battles, etc.). While it is another entry in the AC series, it may be innovative if they do pursue sailing and pirate stuffs. As long as AC isn't as milked as Mario, I don't think it's really that big of a deal. I mean, Mario gets at least two releases each year. IIRC, last year saw 5, and this year will see like 6+ Mario related games...
Everything seemed a little overkill after ACII. Then ACIII came and sparked my interest again. But then I heard the game had glaring flaws and was RIDDLED with glitches. Now...I'm not so sure about this one. If Ubisoft would actually take their time instead of forcing a yearly game, this one could've really been as great and innovative as it used to be. If they cut out the yearly release crap, of course.
AC3 and AC4 weren't annually developed. They had a team working on AC3 ever since AC2 came out, and apparently a different team has been working on this new one for a few years. There's like 500 people working on an AC game at any given time, so it's not surprising they come out quickly. I've yet to be disappointed anyway.
That's like saying people are getting tired of Call of Duty. I'll be getting this; you'll be getting this (maybe), etc.
Call of Duty is what they quoted last year before AC3 was announced... "We don't want a franchise like CoD where players grow tired of the constant releases" Although, that hasn't seemed to stop massive midnight queues on release day! I'm yet to play AC3; I fancy a break from the series (might skip 3 entirely (not helped by reviews) as pirates sound too cool!)
I bought AC3, played it five hours, hated most of what I saw. Bugs galore. I understand Ubisoft released a patch which fixes over 100 bugs and glitches (some completely game crippling) but it's too little too late if you ask me. The series peaked and then died with 2. Everything after that is milkage.
AC was a great game but they needed to develop variables and changes to things, the style is repetitive and gets a little old fast. But eh, I just played one and two. So I don't have a ton of room for talk.
The last good Assassins Creed was Brotherhood. AC:3 was such a setback, so many restricted things you couldn't do. I know they started 3 after 2 was made, but that leads me to believe that this won't be any better.
Gameloft is taking over Good job Gameloft, your constant awesome clones are firing back at console devs! Before long, Halo 5 will take place in San Francisco, the next Hot Shots Golf and Red Dead games will be freemium for no reason, the next Batman: Arkham game will have an overly slow paced combat system, and consoles will start using surprisingly good touch controls!!
Well actually, there has been some open world pirate games prior to Gameloft's Backstab (which wasn't very good :/ Gameloft needs better writers, because the stories and dialouge they come up with sucks and repels me most of the time). Also, Ubisoft and Gameloft are sister companies, so there's that too.