@Zeremoniar Talked with Rares on Facebook and seeing the prizes on Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SS owners Cup, they fixed it.
Range Rover Evoque Coupe in multiplayer I frequently play MP with the Mini, but lately getting smoked by Range Rover Evoque Coupe in the high 1000s to low 1100s -- they just have way more speed. Anyone have a upgrade formula for the Range Rover that puts it into that range that works well in MP?
limit video ads Fabien- There are way way way way way way too many video ads in the game now. Can't there be limit of 1 or 2 a day? They are especially annoying during a game pause.
Hello, Fabien... Can someone please look at the time goal for the Area 51 cup's Tuesday Chevrolet event? There is a requirement of beating a time of 1:07. The three best cars for the event are the brand new Camaro '16 SS (rank 1771), the Chevy SS (rank 1665), and the Corvette C7 (rank 1593). One of the best A8 players in the world is unable to beat 1:08 on Route 375-1 in a triple-boosted Asterion (rank 1695), so the Chevy SS has zero chance at 1665, as does the C7. Meaning, players will absolutely need the Camaro '16 SS at a rank of probably 1720+ just to get that one cup. I'm hoping this is a typo, the the time should perhaps be 1:17. Because if it's correct as it stands, it seems particularly unfair to require a brand new 6,250 token car ($42 in tokens plus $133 in credits to max/pro) to obtain just 1 out of the 18 cups required for the top prize of 500 tokens... meaning, you're going to end up with a lot of very upset players sitting at 17/18 cups due solely to one extremely unfair requirement out of 17 reasonable ones. As far as I understand, these multi-event TLEs are meant more to secure player loyalty and encourage gameplay at a time when other things are going on (spring break in this case, Christmas a previous time), and not to throw players off with an out-of-the-blue "gotcha!"
Re: Impossible time target Maybe Gameloft is using this 1:07 target as a honeypot for cheaters as suggested by Asphalt Str 5 months ago here: http://forums.toucharcade.com/showpost.php?p=3729102&postcount=16356
maybe a trap in a single event would be good, but not as part of a six-day ladder, it'd cause to much kerfuffle.
@Sunfox Be glad the time required is 1:07 because the first photos leaked for that event had a time requirement of 1:00.
At least that would've been impossible by everyone (requiring a true fix), instead of just mostly everyone (meaning they can get by doing nothing and claiming the event is 'as intended' - ie, they really did mean to tick off the majority of their player base).
Putting nearly impossible time requirements in the area 51cup could be looked at as a relief...I was going to spend a lot to buy&upgrade and upgrade but now the pressure is off...12 trophies should suffice for the ET and I don't think I will have to spend much to get them. Recent events have had a push to buy overpriced outclassed cars to do very well and they are killing my desire to play/buy much to achieve little...
I was also thinking of spending on upgrades to get the 500 tokens in the Area 51 cup. But you need a pro-maxed 2016 Camaro for this which I do not have. So I am not going to spend anything on this cup anymore. The 500 tokens are a gift to those who bought, won (or cheated to get) the 2016 Camaro. Everybody else can go to you know where. Sincere, Driver 1184
Seems that playing 10 hours/day to win the Chevrolet 2016 Camaro SS in MP Cup paid off for me. Got under 1:07 in my 7th try with a bad lap but first lap I didnt wreck. Triple boosted maxed proed. @Sunfox They changed the time requirement to 1:12.
Hey guys, how are you? I came back from holidays yesterday. I will share info about the upcoming update in the coming days. I hear you. Well, as usual I wil let the A Team know about this. Yes, sorry about this we fixed it yesterday thanks to Juan and Zere.
@Fabien Welcome back. Thank you for fixing the fuel glitch. You saved my life. Any news about cups for R&D and Mastery cars? You should keep a TAG Cup each weekend. Please add to every cup 3 time requirement prizes, these prizes should always be better, like: engines, advanced tech, mid tech and tokens. The update will come to all at once or same as always? (ios first)
welcome back Fabien, hope you had a good break. well done for getting the 1:07 fixed in time update info... don't be shy
R&D Lambo Well, I guess I'm the sucker. After spending a ton of credits and cards on the R&D Lambo, there is no way I'll finish it. The first 2 Labs were fine, and had a few days of waiting for the next lab to open up. I was kind of liking the 1st labs extra races -- it was like you had to try a reasonable amount to finishing it. But, the third just has *way* too many races to complete in the time. I got barely got past the 2nd AI race (lab 27). And with that race, I realized that even if I got to the final lab, I doubt I'd be able to beat it. With Max-pro'd cars I only finish in the top 2-3000 ... not the top 100 that I'd guess would be required to win the last race. I guess I got suckered into trying it out after the last 2 R&Ds. Guess I learned my lesson.
Feature request: Dynamic Tuning Problem - On the one hand, the obvious progress in the game is upgrading our cars, maxing them out, and collecting all pro kits. This is beneficial for single player career and many time-limited events. It is also fun, and a good way for Gameloft to make money as it motivates us to get credits and tokens. - On the other hand, making cars MAX & PRO is often a disadvantage in multiplayer (below class S) because some not-necessary upgrades increase the car rank too much. Since there is no way to down-tune a car today, this discourages us from upgrading some cars. - This conflict of interest brings frustration for us and it's a missed opportunity for Gameloft. Why spend credits & tokens on upgrades and pro kits if we are sometimes better off without them? Solution - Allow dynamic up/down tuning in multiplayer. - Limit dynamic tuning to maxed-out cars in order to avoid confusing less experienced players and to encourage people to invest in upgrades. Benefits - The added variety encourages us to buy more upgrades and cars, play & experiment more, and share the knowledge on different forums, like this. Details - When selecting a maxed out car for multiplayer I can dynamically change the levels of the four categories up and down between 5 and 0: acceleration, top speed, handling, nitro. - Similarly, I can change the individual pro levels of a fully proed car. - When a car is down-tuned it is clearly indicated on multiple places: 1. The difference in raking is displayed with a negative number, like -240 (similarly how the added value of the Tuning Kit is displayed today). 2. The missing amount is also immediately visible by looking at the end of the bars for the 4 categories. 3. The fact that dynamic tuning is in effect is also indicated by a small icon in the edge of bottom-tabs TUNING, UPGRADE and PRO KITS (similarly how available upgrades are indicated today by an up arrow on green background). What do you think?
@zendriver Its not doable, since upgrades are stored locally and pro kits in the cloud. To implement your idea everything needs to be in one place and if anything goes wrong now you'll really lose everything.
Okay, then how about implementing dynamic tuning for the normal upgrades only, leaving Pro Kits as they are?