Well, the app icon grab is really just a minimised and centralised grab of the third screenshot so its not likely the final icon.
Gameloft has posted the official teaser trailer. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Also, some official screenshots & more info at their official blog: http://blog.gameloft.com/index.php/2013/06/11/asphalt-8/.
this is looks too damn awesome!i even more excited for this than RR3(even before i know it was a freemium games). stay tune for the launch day.
There was a link a page or two back and it had a lot of pictures and a link to a website. On the website it said you could download the game, is it a demo or what?
...what? What little credibility you had just went out the window. That game looks fantastic, save the underside of the cars. Especially the particles.
Well, the people voted with downloads for A7 and it looks like Gameloft listened. Great news. Also, as they are following the model they used for A7, that got 7 (weird coincidence) content updates (plus a couple of optimisation ones), so I think we can expect a lot of support and a long playtime for this one too. It helps that this is massive improvement in visual quality (it'll look far better on device than on the video) and physics (particularly important). Roll on July.
I may be wrong but the very first time I see a pinch of asphalt 5. Which did not happen in asphalt 6 or 7. Gameloft seems to have seen the immense potential of Asphalt 5 graphics. Thx!