No they won't go back to the higher price. Its confirmed to be 99 cent. That is guaranteed. The experiment worked out extraordinarily well in the case of A7. It actually has some pretty staggering download numbers and monetization even considering the iap was totally unnecessary. As A8 is obviously unreleased as yet, its hard to say anything about the iap. But if I were a betting man, I would say it will be very similar, ie totally unnecessary unless you're very impatient. In other words exactly the same. More or less.
When is this gonna come out.I was pretty sure it will be launched with Tiny Thief and Deus Ex.I can't wait anymore!!!!!
That's the same as asphalt 7.They made freaking awesome game but couldn't find a better logo!!! Edit : I think it's a fake!
I really hope I'm not too optimistic hoping that Gameloft stealthily releases this tomorrow like they did for Gangstar. We'll have to wait and see! Edit: Are you sure theyre both fake? Gameloft shared a post from the "Asphalt - The Game"s page, and that happens to be the page the icon was posted on.