Yes, where I live, when a new app is said to come out, it's released at 11:30 PM EST. TouchArcade says it'll be at 11:00 EST, but they're always off by 30 minutes.
Where I live the new games come out at 08:00 AM. I'll be up by then. One thing I'm certain of is that in a couple of hours it will one #1.
It Will Be 9:30 AM Here In India, I Think So I Will Be Up Too, And As You All Can See I Am Relatively New On Forums, So Can You Guys Add Me On Gamecenter.. ID is Darkl0rd1011. That Is 0 ( Zero) Between l and r. And I Love The Games Which Are Released In Range of 1$-5$ Range, But Above It Makes Me Struggle To Hit The Buy Button, And Why Does Most Of People Here Hate In-App Purchases?
Welcome, I am myself fairly new but have been hanging around for a whole and had iOs devices since the 1st gen iPod touch. I think that people hate the way IAP is being implemented. It used to be just for 'Cheating', by that I mean bypassing levels or adding coins etc. see PvZ2 for an example of this. But recently it has been implemented in a way that ruins gameplay, adds timers were they shouldn't be (Real Racing 3) or added artificial barriers, like collect 100 stars to unlock world 2, that you can bypass by buying a pass or having to grind through already completed levels (Ms PlosionMan is an example of this, still bitter about it too) I think that summarises it, although others may put it more eloquently. Anyway, back on topic 2 days left....
1 Day. if you got a NZ account which i think everyone should get. you'll be able to get the game tomorrow morning or at last 12ish.
yeah you're right i was fearing that too.... anyway its still tomorrow. this is gonna be a looooong day!!