Universal Asphalt 7: Heat - (by Gameloft)[Universal]

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Sanuku, Jun 20, 2012.

  1. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    I didn't have problems with framerates before and after the recent update on iPad 3 + 4. The graphics are still better on iPad 4 (resolution).

    I forgot to mention that the "new and time-limited Nissan track" (whatever time-limited means) is basically Tokyo with some mirrored parts of the track (mostly shortcuts) and bonus elements placed on different spots.
  2. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    1.0.6 is here but....
    Same as last update...
  3. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    If they would add real physics I would consider redownloading this behemoth of a filesize.
  4. underage17

    underage17 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    Have you tried most wanted for iOS? Physics-wise its much better, but it lacks multiplayer
  5. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #605 JBRUU, Dec 13, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2012
    That's the reason why I can't stand this game ;)

    Note to Habbakuk: please don't reply to my post and point by point try and refute my opinion/preferences. I'm not looking to start a fight.
  6. underage17

    underage17 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    I'm hoping for mp support in most wanted.. That or a Real Racing 3 release this week.
  7. Wow, Asphalt games look really good on my tv via airplay. Too cool!
  8. DannyTheElite

    DannyTheElite Well-Known Member

    Oct 13, 2012
    Forum poster
    Area 51
    What was update 1.0.6 for???
    Same description as the last one
  9. Habakuk

    Habakuk Well-Known Member

    No. The physics in Asphalt 7 are way better. Drifting feels much more natural. And multiplayer is the best thing in racers. We are ONLY playing local multiplayer here.

    I don't see much of a difference after a 10 min test. Maybe some parts of graphics refined? More particles flying around? I really don't know.

    But there are two new interesting videos "Developer's Diary" about Asphalt 7 published by Gameloft. Seems they have some of the best coders for this game.

  10. genny

    genny New Member

    Dec 23, 2012
    #610 genny, Dec 23, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2012
    DroidMote Accelerometer with Asphalt 7: Heat

    DroidMote Accelerometer with Asphalt 7: Heat

  11. Damian83

    Damian83 Member

    Nov 22, 2011
    how to synchronize game between iphone and ipad in order to have same progresses and stats on both??
  12. rajdeep_555

    rajdeep_555 New Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    #612 rajdeep_555, Dec 28, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2012
    Help Required...
  13. rajdeep_555

    rajdeep_555 New Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Hello ,
    I've completed all the 13 championships but still my asphalt tracker shows
    Career events played 94
    Career mode progress 94%
    How can I make that 100%
    I've at present 441 stars 100 goals completed and 48 trophies
    Are there any more goals to be completed...if so then how as no further goals pops up my gameplay screen
    Also I need some help in achievin the "Spice of Life" & "Super Sleuth" trophies....I tried every ways bt in vain.
    Gameloft id - rajdeep_555
    Asphalt 7 Version 1.0.2
  14. rajdeep_555

    rajdeep_555 New Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Hello ,
    I've completed all the 13 championships but still my asphalt tracker shows
    Career events played 94
    Career mode progress 94%
    How can I make that 100%
    I've at present 441 stars 100 goals completed and 48 trophies
    Are there any more goals to be completed...if so then how as no further goals pops up my gameplay screen
    Also I need some help in achievin the "Spice of Life" & "Super Sleuth" trophies....I tried every ways bt in vain.
    Gameloft id - rajdeep_555
    Asphalt 7 Version 1.0.2
  15. jonnyb086

    jonnyb086 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    I am having the same issue on my ipad 4 with the constant frame rate drops. There is no other reason for this other than poor coding on gamelofts part. They say the latest update is optimized for the new ipad. Yeah, right. Yet much more graphically intense games run at a smooth 60fps like NFS most wanted which looks even better than asphalt 7.

    The ipad 4 is insanely powerful and I see little excuse for a game like this to run at 20 FPS on certain parts of tracks. I agree with the other posters that it seems capped off then switches back to a smooth frame rate for a few seconds. GAMELOFT ARE YOU LISTENING?

    For now ill stick with asphalt 6. It runs at 60fps and has virtually the same graphics quality. Once again proving that this is simply poor coding.
  16. Yeah, the ipad 4 version should be running better. Hopefully, they will take the effort for you all to improve framerates, but they may not with all the rumours of the ipad 5 and all. But maybe if they make ipad 5 improvements, the ipad 4 version will run better too.
  17. jonnyb086

    jonnyb086 Well-Known Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Agreed , but seriously there are spots in asphalt 7 that run like asphalt 6 did on an ipad 1. Quite unacceptable.
  18. Rip73

    Rip73 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I wouldn't consider iPad 5 rumours. That thing is a while away yet. Asphalt 8 will be out by then.
    It simply needs to be better optimised for the iPad 4 as something has gone wrong in the coding. It ran better on iPad 2 and iPhone 4S than it does on my iPad 4 and iPhone 5
  19. JBRUU

    JBRUU Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Actually, I think the update fixed some of the framerate issues. It still isn't running as well as NFS, but there's certainly been improvement. I think.

    Also I think the graphics were improved a tad. The reflections on the cars now actually look half-decent.
  20. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011

    I bought this game when it first came out and played off and on but man I have gotten back into it lately and its amazing! To me its the best racer especially since I love the right and left arrows for controls. The speed, graphics, sound, music, and cars are just plain awesome!

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