haha i remember in multiplayer i always choose the difficult-drift-overload tracks to give other players a hard good time. good times.
Woohoo- they are now giving this one away for free on Gnome Escape. (There is more info about them in some other threads on this forum.) Good stuff!
Anyone else having trouble with this on iphone 5? Some of the touch targets ( pause, camera etc ) don't line up with the equivalent graphic. Its as if they moved everything to fit the new screen resolution but not the touch targets.
If that's the case (as in the last post), then surely GameLoft has f'd something up. On the other hand, one can move the controls from the 1.0.1 onwards, so... that shouldn't be a problem, right? Try using that for starters.. From what I've seen loading times and fluidity on the five-on are good. Just like on S3, not mentioning LG Optimus G ; )
I was trying to play cross-platform the other day with a friend. Pretty annoying how I couldn't play on 4G while he couldn't play on bluetooth. There were no wifi spots available either. I noticed on Asphalt 6 I couldn't play on LTE either which seems like a bit of an odd limitation.
Cross-platform in general worked much better in A6 from my experience. In A7, iP4 and SGS2 don't even see each other's servers - pity. As for hotspots, you can always use personal hotspot, provided you have an additional device, that is. Bluetooth only on iOS is just a marketing limitation, as it's much more limited because of this system. The joke: "You know what? iPhone has a BlueTooth 4.0!" is still valid.
Just got this game yesterday and it rocks. Awesome racing game. I also have real racing 2 which has a more realistic approach to racing. Asphalt 7 is just a lot of fun. Guys, any advice for a newbie. Do I just stick to tier 1 racing until I have enough money and gold to buy a good car? Any advice is appreciated.
Stick to tier 1 for now I think you have to anyway but can't remember right But either way, just play through the campaign in a linear way. You will earn plenty of money and stars to upgrade without any problem. Not even sure why iap is in this at all because you'll never use it. The first few tiers are very easy as well but the difficulty does ramp up later on.
Well, Rip says that me and him have the same taste in games, so I guess we are all related. Man just wish I still had Asphalt 7 still on my ipad, had to temporarily delete it to buy a lot of 2 gb games. But still got Asphalt 6 on and trying to solve it but only about 50% done. Sigh
I'm actually surprised by this game because I thought Gameloft made only good Fps games and not much else but this game is nice looking, has great UI and most importantly a fun game. My favourite games are FPS, TPS, zombie games , racing games and a good dungeon crawler, puzzle adventure game once in a while.
And extraordinarily cheap considering the quality of it. It's no Real Racing but it was never meant to be. It's a proper fun arcade racer. The price had me concerned when it first launched, I thought it might be an iap grab or freemium in disguise. But it turned out that I actually couldn't figure out why anyone would use the iap option because of all the money earned in races. One of Gamelofts top games and best efforts in my opinion. Also, if you like this, Fast five is actually quite good once you get past the first couple of levels and a lot of what was learned from it has gone into this. It's worth some time when it goes on sale. Loading times are annoying and the car selection is weak but the tracks are a lot of fun. And TPS wise, Rainbow Six is well worth a shot, I really enjoyed it. The artwork is a bit high end cartoony but its actually very underrated game. I've literally owned every Asphalt game in the series (even non smartphone ones) and its never let me down.
Rip, has there been 7 games released on ios? Do you have all of them? I only got 6&7. Why is 5 so expensive?
Nope, 4 onwards is iOS. The rest are mobile, early smartphones or feature phones as they are known today, and Nintendo basically. Urban gt was the first one, about eight years ago or so. And yeah, I bought and played all of them but some of the phones I had them on are well dead by now. 4 was the first iOS one but I'd call it more of a port of the mobile phone one. 5 was the first one uniquely designed for iOS. And that's why it's still expensive. It's more or less (not quite but close) near its original launch price. It's had a few sales but when a sale is over it defaults back. iOS gaming was a bit more expensive back then (2009, wow, feels weird calling 3 years ago back then). Still wasn't what you'd call expensive, just expensive compared to today's prices. At launch, it was a hell of a good game but its obviously outdated by now. Funnily enough, it's still better than some of the stuff that comes out now.
Yes, exactly, it is a fun arcade racer and a nice relief from serious shooter games. I have Rainbow six and it's a pretty good game. Idk why it was criticized. It's actually underrated. I have 9mm also but could never really get into it.
Rip another question, As it will probably happen sometime soon, maybe xmas time, do you recommend us to buy Asphalt 5 if it goes down to 99 cents? Is it pretty much the same thing as 6&7? Cause really 7 is the same as 6 with a bit faster and arcade feel. But if I were to recommend 6&7 for 99 cents I would say buy both for sure. Thanks bud!
I dunno really. Good question. I enjoyed it and all but 7 is the peak of the three. If 6 goes on sale, it's well worth it. 5, I'm not so sure. Coming from 7 and 6 going back to 5 and it will just look dated. It is certainly fun and if you have 99cent hanging around doing nothing and some spare time to throw in a racer, yeah get it. But some of the tracks in 7 are updated versions of tracks in 5 so it's age graphics wise will show through. But if its some racing fun you're after, it has that. I played it recently again myself and it is fun. It's just dated now. Fast five when its on sale is a better option though. Edit. Damn it, I had to think some more. You know what, it's just a bit too dated now. I'd just skip a5 if you've played a6 or a7.
Yeah, thanks a bunch rip! I know we are both racing fans, and I have almost every driving game there is including things like race illegal, split second, shift, etc, which All I enjoy to some degree, kind of wonder whether I would buy A5 due to the disk size more than anything else. The buck doesn't phase me, but just buying a game that won't stay on my ipad, and feeling that I might be let down, would kind of cause me to be hesitant. But thanks!!!