We just announced Asgard Run, an action-packed high-speed endless runner set in mythological times! Everyone we have shown this to (cough including first-parties cough) are very excited with this game and we hope you are too! The soft-launch version is now available in Canada (CA App Store link) and the full version will launch globally on Nov 12. The brand new trailer is below - take a look, let us know what you think and please 'Like' the Facebook page to be updated with release info. Thanks for the support all! Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Asgard Run Ayopa Games LLC Genres: Games Entertainment Racing Arcade GAME CENTER ENABLED Free Supported Devices: iPhone-3GS iPhone4 iPodTouchFourthGen iPad2Wifi iPad23G iPhone4S iPadThirdGen iPadThirdGen4G iPhone5 iPodTouchFifthGen iPadFourthGen iPadFourthGen4G iPadMini iPadMini4G iPhone5c iPhone5s iPhone6 iPhone6Plus iPodTouchSixthGen Minimum iOS Version: iOS 6.0 Download Size: 113.7MB Asgard Run: Crush Your Enemies Ayopa Games LLC Choose, equip, upgrade your Viking hero! Play the best endless runner for free! At the heart of all creation, Asgard b… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsChoose, equip, upgrade your Viking hero! Play the best endless runner for free! At the heart of all creation, Asgard binds the worlds as one. Realm of gods and heroes. Realm of blood and battle. Eternal stands the Asgard Watch, Champions of Valhalla, Watchmen guarding bridges eight, Watchmen, ever wary. Join over a 250k brave Viking warriors to protect Asgard! Asgard Run was featured in “Best New Games” by Apple in over 130 countries so far! Toucharcade review: “you'll actually battle with enemies as you run. It all sounds very cool” Users reviews: 5/5 - Cool game!! no energy regeneration system just nonstop fun so loved it works fine at note 2. great job by Developers 5/5 - This is definitely my favorite endless runner title to date. Unprecedented depth for its class, awesome visuals, and fun for anyone. 5/5 - Amazing graphics nice gameplay a lot of achievements perfect game what else do you want? Recognition: "App of the year 2015 - 2nd Place Players Choice - SlideDB.com" Asgard Run, 2015 "Best Entertainment App - Mobifest" Asgard Run, 2016 Features: - Five fearless Viking warriors - Tons of weapons and armor to win your battles - Get amazed in the tubular rotating Viking world of Asgard - Simple swipe controls. Run, fight, jump, fly, rotate! - Weapons and armor with special abilities - Fight and crush powerful warlocks, skeleton warriors, exploding zombies and much more! - Beware the deadly traps! - Watch your head! The Helheim Weather channel reported falling skies! - Invite and beat your friends scores! - And remember! Potions and Lifestones will save your life! Information Seller:Ayopa Games LLC Genre:Action, Adventure, Arcade, Racing Release:Nov 11, 2015 Updated:Dec 13, 2016 Version:1.0.165 Size:180.4 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating: (3) Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal Vovin ð® Spam Police ð Nov 28, 2009 6,514 3 38 Germany #2 Vovin, Oct 21, 2015 I LOVE Ayopa! ### Happily trying this instantly. JohnnyCoghlan Well-Known Member Jul 18, 2011 156 0 16 SF, USA and Manchester, UK #3 JohnnyCoghlan, Oct 21, 2015 Awesome, thanks!!! Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #4 Exact-Psience, Oct 21, 2015 Same here! Instadownloading this too I've also been waiting for an Unpossible-ish game but with more character, and this looks to be it. JohnnyCoghlan Well-Known Member Jul 18, 2011 156 0 16 SF, USA and Manchester, UK #5 JohnnyCoghlan, Oct 21, 2015 Multiple upgradable characters, combat with dynamic enemies, control over rotating environment, mythological setting - there's a lot of character, for sure! NOEN Well-Known Member Jul 31, 2012 3,245 0 0 U.S. #6 NOEN, Oct 21, 2015 Looks pretty cool. Downloading it now. JohnnyCoghlan Well-Known Member Jul 18, 2011 156 0 16 SF, USA and Manchester, UK #7 JohnnyCoghlan, Oct 21, 2015 Nice! There's a lot more content and improvement going into the final global launch version that's launching on Nov 12, but this soft-launch version in Canada gives you a good indication of what the game's about! Adrian Rusu New Member Oct 21, 2015 1 0 0 Marketing http://www.amusedsloth.com/ #8 Adrian Rusu, Oct 21, 2015 Hi guys, I'm working with the development them of Asgard Run helping them on Marketing. Thank you for the kind words. We hope you'll have fun with the game, we certainly had our share . LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #9 LordShad0wz, Oct 21, 2015 I cannot believe you are making me wait until November to play this game! Why can't you Guys soft launch in the USA. Lol Exact-Psience Well-Known Member Jan 12, 2012 22,664 2 38 The Work-At-Home Guy Philippines #10 Exact-Psience, Oct 21, 2015 Im loving it. Really enjoying it. The single currency, the visuals, the rate of earning gems as a freemium title, and most of all the unique mechanics. It does have it's flaws though, and since it is in open beta/soft launch already i think i can just point them out here. First off, the tilt sequences. It's pretty inaccurate i think. I dislike tilt in general, but i am confident in saying that the tilt here is really off. My suggestion is to either tweak the tilt controls, maybe add a bigger hitbox for gathering the gems, or remove the tilt and replace it with "tap left or right to fly in that direction" instead. The tilt can be unnecessary and could be replaced with something that provides a more accurate control. Second, some enemies charging at you cant be seen until they are too close. This only happens when you are surrounded by obstacles, and when you are in an awkward curving path that obscures the view further ahead. Also, even if you have a clear line of sight ahead of you, you can see the enemies popping in too close. Maybe have their spawn area farther from your location. Third, i think the game needs a doubler to give it a premium feel. Purchasing a doubler should also remove the ads. The ads are pretty rare so far though. Does purchasing any other IAP remove the ads as well? Fourth. This im not sure coz i havent tried, but please have a limit to the number of revives. This will keep the leaderboards balanced, and still allow for more incentive for those willing to pay money for extra gems for reviving. I will keep on playing this game as it does scratch the runner itch well, but im hoping some or all of the points i raised will be considered. Thanks! Amenbrother Well-Known Member Jun 24, 2011 6,659 7 38 #11 Amenbrother, Oct 21, 2015 Will progress transfer from soft launch to US release? heretique Member Oct 22, 2015 10 0 0 #12 heretique, Oct 22, 2015 Thanks for feedback and suggestions Hi, I'm part of the dev team for Asgard Run. We will actively monitor this thread and answer you questions. Any feedback and suggestions are always welcomed. @Exact-Psience - your feedback is much appreciated. We could polish the tilt controls, but because no one complained about them before we didn't considered them to be a problem. The idea with them was to break a bit the pace of the game from time to time after a lot of repetitive swipe actions. - the problem with the enemies is tricky. this is something that we tried to avoid, and we are always looking to new solutions for that. Because of the context, tubular world, tube curvature, environment, sometimes is harder to see the enemies and indeed can become frustrating not having enough time to react. Enemies popping out of thin air is something that shouldn't happen, but as we got similar feedback we are actively looking to fix this. - we don't have right now removal of the ads by IAP. It is something that we're considering though along with a doubler. We show ads only after 10 - 15 deaths. We don't really love them but depending on how well IAPs are going we might go for a more ad oriented monetization, but in that case we will have to integrate them really well to avoid being to intrusive. - our solution for revives, at least for now, is to keep doubling the lifestones you need to use after each revive for a given running session, with a cap limit of 128 (we think of lowering this to 32 for release). We think this will make players make a choice between restarting all over or spending more lifestones for beating that record if they are close to it. Cheers, Catalin heretique Member Oct 22, 2015 10 0 0 #13 heretique, Oct 22, 2015 Last edited: Oct 23, 2015 Yes, your progress is kept using Facebook if logged in and also on Game Center. We only have right now a single global leader board and use your Facebook friends for a smaller leader board. Very similar with what Subway Surfers had or has. [Edit] I was a little quick to answer this one and it was misleading. The high score is kept on Facebook and Game Center not progress. In order to support progress persistence we would need a server to keep some form of user accounts. That would require additional work. We choose not to do that mostly because of the additional effort required and because the majority of other runners don't do it. So if you uninstall your game or install it on another device you lose your progress. Only high scores are persistent. Cheers touchy85 Well-Known Member Jan 21, 2015 1,616 1 38 #14 touchy85, Oct 23, 2015 Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel Nice twist on the runner genre. LordShad0wz Well-Known Member Nov 19, 2014 4,280 1 38 #15 LordShad0wz, Oct 23, 2015 Last edited: Oct 23, 2015 Please add an IAP to remove the ads. I cannot stress this enough. I don't mind non forced ads where you get in game rewards to view them. I can choose when to view those so I don't eat up my 4g data. But forced ads I need to be able to pay to get rid of them. They do use my 4g data and when not on wifi and it does add up. Also I love coin doublers as its a restorable feature. If your game is good I'm happy to give my money for both of these items. Billy twispby Well-Known Member Dec 28, 2012 133 0 0 #16 twispby, Oct 25, 2015 Loving this game so far. My only gripe is that the quests seem a bit buggy. Particularly the triple-kill x number of times and this one... Attached Files: image.jpg File size: 144.4 KB Views: 24 twispby Well-Known Member Dec 28, 2012 133 0 0 #17 twispby, Oct 25, 2015 I've collected a few safe guard potions through missions and it seems to count them maybe half the time. The increase was a new one! Other than that it's awesome sauce! heretique Member Oct 22, 2015 10 0 0 #18 heretique, Oct 26, 2015 The missions were a little buggy when we soft launched (the build on the store is a bit old). In the meantime we fixed most of them. We are about to submit a new version to App Store for the global launch. This will not contain removable ads or coin doubler because there isn't enough time to properly implement and test restorable IAPs (Apple approval takes around two weeks) but these will be added as an update after that as many of you are requesting them. For ads, right now the solution is to disable 3G/4G during playing to reduce traffic. twispby Well-Known Member Dec 28, 2012 133 0 0 #19 twispby, Oct 27, 2015 One thing I'd recommend is some option to skip missions that people get stuck on. Either by spending crystals, or items, or whatever. In my experience the missions seem to change the frequency of certain things appearing in runs. For example; I need to trigger 4 traps in one run and I have only seen three in my best run after playing all day. Before that mission I would have runs with 10 or more traps. Could just be bad luck, but the same seems to be true for treasure chest missions, or any other item based mission. As soon as they pop the items become extra rare. I understand if that's by design, but it'd be cool if there were a way to skip the super obnoxious ones! And I'd echo the crystal doubler! heretique Member Oct 22, 2015 10 0 0 #20 heretique, Oct 27, 2015 The missions can be skipped in the missions panel (main screen->last tab). If you tap on any mission it will expand and show you the price of skipping. This price is based on the experience points the mission gives you on the current build. We found it a little to easy to skip missions in the current version this way and the price in the upcoming version will be based on mission experience but also your level. Also it's worth to note that missions do not change any probabilities in games, if it happens that you don't get that last drop or something similar is just because of bad luck. We are not modifying probabilities after a particular event happens. (You must log in or sign up to post here.) 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Same here! Instadownloading this too I've also been waiting for an Unpossible-ish game but with more character, and this looks to be it.
Multiple upgradable characters, combat with dynamic enemies, control over rotating environment, mythological setting - there's a lot of character, for sure!
Nice! There's a lot more content and improvement going into the final global launch version that's launching on Nov 12, but this soft-launch version in Canada gives you a good indication of what the game's about!
Hi guys, I'm working with the development them of Asgard Run helping them on Marketing. Thank you for the kind words. We hope you'll have fun with the game, we certainly had our share .
I cannot believe you are making me wait until November to play this game! Why can't you Guys soft launch in the USA. Lol
Im loving it. Really enjoying it. The single currency, the visuals, the rate of earning gems as a freemium title, and most of all the unique mechanics. It does have it's flaws though, and since it is in open beta/soft launch already i think i can just point them out here. First off, the tilt sequences. It's pretty inaccurate i think. I dislike tilt in general, but i am confident in saying that the tilt here is really off. My suggestion is to either tweak the tilt controls, maybe add a bigger hitbox for gathering the gems, or remove the tilt and replace it with "tap left or right to fly in that direction" instead. The tilt can be unnecessary and could be replaced with something that provides a more accurate control. Second, some enemies charging at you cant be seen until they are too close. This only happens when you are surrounded by obstacles, and when you are in an awkward curving path that obscures the view further ahead. Also, even if you have a clear line of sight ahead of you, you can see the enemies popping in too close. Maybe have their spawn area farther from your location. Third, i think the game needs a doubler to give it a premium feel. Purchasing a doubler should also remove the ads. The ads are pretty rare so far though. Does purchasing any other IAP remove the ads as well? Fourth. This im not sure coz i havent tried, but please have a limit to the number of revives. This will keep the leaderboards balanced, and still allow for more incentive for those willing to pay money for extra gems for reviving. I will keep on playing this game as it does scratch the runner itch well, but im hoping some or all of the points i raised will be considered. Thanks!
Thanks for feedback and suggestions Hi, I'm part of the dev team for Asgard Run. We will actively monitor this thread and answer you questions. Any feedback and suggestions are always welcomed. @Exact-Psience - your feedback is much appreciated. We could polish the tilt controls, but because no one complained about them before we didn't considered them to be a problem. The idea with them was to break a bit the pace of the game from time to time after a lot of repetitive swipe actions. - the problem with the enemies is tricky. this is something that we tried to avoid, and we are always looking to new solutions for that. Because of the context, tubular world, tube curvature, environment, sometimes is harder to see the enemies and indeed can become frustrating not having enough time to react. Enemies popping out of thin air is something that shouldn't happen, but as we got similar feedback we are actively looking to fix this. - we don't have right now removal of the ads by IAP. It is something that we're considering though along with a doubler. We show ads only after 10 - 15 deaths. We don't really love them but depending on how well IAPs are going we might go for a more ad oriented monetization, but in that case we will have to integrate them really well to avoid being to intrusive. - our solution for revives, at least for now, is to keep doubling the lifestones you need to use after each revive for a given running session, with a cap limit of 128 (we think of lowering this to 32 for release). We think this will make players make a choice between restarting all over or spending more lifestones for beating that record if they are close to it. Cheers, Catalin
Yes, your progress is kept using Facebook if logged in and also on Game Center. We only have right now a single global leader board and use your Facebook friends for a smaller leader board. Very similar with what Subway Surfers had or has. [Edit] I was a little quick to answer this one and it was misleading. The high score is kept on Facebook and Game Center not progress. In order to support progress persistence we would need a server to keep some form of user accounts. That would require additional work. We choose not to do that mostly because of the additional effort required and because the majority of other runners don't do it. So if you uninstall your game or install it on another device you lose your progress. Only high scores are persistent. Cheers
Please add an IAP to remove the ads. I cannot stress this enough. I don't mind non forced ads where you get in game rewards to view them. I can choose when to view those so I don't eat up my 4g data. But forced ads I need to be able to pay to get rid of them. They do use my 4g data and when not on wifi and it does add up. Also I love coin doublers as its a restorable feature. If your game is good I'm happy to give my money for both of these items. Billy
Loving this game so far. My only gripe is that the quests seem a bit buggy. Particularly the triple-kill x number of times and this one...
I've collected a few safe guard potions through missions and it seems to count them maybe half the time. The increase was a new one! Other than that it's awesome sauce!
The missions were a little buggy when we soft launched (the build on the store is a bit old). In the meantime we fixed most of them. We are about to submit a new version to App Store for the global launch. This will not contain removable ads or coin doubler because there isn't enough time to properly implement and test restorable IAPs (Apple approval takes around two weeks) but these will be added as an update after that as many of you are requesting them. For ads, right now the solution is to disable 3G/4G during playing to reduce traffic.
One thing I'd recommend is some option to skip missions that people get stuck on. Either by spending crystals, or items, or whatever. In my experience the missions seem to change the frequency of certain things appearing in runs. For example; I need to trigger 4 traps in one run and I have only seen three in my best run after playing all day. Before that mission I would have runs with 10 or more traps. Could just be bad luck, but the same seems to be true for treasure chest missions, or any other item based mission. As soon as they pop the items become extra rare. I understand if that's by design, but it'd be cool if there were a way to skip the super obnoxious ones! And I'd echo the crystal doubler!
The missions can be skipped in the missions panel (main screen->last tab). If you tap on any mission it will expand and show you the price of skipping. This price is based on the experience points the mission gives you on the current build. We found it a little to easy to skip missions in the current version this way and the price in the upcoming version will be based on mission experience but also your level. Also it's worth to note that missions do not change any probabilities in games, if it happens that you don't get that last drop or something similar is just because of bad luck. We are not modifying probabilities after a particular event happens.