To the DUKE (since I could not arrange a match with you any longer) Have you decided to unfriend me on GC/ascension because you hate people expressing a different view or because you had enough of loosing? Now I am just kidding, but still I find it ridiculous if you really did and hope it is just some weird glitch. Ps: yes the loosing part is not true, we both defeated each other
As far as the Rocket Courier, I'm not to a point where I see why you wouldn't want to put the construct immediately into play, but since it is an option I presume there might be some reason to do that. Why would you ever NOT want to put the construct immediately into play? If there's a reason, then it would make sense to make it possible to do that, but perhaps have that capability disabled by default, settable in the options, such that you could then drag the construct either to your discard pile or the construct tray. Or perhaps after you acquire it it zooms front and center and presents two buttons with your choices. Or something like that. Regarding being able to see your entire deck - that is certainly needed for asynch play, so that was the right decision. Still, I love playing the game live best of all, and so if there were an option to create an actual Live game that won't be played asynch (in addition to an asynch option), then perhaps in that mode you could get rid of the viewing of your deck? That would give a more true experience of the game.
Gary Games announced in a video on boardgamegeek that they will be introducing some of the promo cards into the app and they have updates coming and the expansion will be this fall an will be cheaper than the original game as a IAP. That's pretty sweet news huh?
These guys are unreal. I hope they're making a killing. I will buy anything they make down the road, no question. Here's that interview. It's a darn shame Apple didn't recognize Ascension as Game of the Week. Hopefully they can still score that distinction.
Are we bored that much and asking for the update? Anyway, great to hear this being continuously supported. BTW, anyone up for a duel?
Not bored at all .... and right now I have 9 slow moving 3/4 players games going on. Not used to 3 or 4 played, so I am curious to see how these plays out.
Hey sorry Dukester, I have to forfeit our game. My wife is nagging at me and besides it is very clear that i am destroyed already. You were pretty awesome in that game.. I send you a message through the chat function in OF in Kard Combat because Ascension doesn't have chat function.
No biggie. And I'm not at all sure about "awesome" I just got rolling with Mechana in that game, which leads to huge scores. BTW, I don't mind if you take a whole day between turns or whatever. I'm in lots of slow-moving games; it doesn't bother me.
I didn't realize that the physical game had only been out for a year. Good to know that more expansions are coming for the physical game as well.
Just noticed that notifications do not work when mor than two games are ready .... Sorry guys for making you wait.
Now, now, let's not get dramatic. Also, if my GC list could only contain people I've never disagreed with, it would be down to like my dog and my mom. I recently deleted a bunch of clowns from BGG who, A) never play anything, and B) I never felt like I "knew," anyway. I probably inadvertently added you to that deleting frenzy.
Hei hei, I was joking .... Hopefully you noticed it I thought somehow my GC went nuts again while in sand mode. Changing topic, just finished my first match in four .... No clue how it went, but I think I will be the last. It ended before I even realised it. So different the game is in four!
I really really wish I could interact with the people I am playing with. I would like to chat and tell them it was a good game and discuss strategies and tactics with the people kicking my butt!
same here guys, hopefully there's some sort of chat function. I know voice chatting might be out of the question for now. but you know what? I think Apple should handle that with their Game Center which apart from letting you track leaderboard and achievements, almost did nothing significant... was hoping something nice from iOS5 but i think the improvement was easier to friend more people and asynchronous games support am I right? the only game that still lacks this one is Neuroshima Hex....