Just had a game where the other player forfeited and for some reason it lets me continue and play my turns back to back. Shouldn't the game give you a message that the player forfeited and say you won the game?
Hey guys, is the server down? I keep getting the message "Failed to connect to server". And yesterday was quite bad, i keep getting disconnected in the midst of my game with skarsnik.
Ah that's why you were so slow!!! In the game, you appeared to me as online throughout i.e. Green dot.
Ya man that game was quite bad for me, I keep getting disconnected especially near the end. I spent 15-20 mins trying to finish the last round because I keep getting disconnected! Haha I was almost ready to give up and go sleep already.
After the server resumed, I noticed that in some games in which the player is coloured red, it is not longer the case now.
I'm glad to see that it's wasn't just me that kept getting disconnected, but not happy that the problems continue this morning. Not only do I get disconnected every 30 seconds to a minute, but when I do it always forgets that I did anything and I have to try the turn again. Occasionally it sticks, but mostly not. I hope they can fix this soon! Also, how is Twofold Askara supposed to work? Sometimes when I play it it doesn't let me choose a card to copy. For example at the start of my turn I played Wolf Shaman, drew a card and got Twofold. I played it, but it didn't let me pick Shaman in order to copy it's effect???
Ooooh! I guess I just missed that it had drawn a card for me. Thanks for the clarification. Now if they'll fix the online....
Hey only have you to play now for the Ascension tournament! The online is fixed. Play whenever you're free, I've sent an invite! Btw, great games griffin. I don't think I'd ever drawn as many cards as that one play I had midway through our match. It was a thing of beauty
For what it's worth, I seem to be getting notifications on my iPhone now - I didn't get them at all before. I don't know yet if it's consistent. Also I haven't checked yet to see if I'm still getting them on my iPad. Also, this game really needs in-game notifications for when your turn comes up in another match, ala Carcassonne. As it stands I can't play randoms and wait for somebody here to come online and take their turn because it doesn't notify me. I have to manually check.