Art Survey...

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by r10k, Jun 5, 2010.

  1. r10k

    r10k Well-Known Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    Hi guys, I'm an artist who recently put up an art-related survey on an indie game dev forum, and thought to also post it here. The long story short is- I've guessed a bit in the past about what it is developers need in the way of art and how much they have to spend. Instead, I thought I'd ask and actually find out! Amazing idea, huh? :p

    Anyway, if you have the time and are willing I'd be super thankful if you can check it out. It's short, and as anonymous as I can make it. There's no reward for completing it, except you can tell everyone today you have successfully gained the 'Survey Achievement'.

    Visit the survey

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