Another update with some minor fixes that was release late last night. Version: 2.4.17 (Date: 25 January 2022) FIXES - Fixed a bug where the game would crash when requesting to watch an ad. - Minor bug fixes. - Further improved game stability and optimization!
Hey Heisters, We've finally passed the review for the next hotfix, the update will be available as soon as possible and the change log is found below. Version: 2.4.18 (Date: 1 February 2022) FIXES - Fixed a bug where you can’t play multiplayer with users on different platforms. - Fixed multiple bugs regarding “quick-tapping” issues which resulted the game to crash. - Fixed a bug where the game would crash when requesting to watch an ad. - Further improved game stability and optimization.
Hello Heisters, today we released another optional hotfix, this one more focused around the issues you've reported to us concerning the ads! It's always highly recommended to update to our latest version, if you find any issues do report them to us. (They may be specific issues to the type of device you use) Version: 2.4.19 (Date: 2 February 2022) FIXES - Fixed a bug where a pink background would show on Try and Buy missions. - Fixed and corrected the pop up for Need Diamonds when you don’t have enough diamonds. - Fixed rare exceptions that would cause the game to crash. - Updated AdNetworks which should improve quality of ads.
Hey Heisters, yesterday we had another hotfix rolling out, this one is focused on the issues for offers and crates. The update is optional, but as always we recommend users to always use the latest version of Armed Heist. Version: 2.4.20 (Date: 15 March 2022) FIXES Fixed a bug where you can buy massive crates and not get rewards. You can no longer buy infinite amount of crates, lose cash and not get rewards. Fixed the bug in the Daily Gifts where the game would get stuck if you try to pick up a reward. Fixed the no close offer bug. Players can close all the offers. Fixed the character pose in the End Screen where players who reloaded and going in the end circle would be placed weirdly in the End Screen.
Hey Heisters, Our new update is available for both Android and iOS, currently it is optional to download, but within an hour you'll get a notification that you have an update available. Everyone will be forced to update today in order for us to make cross-platform available again. No maintenance will be required however, just download and enjoy. Version: 2.4.22 (Date: 17 March 2022) FIXES - Fixed a bug where interstitial ads would show even if you had bought something in the shop.
Hey Heisters, This is just a small hotfix fixing the issue with offers not showing up in the shop. The update is optional. Version: 2.4.23 (Date: 21 March 2022) FIXES - Fixed an issue where offers would not show up in the shop if the user cancelled the purchase.
Hello Heisters, We've just released a new update, the change log is a tad small, but I will fill in an extra note to clarify for you more on what the update brings. Version: 2.4.24 (Date: 30 March 2022) FIXES - Fixed minor bugs that could cause the game to freeze and/or crash. NOTE In 2.4.24 we're introducing Linear progression to Armed Heist, this functionality will be tested on a small number of new players, meaning that any player who started playing Armed Heist before version 2.4.24 will not experience this functionality currently. Experienced players; don't be afraid if you notice something different on the Campaign tab for our new players requesting help, with that shared we hope our new players selected will enjoy the linear progression.
Hey SozapChris, do the specials always have to pop up every time I open the app...I purchased something to get rid of the forced pop ups, but everytime I open the app I get a special for ex: 19.99. I just say no thanks. It keeps happening every time I open the game. If I want to purchase that I will...I don't need to be reminded all the time. Thanks
Hello Stag, Purchases in the store does not get rid of offers, it takes away the forced ads you'll get after completing a heist, offers may still appear as they are not ads. Hope the information helps.
Hello Stag, The companion pictures are just adding the Health information (Just like in Co-Op heists). It was a step in our direction to streamline the experience for new players.
Hello Heisters, It's time for a new update we’ve added some quality of life (QoL) improvements - hashtags for when sharing pictures on social networks. Fixed several minor issues like MVP position on the Docks location, Heist News for android has been set up properly, killing through windows now counts correctly, and players should not be shot at the beginning of the scene before they have loaded in the heist. Added a profile creation popup in the tutorial. Version: 2.4.30 (Date: 13 June 2022) What’s New - Added a popup for creating/linking your new or existing profile at the beginning of the game! Now you can save your progress or continue after reinstalling, and change your nickname instantly! - Added 10+ new challenges for all players. FIXES - Improved and added hashtags when sharing your favorite moment in Armed Heist! - Fixed MVP screen in the Docks jobs. - Fixed an issue where if you would shoot enemies through a window they would not count in the total score. - Fixed a screen distortion when opening the Heist News panel for the first time. - Fixed to correctly show the minimum reward in the tutorial missions. - Fixed an issue where players would not get an invite in their mail after it expired. - Fixed issue where enemies would be aggressive already during the cinematic when not intended.
Our Season 17 is in full roll for two days now! There have been some major changes in how you progress in the season compared to progression before, In season 17 you'll progress on your Heist pass through playing Heists and completing challenges (Challenges have been reworked a bit in their gain of tokens, they are now setup in instances of 50 / 75 / 100 tokens depending on their difficulty. In combination to this we've also added some new and improved reward spans on challenges, the list follows NEW challenges: Baby rambo My first criminal steps Brainpower Unboxing Crystal clear value Adjusted challenges with spans: Expert headhunter medium rare kill A masterful rare kill Closer call Closest call Money tree Pirate booty SWAT whisperer Masterful escapist AR Frenzy (Two new spans) Shotty shotty bang bang (Two new spans) To SMG or not to SMG (Two new spans) Skillful marksman Masterful marksman Size doesn't matter (Two new spans) I'm getting real tired of your sh*t (Two new spans) Rare Assault (Two new spans) Taking out the trash (One new span) With all these changes we hope the new rewards from our Season 17 will interest you as even the Free pass will have access to Legendary cards for those who complete it!
Smaller information about our hotfix, this was mainly aimed towards the issues some players were experiencing with the Ad Networks, there might still be som disturbances, but do contact our support if you find any issues. ( email [email protected] ) Thank you all! Version: 2.4.301 (Date: 30 June 2022) WHAT'S NEW - Implemented a feature with which you can delete your account. Found in the settings menu → Profile. FIXES - Fixed and updated AdNetworks which should fix the black Ads.
Hello Heisters, We've been following all the reports of challenges and the crate issues, we are very happy to have such helpful community that reports everything to us. We're doing this together developers and players, thank you for being the best of the best! Version: 2.4.302 (Date: 11 July 2022) FIXES - Fixed a bug where the timer for crates would reset upon exiting the game. - Fixed a bug where you would not get a new challenge or be able to reload one for free. - Fixed the timer bug on challenges to reload when they are meant to reload. - Fixed the timer for challenges to be smaller on consecutive challenge reloads, when you reload one the other two in reload the timer is reduced.
Hello Heisters, I've just returned to work from my vacation, here to update the forum of the latest changes happening on the project. Version: 2.5.0 (Date: 2 August 2022) / 2.5.1 (Date: 4 August 2022) / 2.5.2 (Date: 6 August 2022) / 2.5.3 (Date: 7 August 2022) WHAT'S NEW - Helpshift Customer Support platform added. We will be using this from now for customer support and issues, please feel free to go through the FAQs as much as possible, any feedback is good feedback. The [email protected] will be in use until the end of August, in September we will be turning it off. - Added functionality “Claim Rewards” for the Heist Pass, you can now, by the press of a button claim all unclaimed rewards in the Heist Pass. - We’ve renewed the splash screen with our characters such as Mr. Smileys and the Templar. - You now get half of the XP reward for losing a mission. - Added reputation points in the Player Panel and an MVP player record. Prepare to show off! - Added a confirmation before leaving an Organization. FIXES - iPad UI has been optimized, Heist Pass cards are now optimized and visible as intended. - The “Jump To” button has been fixed. - Fixed the position of the mic in Multiplayer lobbies. - Friend activity light fixed to work as intended. - Equipment stats in the weapons and attachments have been fixed to show true values. - Fixed blank messages in Organizations. - Players will no longer get offers on weapons they’ve maxed out already. - Fixed ads showing a black screen. All ads should work now. - Fixed a crash when an offer would be initialized. (2.5.1) - Disabled AFK manager that caused players' drills to get stuck. (2.5.2) - General stability and crash fixes. (2.5.3)
Hello Heisters, We've done a smaller yet huge new version, this one is mainly to prepare our server transfer that will occur during September Information is also available on our homepage Version: 2.6.0 (Date: 8 September 2022) WHAT'S NEW - With this update we’re making a foundation for the new server. Players will be transferred in batches/groups, we will promptly announce this before hand. - Added a restriction limit players to play with the same character on multiple devices. FIXES - The search for friends has been optimized, should now be faster.
We released a new hofix yesterday! Version: 2.6.1 (Date: 13 September 2022) FIXES - Fixed messages and requests not appearing in organization screen. - Fixed getting stuck in tutorial if a player leaves during last tutorial mission.
We released a new hofix yesterday! Version: 2.6.2 (Date: 15 September 2022) FIXES - Challenge reload fixed. - Fixed Season Pass indication when finishing a heist, correctly displaying Season Tier Information. - General stability improved.