Are you getting an iPad 3?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by Tommet, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. New England Gamer

    New England Gamer Moderator
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    Jul 30, 2009
    #281 New England Gamer, Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
    My points in that post have nothing to do with the pros and cons of getting an iPad are clearly over your head. It's like getting water from a stone at this point. Enjoy your new tablet whatever it is and whatever capabilities it might have.

    But unfortunately I have to take whatever you say about iOS gaming and games with a grain of salt now as you have successfully tarnished your credibility in my eyes with your rabid dog with a bone mentality in this thread. (especially when you say you will abandon the platform anyway when something "better" comes along)
  2. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
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    Ohio, USA
    #282 GoofyJmaster., Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
    Alright, I will! I wasn't even going to get any tablet until this thread. Honestly, like DistanJ said, a lot evolved/changed over the course of my posts. I see the iPad as now more useless than ever.

    I forgot about Zune too, so thanks for that! It will be much more cost effective in this day and age of virtual music. it looks awesome as well and not blah.


    I do it for the fun and dev support anyway. Even though it has been quite a bit less fun lately.
  3. crunc

    crunc Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2008
    I won't be getting an iPad 3, but only because I have an iPad 2 and it seems pretty nifty already. I'm going to hold out until the iPad 4 before I upgrade. Hmmm, then again next year I'll be upgrading to the next iPhone (I have an iPhone 4, not an "s", now), so I'm not sure. Maybe I'll jump to the iPad 3 anyway so I can be on alternating years on upgrades. iPads have pretty good resale value, so I should be able to lower the cost to something more reasonable.
  4. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    #284 ImNoSuperMan, Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
    Lol. Goofy still going on. Gotta give u credit for choosing a perfect user id though. You really are a master of goof ups.

    Anyways, please get the hell out of this thread like you promised atleast 50 times already. We get it. You're too much of a ms fanboy to accept iPad as a worthwhile device.

    For the rest of us...



    Edit: or maybe continue. I'll just create a new thread for iPad 3. Stay out of the thread unless you are atleast 13. mKay?
  5. dclose

    dclose Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    #285 dclose, Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
    "And touch."


    Well, since we know the existing iPad already has a touch screen, does this mean a new iPod Touch is coming too?

    Edit: Just posted this comment in the new iPad 3 discussion ImNoSuperMan created instead. Figure the discussion probably should continue there...?
  6. Eli

    Eli ᕕ┌◕ᗜ◕┐ᕗ
    Staff Member Patreon Silver Patreon Gold

    This is some masterful god damn trolling by GoofyJmaster.

    If he's being serious then...

  7. lord-sam

    lord-sam Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    United Kingdom
    What is this 'sammy tablet' that has been mentioned. May just get it for the name :p
  8. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    Samsung slate 7.
  9. backtothis

    backtothis im in ur base killin ur d00dz
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    Is this thread getting locked soon..
  10. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    No frigging way. Goofy is so much fun to listen to after a hard day of work at office. Why would you want to stop this comedy?
  11. DistantJ

    DistantJ Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2012
    #291 DistantJ, Feb 28, 2012
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2012
    Mac is expensive but definitely not overpriced. You have to realise the kind of hardware (and no don't throw spec numbers at me, it's more about the quality of the speakers, screen, microphone etc. etc.) that goes into them before you claim they're overpriced. Most sub-$1000 PCs compromise in one way or another and a Mac Mini (the Mac in a 'tower' instead of the entire system with the screen, keyboard, mouse etc.) is priced the same as a PC of the same spec. It's just, if people don't need all these features, they don't need a Mac. Expensive yes, overpriced no.

    I do, yes, I was referring to the Fandroids. Apple basically made computers accessible and enjoyable.

    Again, here's the thing. It might look great but how do you know it'll be a good gaming platform? I agree that iOS is the best gaming platform, but how would Win8 overtake it? We don't know anything about what games are on Win8 and iOS has had about a 6 year head start. It'd be like looking at the form factor and menus of the next Xbox and saying it was going to be better than the next PlayStation or Wii U or whatever without having actually seen what games are even going to be on it.

    I prefer Android for a tablet's OS but damn if that marketplace isn't a totally empty pile of crap in comparison. What am I even supposed to do with the thing when I'm not browsing the net?
  12. lord-sam

    lord-sam Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2009
    United Kingdom
    Ahh in that case, I won't get one! Lol.

    Seems Goofy has p**sed off and made his own Win8 tread. Still ironic that it's on an iDevice gaming forum....
  13. GoofyJmaster.

    GoofyJmaster. Well-Known Member

    Oct 11, 2011
    College Student
    Ohio, USA
    It's the lounge and there are threads for Android, Xbox, Nintendo Ds, and PSP.

    What's the point of talking about it on a Windows loving thread. i already know how they'll feel. I want to see how people on here feel after I've presented some more info.
  14. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    So how long is the average wait from the unveiling to it dropping retail? If I remember correctly, isn't it roughly a few weeks to a month? My guess is April 2 in stores, and I can't fracking wait!!
  15. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
  16. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
  17. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    iPad 3 to drop "Home" button below the display?!

    "Beyond that, there is a small detail that reveals something that most weren't even expecting. It's easy to see that that there is no home button below the display. While some may think that this is because the tablet is in landscape mode, the spacing between the icons tell a different story."

    "In addition, they can potentially use this "gesture area" for swiping commands like moving forward and backwards in apps or a web browser, or to easily access something like notifications"
  18. 1337brian

    1337brian Well-Known Member

    Oct 12, 2008
    In My Head
    Or the icons are off because it's in landscape and the wallpaper isn't formatted for the new retina display yet..

    Either way, there will be a home button...
  19. killercow

    killercow Well-Known Member

    I don't think they would take a picture or present a product if it's not ready. That's not really the Apple way. They could well be reading too much into that (The ipad could be "upside down") but the rumour of a buttonless ios device has been around for quite some time now, ever since the gestures removed the need for it.
  20. triggywiggy

    triggywiggy Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2010
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    But by what they are saying it will use gestures where the button used to be. Which would not work.

    I don't think they will remove the button as it signifies what an iPad and iPhone is all about.

    I have been studying the image and I would say its landscape with maybe another app added on. But I doubt they will give away what is happening before the conference. There also appears to be no power adapter in that image further inhancing my theory.

    Really IGN know nothing.

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