It was a great team effort! To think we came up with answer to the problem before anyone else on the Internet and apple engineering seems crazy. TouchArcade should really make it a cover story because there is a lot of people out there with the same problem. Well done again to all and thank god I don't have to restore for the 12th time....touch wood. #
Ha ha! Really it seems as though having been on iOS since the first iPhone, you'd think I'd have been on top of this, sadly it took me spending LESS time with my phone to help figure it out. Working even longer hours than my previous job only allows me brief intervals with my device now, so limiting my actions narrowed the possibilities for me and logging into my NZ account yesterday and d/l Rayman Adventure was the ONLY thing I had time for. Hell, if I hadn't been curious as to why my achievements came flooding across the screen, I'd still be clueless. As for Ramon contacting the Apple tech personnel, let's just hope they're as responsive as one would hope, I'm sure in their eyes using multiple accounts on a single device is a grey area that they might not feel is legitimately worth delving into. It sure does seem like an ideal situation though, a working, painless GameCenter...
I have some bad news, my gamecenter has broken again and I haven't been to any other countries AppStore. Oh dear, the problem isn't identified after all. #
Shoot, as I only used the Canadian Appstore once waay back on a different iPad, I had to admit, I had some doubts that explained it all, but was hopeful. Heck, it still might have been a useful clue for the engineers to find the real issue.
Yeah, I don't use any other store (although I have music and books from the US iTunes). Man, iOS 9 is just generally a huge piece of shit. It's worse than Android. If I delete apps that have updates and don't do the updates before deleting them, I get permanent App Store badges now. What is this shit?
I have heaps of credit in my iTunes account, if gamecenter doesn't work any more I wasn't a refund. Competition on the leaderboards with friends was a lot of the reason I was loving iOS gaming. I have asked for a full refund and when I do get it, I'll be gaming on my wiiU and 3DS from now on. It's very disappointing by Apple.
iPhone 6 running iOS 9.1. Just 1 App Store account on the phone but I have an extra US account with 5 cents lol
Wait, so as one blocked out, without any sort of new iOS update, it just started working for you again? Makes sense that it was something stupid on the server end.
I can't login, haven't been able to for weeks, I only have one iTunes apple account, it's US account. So the multiple accounts can't be the issue. I can't delete games, if I try everything freezes and I have to reset the iPad. The only way to delete is to go through settings, it is such a pain. So much for high score chasing. Does anyone know when or if Apple will fix this, they can't be this incompetent can they? iOS 9 is garbage
I have the same Game Center problem as you all have. Every once in a while, game Center will suddenly start working only to break again after a very short time. Very strange. Maybe Apple will finally fix this in ios10?
Steve Jobs would be on an office rampage for the books if he were around for the issues they've had lately, as well as some policies that I can't imagine him standing behind.
Crap, this just happened to me for the first time, I can't play games that need to login to game center before playing.
They have stopped replying my emails, I just guess the problem is bigger than they handle. Just have to move on and try and forget about GameCenter. I can't see a fix before Christmas. I bought Animal Crossing for the 3DS, so good. Thanks apple for pushing me back to my Nintendo 3DS and WiiU, best thing you have done all year. R.I.P. - GameCenter