Universal Arcane Quest Legends (by Marco Pravato)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by lordnedox, Dec 21, 2018.

  1. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    played a bit with the Ranger, and let me add some suggestions:
    Further camera zoom out. For ranged classes it is not enough
    Auto target the enemies even after rolling / dodging away. I roll away from a goblin and my character attacks in the direction he was going - away at the air, not at the goblin. Having to manually waste a second to make him turn again costs the ranged gameplay.
    For skill targeting, auto target nearest enemy or option drag the skill on the area would work fine like in the mobas.
    My short imps are that it needs some minor work for user convenience and fluid gameplay, but it can be one of the best ios games afterwards.
    ZS77 likes this.
  2. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    I just started Act 2, (I noticed this also near the end of Act 1). I no longer get the "circles" for spells in the lower right hand side for Flaming Boulder, Frost Nova, & Fire Demon, etc. So, there’s no way to select them in combat. I did get them earlier in the game. It seems that the ‘add-on’ spells in each category no longer are available to cast.
    Also, I am positive that a couple times I enchanted a piece of equipment and the new gem did not show up on the item. There was no indication that the gems would not work with the item when I used it. With one gem, I know it should work because it was the same exact enchantment that I just extracted from the item and tried to replace with the same type, only it had a much higher percentage rate of regeneration. I know you can’t have 2 gems of the same kind, this item only had 1. But the new gem did not replace the one I extracted.
    I do love the game and the effort you put into this is really amazing. Please help with these problems. Thanks very much!
    ZS77 likes this.
  3. stubbieoz

    stubbieoz Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2015
    Grey haired gamer
    NSW Australia
    I totally agree with all ramzarules said above.
    I am playing a ranged character and am finding the targeting system to be very lacking. Many times I too am just shooting at nothing. The reliance on using the left control for movement and targeting is not intuitive for me. I feel myself automatically moving my right finger to aim and shoot - which of coarse doesn’t work.
    And while the zoom out is now further, it still feels somewhat clostrophobic for a ranged character.

    But these are not game breaking issues. The game is fun to play. It looks and sounds great and the gameplay is perfect for an arpg.
    ZS77 likes this.
  4. JJE

    JJE Well-Known Member

    Feb 22, 2012
    Boston, Massachusetts
    Very impressive game. I’ll buy more chapters. There is no question.

    Playing a mage. Same issue as everyone. Ranged combat needs to get tighter. I’m relying heavily on AOE spells and hoping my staff will lock on something, anything if I spam it.
    Dodge shouldn’t end with the character facing away from the action. Dodge, either sideways or back shouldn’t change the characters orientation.
    Really appreciate camera movement however it’s way too sensitive on an iPad Pro. The screen rotates beautifully fast but it’s hard to move it accurately. I suggest a slider in settings for speed.

    Would use a Mfi controller if that option was available. I have a Nimbus. Two joysticks could easily solve the camera problem and aiming somewhat. Controllers and iPads are a match made in heaven, IMO.
    But I wouldn’t suggest you make Mfi a priority at the moment. Quick response to customer concerns, as you have been doing, goes a long way to establishing an apps presence especially in the critical first weeks after launch. Quash bugs and add quality of life improvements. Mfi for March? Maybe?

    Thanks again for a great game
    ZS77 likes this.
  5. henrycupcake

    henrycupcake Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2015
    you seems unfamiliar with the iOS development

    will you consider making this game to tvOS + Mac OS + iCloud + MFI gamepad support so I can save my progress & play the game across all my apple device?

    Apple is going to enable developers to move iOS mobile apps over to the Mac. The capability will be available to developers in 2019.
  6. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Loving this game like everyone else and agree with the above comments. I had to give up on the mage path and go warrior. Heck, even the mage seems destined for melee because there are far more two handed (melee) staffs than single thus far.
  7. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    Marco, this game is great but there are a few problems. Besides the ones I mentioned above, here’s another one. Today when facing a boss, all the magic spell buttons for some reason moved all together to the very middle of the screen instead of the lower right where they belong (except the sword/fighting button which stayed where it was). Very strange. After the fight was over they all moved back. I still can’t add any more spells as explained in the earlier msg above. And still the problem with using the gems I mentioned above. I know you probably have a lot to do right now, but I just have to say, you’ve really got something very good here. Thanks.
    ZS77 likes this.
  8. mgdpublic

    mgdpublic Member

    Nov 20, 2010
    It'd be nice to be able to rearrange the skill button positions. On the iPad pro there is too much distance between default and special attacks and the dodge is in a really awkward place.
    ZS77 and houseofg like this.
  9. smugpugd

    smugpugd Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    I have found a few instances where the loot from containers or, more rarely, monsters, gets stuck in the edges of terrain against the walls. This happens most noticeably in the side quest where you gather the ruby rings. I know that’s a difficult bug to squash without a squad of testers to document and reproduce it for you, but I’ve noticed it most often from containers next to mountainous/cave/natural walls, so maybe in the forthcoming chapters, and easy thing to do would be to increase the distance between those walls and breakable containers. It’s honestly, I think, too labor intensive for you as an indie dev to go back and test/fix all that. I just noticed someone mentioned it above and wanted to comment on where I see it most.
    The “mage” and “ranger”type classes are more difficult than the warrior type. One thing I would suggest for ranger balancing is that if you could go to a “reserved mana” system for some of the toggle abilities, that might balance them better. I’m not sure if that is easily doable. Another suggestion is to reduce mana costs a little since I’ve noticed damage is the least using this method of play.
    The mage needs to have ranged two handed “staves”, perhaps? I think this type is much more user friendly in its current state than the ranger, although both would benefit from better targeting, the ability to easily switch targets, and the various other improvements people have suggested.
    I am having a blast with this game and especially my warrior character. The mage is fun too but much more challenging, and the ranger is close to being quite fun. You’ve done a great job on it and I hope it is profitable enough for your continued investment of support and content development!
    ZS77 likes this.
  10. lordnedox

    lordnedox Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2014
    sorry for not quoting every message, but please be assured that everything that's been said will be taken into consideration. I'm a bit overwhelmed now with things to do, since different players are asking for different things, and as you know I work on this on my spare time, it's not my main job.

    However, I think a few important points have been highlighted:
    1. Difficulty to target with ranged characters
    2. Cloud saves support (was already a planned feature)
    3. Some bugs with the actions panel (will try to re-create the issue, might be a bit hard)
    4. Camera improvements

    On top of this, there's still Act 4 that has to be developed ASAP, so I think there will be a middle release with fixes and improvements, before the major release of the new Act, if everything goes according to the plan.

    Thanks to everybody for the feedback!

    JJE, henrycupcake, Lull4by and 2 others like this.
  11. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Was about to jump in and say no controller support, such a shame for this type of game! Really hope this gets added, would make this a definite including IAP’s. Oh well, will wait and see!
  12. ramzarules

    ramzarules Well-Known Member

    Sep 13, 2014
    I think in this thread we are all so passionate but well meaning for feedback, because we all have been waiting for exactly this type of game!
    Wishme, ZS77, decript and 2 others like this.
  13. IggyZX_

    IggyZX_ Member

    Jul 4, 2014
    Great game, loving the experience so far. Will definitely buy more chapters. My main gripe is small area where you can move the camera. It's kinda hard to reach on a big screen. IMO, the area where you can move the camera should be the entire middle to right (and top to bottom) side of the screen (not just upper central area).

    I just wish we had more games like this in mobile space.
    ZS77 likes this.
  14. Warmskin

    Warmskin Active Member

    Jun 20, 2015
    Even with a few problems, I’m still loving this. I finished Act 1 and the only thing I miss in Act 2 is that cello used when shopping. Don’t get me wrong, I like the music now too, but in Act 4 at least, add more cello!
  15. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Unfortunately I was insanely busy (and still am), and didn't have any time to check out the released version, let alone post about it.
    But anyways, I just saw this. Congratulations on the feature, Marco! Very well deserved!

  16. NuMystic

    NuMystic Member

    Nov 19, 2009
    Equipment bug to report:

    Equipping Sorcerer Armor 1 removes whatever is in the leggings slot and is pictured in both slots, whereas any other armor can be combined with leggings. No problem wearing Scout, Adept, or Fighter armor with leggings/pants. Just the Sorcerer.

    Please let your mages go out in something other than their underwear! Not to mention all the stones I wasted swapping and loading up the leggings I can't equip now. :(
  17. Jackaluk

    Jackaluk Well-Known Member

    Jul 3, 2015
    Any update on controller support?
  18. EmilianoDTH

    EmilianoDTH Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2019

    Does this game support progression saving by GameCenter/FB/Cloud ?

    Also, are you going to work on a multiplayer mode feature ? That would be cool.
  19. breban1

    breban1 Well-Known Member

    VERY high quality, love the cut scenes and game play.

    My one pretty major gripe is the camera. Constantly going to the top of the screen to rotate has become almost a chore after about 30 mins of play. If the camera rotation could be "anywhere but the attack/move" area, it would be MUCH better imo. Gonna hold off for now until this is addressed.
  20. Jwag

    Jwag New Member

    Mar 11, 2019
    Absolutely great game.

    1.I feel like the biggest problem with the targeting system was the close proximity needed to aquire targets. I wonder if the function that checks for nearby targets could just have it's range increased. It would be nice to have controller of targets, but this small fix sounds easier to code.

    2. I Also had the problem with some loot and gold falling out of reach. I wonder how hard it would be to code a proximity function for aquiring neerby loot at close range. If it wasn't to difficult, this may be a viable alternative to having to be standing on the loot to pick it up. Picking up loot at a close distance as opposed to being right on top of it aught not to change gameplay to much. This might not solve every instance, but would get most of them.

    Utterly impressed that only 1 Dev made this. Very good job.

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