GameClub Aralon: Sword and Shadow (by Crescent Moon Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ImNoSuperMan, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. silentcorp

    silentcorp Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2010
    It's funny because all of the bugs people are having with Aralon, I've had with Fallout New Vegas.

    Characters randomly fall into the world, things float, game crashes, save games are corrupted ect ect.

    An open world game of any large size is going to be buggy, regardless of how many millions of dollars you have to spend or how much man power you have at your disposal. Open world game engines have always been buggy, the Grand Theft Games, Fallout, Oblivion ect ect- they all have some glaring flaws yet each game is still totally worth the play through, much like Aralon!
  2. Epox

    Epox Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2010
    I honestly do not lke this game. not trolling just simply saying. I mean its an awesome game, but to me on the iOS it just doesnt work.
  3. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    Yeah, this seems like one of those games that has pushed it a BIT too far. That's why I'm holding off a purchase until most of the bugs are fixed.
  4. Saucepolicy

    Saucepolicy Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Feb 18, 2009
    Crispy ex-game developer
    That's no different than the Elder Scrolls series. I imagine that anyone who has put serious time into that game has a character who is the leader of multiple guilds, if not all of them.

    What you really want is a faction system, where doing missions for one group could anger another. It's an interesting suggestion for a sequel.
  5. tadad1

    tadad1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Yeah thats annoying happened to me as well, I ended up in a dead end alley with Greyblade following me and then could not get out because he blocked the exit. I ended up having to dismiss him because I did not want to loose my progress by restarting from my last save.
  6. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Ya... is there a way to take items off the bar. I accidentally put the same one up twice and I want to have a blank spot so I don't hit it on accident.
  7. uselessbass

    uselessbass Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    For sure man, when I had oblivion on pc when it came out there where so many bugs sometimes I had to use console commands to get though quest's infact I had to alot, but as the game aged they fixed all that stuff and that was from a big studio. Aralon from what I understand is a small group of devs, and I think they did a excellent job on this game. I have been waiting for a long time for a game like this to come to my iphone, thanks guys for making this game how about a expansion in the future ? I would pay money for it !!!!!
  8. uselessbass

    uselessbass Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Im not sure u could try putting a item u don't care about in that spot then drop that item ???
  9. jsrco

    jsrco Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Oct 15, 2009
    Gonna try... lesson learned from all of this: don't play drunk!
  10. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    I found several more re-used icons when playing last night. Mostly loot (leather pants and such) that were taken from WoW. I was going to mock up another JPG showing it, but I saw like five and I'm lazy and it's not my job, so... :)

    Still, though: that icon guy who hired is a nasty little shit and I hope you recoup whatever you paid him/her.
  11. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Blambot font, there? :)
  12. darwiniandude

    darwiniandude Well-Known Member

    Nov 1, 2008
    This! Please! Please implement either a cloud based save, or a basic save file accessible through iTunes file transfer even...

    Such an awesome long, detailed game, I've been playing on the iPad and sometimes (eg at dinner table, out in public) I can't really whip out the iPad... i'd love to be able to play on the iPhone too.

  13. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Is there a thread, yet, for bugs? Either here or at the dev's site?

    Couple things I wanted to mention:

    1) The controls are WAY too sensitive and too small.
    I think most people navigate this sort of avatar by holding forward on the joystick and using look-move to turn, etc. It's the most convenient way in games like guild wars, Wow, etc. It works in Aralon, but the look sensitivity is SO HIGH. Moving a millimeter in any direction is usually what you want...but that's not easy re: fine-motor control.

    2) Please take the suggestion someone made for fast switching to first person OR allowing us to look upward.

    3) With a human rogue with the hair that falls in strands over her eyes (in a bun), when I stealth, my hair disappears -- I go bald.

    4) Quest floaties don't seem to be working right. Sometimes it's correctly a "?" floating over an NPCs head, other times it's still a "!" just prior to completing the quest. Also, is there an indicator that somebody has given you a quest that isn't yet finished? (A la the gray "!" in WoW)

    5) In 1st person POV, you can easily run through a dungeon and ditch mob agro really easily. In 3rd person, the agro is much harder to shake (if you can shake it at all)

    6) Item compare when purchasing is a must.

    7) Selling items is a chore. So is looting. Any ways to streamline the process (ie reduce the number of 'mouse clicks' required would be a godsend)

    8) If you kill a mob with a plant nearby, you have to move a bit to get the plan to become interactive again. Touching it directly does not do the trick.

    9) I get lost in the dungeons. I would LOVE to have a HUD map or minimap!

    10) Climbing is wonky. I usually have to try several times to get up a ladder, for instance.

    11) Fog! Please, please add distance fog where the otherwise gorgeous landscape clips in really weird, Inception-esque ways. It really undermines the aesthetic AND is really disorienting!

    12) Somebody else (imo correctly) pointed out that the music would be a greater addition to the tone of the game if it weren't so energetic (and loud!). That is, more environmental noises, more backgroundy music. I want elevator music, not Lil' Wayne concert.


    This game is amazing. I absolutely adore it. It's beautiful, immersive, deep, has personality and feels, for lack of a better explanation, like the future of MMO gaming on the go.
  14. lampshade37

    lampshade37 Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2010
  15. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Oop, a couple more:

    13) A lot of the requirement checks for actions occur after the progress bar instead of before. Like, you can attempt to craft something, but don't find out you don't have enough ingredients until after the progress bar. Same with trying to mount in a dungeon.

    14) Quite a few NPCs continue to ask you for help after you've completed their quest.
  16. JoshCM

    JoshCM Well-Known Member

    Aug 11, 2009
    Game Designer
    Upstate NY
    The update is 'In Review'
    That means its pretty close.
  17. red12355

    red12355 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2010
    I agree with everything you've said so far. This game is good, but it still needs some polish and testing.
  18. jxjja

    jxjja Well-Known Member

    Sep 22, 2009
    Wow that was fast! :D

    Btw does anyone know where can I learn how to forge or cook fish strews like in the video that Josh uploaded like a month ago?
  19. radchad1

    radchad1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2008
    Lake Zurich, Illinois

    I'm at the same part that a few of us are at with the freeze at the mansion maze garden that is getting fixed in the next update :) Will my game still be saved and can i continue to start at that part or will I be playing from the beginning again :rolleyes:
  20. theblackw0lf

    theblackw0lf Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2009
    Ok I give up, where is the third switch in the Temple of Azra? The one for the gate right behind the swinging pendulums.

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