Quick question is there a way to unlink an item I know you can just put something over but I just want to remove it from link
do npcs respawn? cuz i accidently killed rufus and the other guy in the pig and hound for the guild quest thing.
With an iPhone 4, this will not have those flaws really. Also, you can either pay now (6.99) or pay later (9.99). Even if you do find a flaw ( doubtful), you can assure that they will fix any bugs or what not. So far, on the iPad, which is basically like playing on an iPhone 4, I have only found 2 bugs, which I went way out of the way to find. LoL. I recommend getting it, YOU WILL NOT REGRET IT! It is the best RPG on the appstore and probably even action/adventure on AppStore as well. Ask anyone here and they'll say, "buy it!." still.... It's your choice.
Aside from some clipping issues I've had no problems running this on my 4G Touch. It's a lot of fun in spite of some of the warts which will be ironed out. As for battery life, it's not nearly the battery drain that I thought it would be. I've played it on and off all day and still have about 40% battery life. Which will be reduced as I'm about to play some more.
hey guys why do my "summon pet fire elemental 2" pets generally come up lower level (4-5) than my "summon pet fire elemental 1" (level 4-6) pets? anyone else have this trouble? EDIT: included a 3 screenshots. the level 6 elemental was made by fire pet #1 skill, the level 4 elemental by fire pet #2 skill. ...
Um... So about the reputation problem, I just met with Quentin in the sewers and he changed my reputation allignment to neutral. But when I went outside and into the main city, the guards still attacked me, called me a traitor, and I became an outlaw again for just being seen walking around. So is there a way to get your alignment to lawful? I thought being neutral would fix it but apparently it didn't.
Is there any way to get around the "falling from the sky and dieing thing" without waiting for the update?
Thanks for working so hard on this...I know it shouldn't really work on 2G but it'll be great to get a chance to play on the game properly!
Man Aralon gets really good when you get used to everything. Plus, I just discovered that I had a horse mount right from the beginning. Now I'm just ridin' my horse everywhere. The white steed is faaaassst! I guess I just had to get used to everything to enjoy this game. It gets absolutely epic sometimes. If I had to give it a score, it would be 9/10.